"How did Ryuguin-san do in this exam?"

""Everyone in the school is discussing about you and Iguchi Kou. Who of you will get the higher score in this exam~" Ran Ueyama said excitedly.

Yumiko was also very happy to see her former students again. Looking at her former students, her eyes were full of joy.

The head waiter in the restaurant came over, smiled at the two of them, patted Ran Ueyama on the shoulder and motioned her to go somewhere else to pour tea for the guests.

Looking at Ran Ueyama who was leaving, Yumiko sighed with some emotion, turned and smiled at Ryuguin Aoyama,"See! Everyone still has expectations for you. How was the exam this time?"

Ryuguin Aoyama showed confidence in his eyes and said,"It's a piece of cake!"

Seeing him say that, Yumiko was relieved and picked up the knife and fork to cut the steak on the plate......

Monday is the day to announce the results.

The principal's heart has been anxious for a few days and he is finally waiting for the fateful moment.

As long as Ryuuguuin Aoyama's grades are excellent, he will be able to sit firmly on the position of Principal of Suzuran; if not, he will have no choice but to resign.

The door of the office was opened, and a teacher rushed in, shouting:"Principal, principal! It's stable, it's really stable this time!!!"

The principal jumped up from his chair, with a look of joy on his face, and asked:"How is it, Ryuuguuin Aoyama's grades are okay! Did he pass all the exams?!"

The teacher who came to report the news was full of excitement, and he stumbled to the principal.

"More than just passing! She's number one! She beat the number one from Lingfeng School! Principal, our Linglan is now famous, but not because of fighting."

The principal put his hand on his heart, pressing hard to stop his heart that was about to jump out.

To be honest, he had always hoped that Ryuguin Aoyama's grades would be just average and excellent. He had never been confident that he could beat Lingfeng School.

But now that fantasy has become reality, he, the principal, feels like he is dreaming.

On the school's grade bulletin board, the school's grade rankings are posted. At a glance, there are only zeros or single digits or double digits; there are only a few with scores in the triple digits;

Ryuguin Aoyama's name in the first position at the front, and the score written behind it, make people who see it dumbfounded, his score is close to the total score of all subjects added up.

Sangaku, who was standing in front of the bulletin board, saw that Ryuguin Aoyama had scored such a high score, and his body fell backwards.

Ryuguin Aoyama's score in one time was almost the sum of his scores in all his exams.

Suzuki, who was used to it, pushed Sangaku from behind,"How is it? I told you a long time ago, I remember you didn't believe it at that time~"

Standing firm, Sangaku nodded without denying it, turned around and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who was standing in front of the window on the third floor, and gave him a thumbs up;


Makise Takashi, who came to check the results for the first time, finally saw his name at the end of the bulletin board, 'Makise Takashi, 76 points’


He was so angry that he scratched his name with his finger.

He had written his name, selected all the multiple-choice questions, and filled in all the answers he felt he knew, but the result was not as high as Ryuguin Qingshan's.

The principal came to Class B with many teachers, stood at the door of the class, and shouted with a smile:

"Ryuguin-san! We just received a notice from the Education Bureau that the top three students in this exam will be rewarded. You represent our Suzuran High School and you are the first place!"

When the principal said the word 'first place', his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

The car outside was ready, carrying the principal, Ryuguin Aoyama, and some teachers away from the school; everyone who has seen the bulletin board knows that the school's Ryuguin Aoyama is not only strong, but also extremely good at studying.

There were also many people gathered in front of the bulletin board, pointing and talking; in the past, no one had ever paid attention to the things posted on the school bulletin board, but today was an exception. There was a commotion at the back, and the people in the front turned their heads and saw that it was Serizawa who brought people to look at the bulletin board.

They made way for Serizawa and his group to pass and reach the bulletin board.

Serizawa looked at the name of Ryuguin Aoyama on it, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze became meaningful and difficult to understand.

Shi Sheng chuckled and said,"Haha, this Ryuguin Aoyama is really a rare person. He transferred to Suzuran and can study hard. It's amazing."

Listening to Tokisei's words, Serizawa said nothing and turned away from the bulletin board.

Ever since the incident with Tokaji, Serizawa hadn't spoken much in the past few days.

When he reached the stairs, Serizawa suddenly asked,"Tokisei, what happened to you today?"...Do you want to go for a checkup?"

Shi Sheng's expression changed slightly, then he smiled and said,"Oh, it seems like that's the case. I would have forgotten it if you hadn't told me."

"Then I'll accompany you to the checkup later!"

Seeing Serizawa say this, Shisheng couldn't help laughing and patted the other's shoulder,"Hey, hey, hey, elementary school student? It's just a checkup! Why do I need you to accompany me? I can go by myself."

Shisheng raised his eyebrows and continued:"Wow, wow, Tamao! Do you want to ride my motorcycle again?"

Serizawa curled his lips slightly,"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I'll go with you to kill some time."

Seeing that Serizawa insisted on going, Shisheng didn't say much, raised his hand and put his arm around the other's shoulder and went upstairs together.

Genji, who happened to come down from upstairs, saw this scene, and passed by Shisheng with an expressionless face, without saying a word.

The smile on Shisheng's face became stiff, and he turned his head to look at Genji who was going downstairs.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support from [北念a]!

Big guys, please support me!

Continuous typing and updating......

The chat skirt number is included after Chapter 42.

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