"Serizawa! What do you want to do!!!"

"Hey, what are you doing?!!"

The brothers standing behind Genji wanted to step forward, but Genji opened his arms to stop them, staring at Serizawa with an unchanged expression.

"Tamao, don't......"

Tokisei used all his strength to hold Serizawa's arm tightly.

Serizawa was very unhappy with Genji's current state, so he shook off Tokisei who was holding his arm and prepared to punch Genji.

Tokisei staggered back a few steps and suddenly turned pale, and fell to the ground.


""Tokio, Tokio, what happened to you!!!"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu was a little surprised and quickly went over to help Tokio up.

Realizing that something was wrong, Serizawa let go of Genji's hand and turned around to check. He found that Tokio, who was helped up by Tsutsumoto, was foaming at the mouth and his body was still twitching.


In the sound of Serizawa's voice, with a trembling voice, he hugged Tokisei tightly.

"Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!——"

Serizawa roared, his eyes were red, and his hands holding Tokio were shaking slightly.

Genji, who was standing aside, was completely stunned and didn't move. The brothers behind him were also at a loss what to do by this sudden scene. They had no idea what had happened, and they didn't know what Genji had done before they came up.

Tokaji Yuji ran downstairs to contact an ambulance; looking at Tokio who was foaming at the mouth and twitching all over, Genji didn't know what to do for a moment, because he obviously didn't use all his strength in that punch.

And, and, Tokio should be in good health, he should have no problem taking another punch......

Everyone in the school was not surprised to see the ambulance suddenly coming in, and they guessed that it must be a fight between two groups.

But when they saw the person being carried down by the doctor on a stretcher, everyone was a little surprised. It turned out to be Tatsukawa Tokisuke, a cadre of the"Hundred Beasts Corps".

Ryuguuin Aoyama stood in front of the window of the classroom, watching the ambulance carrying Tokisuke and Serizawa following, whizzing away from the front of the teaching building.

Tokaji Yuji and Tsutsumoto Masaharu stood in front of the teaching building and watched the ambulance leave. It happened so suddenly that neither of them knew why Tokisuke suddenly became like this.

But it seems that Serizawa Tamao should know something......

Genji came down from the roof, looked at the two of them without much brilliance in his eyes, and said slowly:"Tokisei......What's wrong with him?......"

"You are asking!!!"

Tokaji Yuji yelled, ready to charge forward with his fist raised.

"Don't be impulsive, Tokaji! Don't be impulsive yet!!"

Tsutsumoto Masahiro stopped Tokaji Yuji who was about to pounce on him. He knew that Tokisei always regarded Genji as a brother, so he didn't want to see Serizawa and Genji fight.

And looking at Genji's expression, it was obvious that he didn't know either;

Genji put his hands in his pockets, clenched them into a fist, looked at the angry Tokaji Yuji, turned around and walked away from them

"What happened? Did Genji beat Tokisei from the Beast Army into the hospital?"Suzuki, who was standing next to Ryuguin Aoyama, turned around and asked.

Ryuguin Aoyama withdrew his gaze from the crowd and sat down in his seat.

"Hey, Aoyama, why don't you speak?

Suzuki pulled a chair over and sat opposite Aoyama.

"Not sure......"

Ryuguin Aoyama said calmly, but judging from Genji's expression just now, he should not be in a good mood now.

The two Mikami brothers came in from outside the class, followed by dozens of people, and they looked a little excited.

"Look, we have these people again, and they all said they are willing to follow us."

Longgongyuan Qingshan looked at them. Not only did they have colorful hair, but each of them had at least two metal chains hanging around their waists. He stood up from his seat, walked up to one of them, stretched out his hand and pulled the metal chain on the other's waist, and said:"Punch!"


The other party's eyes were full of confusion.

Ryuguuin Aoyama repeated:"Punch me."

This time everyone heard clearly what Ryuguuin Aoyama said, asking the boy in front of him to punch him.

Sanshang Xue and Sanshang Hao looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, not understanding what Aoyama wanted to do.

The other party looked into Ryuguuin Aoyama's eyes, took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and clenched his fists,"Ah——"and swung at him.

Ryuguin Aoyama grabbed the opponent's fist with his left hand, and the next moment he punched out with his right fist, knocking the man to the ground.

Everyone watching took a breath, and they almost didn't see clearly the movements of Ryuguin Aoyama's punch.

The man on the ground lay on the ground, struggling for several times, but failed to get up from the ground;

Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and looked at the two brothers Mikami, and shook his head slightly:"This won't work, if you go up to make up the numbers, you will be knocked down immediately."

Although he was recruiting people on a large scale, he was not so hungry that he would take anyone.

People like this who fall to the ground and can't get up after being hit by a punch are just sandbags for people to fight; he raised his hand and patted the shoulder of one of the standing people,"It's not about having a lot of chains and looking fierce on the outside, it's all about the strength of your fists."

Looking at the back of Ryuguin Aoyama who was leaving, the two brothers Mikami understood what he meant, and their eyes swept to the rest of the people......

Coming out of the classroom alone, he met Izaki Shun in the corridor. Ryuguin Aoyama just glanced at him and passed him by.

Izaki Shun stood there and turned to look at Ryuguin Aoyama,"Hey,、"


Ryuguin Aoyama stopped and turned to look behind him at Izaki Shun.

"How is the gathering going?" Izaki Shun asked

"It's okay~" Ryuguin Aoyama smiled slightly.

The two didn't say anything more. Izaki Shun took his people away and Ryuguin Aoyama turned around and went downstairs.

PS: Thanks to [Ling Qinshang] for the reward and support!

Thanks to [? Love Wuyou】、【Xiaoxiaoshusheng】Monthly ticket support!

Thanks to the big guys who voted for the update, actively updated the code, and will update the next chapter later.

Thank you for the flowers and comments.

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