However, the audience was very surprised.

However, judging from their reactions.

This song really touched them.

The gentle voice and brisk melody make them like it more and more the more they listen to it.

I fell in love with this song right away.

Especially Bingbing.

This song was sung to her alone, which caused her eyes to change when she listened to it.

【Summer is almost over】

【Please buy less ice cream】

【Don’t wear short skirts when it’s cold】

【Stop being so naughty】


Lin Bai’s singing became more and more gentle along with the brisk melody.

At the same time, he also brought an indescribable smile.

Such a sound.

It’s almost impossible not to be heartwarming.

His voice is full of a strange rhythm, and there is a gentleness that makes people feel that he doesn’t care about anything but you.

This kind of singing makes people feel happy just listening to it.

Even my mood suddenly became lighter. have to say.

Lin Bai’s voice is really heart-pounding.

This gentle voice, coupled with lyrics and music.

It made everyone feel lighter.

These lyrics, alone, just sound like some very childish behavior.

However, youth should not be defined like this at all. like someone.

This is one thing that can easily make people naive.

What’s more, the love interest in adolescence is just beginning.

I was originally ignorant.

If everything was sane and mature, that’s not what adolescence should be like.

Lin Bai’s voice can be said to be performed quite well.

Although it sounds a bit childish, it is full of youthful atmosphere, which makes people feel very beautiful.

【Singing this song for you has no style】

【It just means, I want to give you happiness】

【Thaw the glacier for you and be a moth flying into the fire for you】

【Nothing is not worth it】


And after reaching this part.

Lin Bai’s voice became lighter.

Let everyone feel a kind of happiness when they listen to it.

There is also a heart-pounding feeling.

Listen, listen.

Bingbing really became his audience.

A listener who is simply obsessed with the song.

So I forgot that I was a host who came to interview.

Especially this song was sung specifically for her.

This made her even more unable to resist immersing herself in it.

Especially when he thought of Lin Bai smiling and gently saying what was wrong.

This gentle response also had a firmness to it.

She couldn’t help but feel excited.

It’s hard not to feel heartbroken when faced with such a tender and affectionate song.

At least for this moment.

She could almost hear her own heartbeat

“Oh my god, Lin Bai’s singing really reminds me of my beautiful youth.”

“It’s so unexpected that he can control this song so well”

“Indeed, Lin Bai’s voice is really suitable for this song. Please don’t ruin your voice anymore.”

“Actually, I think Tears Behind Bars is okay, and it doesn’t really ruin his voice.”

“Why not, this is really too romantic”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

“Look at the look in Bingbing’s eyes, I bet you a hundred dollars that she has definitely fallen into it.”

“Wow, I envy her so much. I also want Lin Bai to smile at me and tell me why.”

It can be said that Lin Bai’s singing gave all the listeners a strange feeling. It was gentle and affectionate, with some lightness and laziness.

Such a feeling made everyone feel that he only cares about the person in front of him, and nothing else. He didn’t care about anything anymore.

It was a simple melody and music, but it deeply moved everyone.

Lin Bai obviously had no skills.

He sang in the simplest way, with only guitar accompaniment.

But this simplicity made this The song was performed even better.

Sincere and simple, bright and brisk.

It reminded everyone of the most beautiful picture.

The first love.

This is the true love that no one can forget.

The first love is indeed the love of many people. One of the most unforgettable memories in life.

Lin Bai’s singing interprets that heart-pounding feeling.

So that everyone feels the beauty and breath of youth.

【Singing this song for you has no style】

【It just means, I hope you are happy】

【I toss and turn for you, why not give up the world for you?】


The singing continues.

The smile in Lin Bai’s eyes became more and more obvious.

At the same time, it also brings with it a deep affection.

This kind of gaze, coupled with his singing.

Suddenly the air was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

This unabashed look made Bingbing feel like a deer in her heart.

For a time, even his thoughts became a little sluggish.

She knew that she was the host of the interview and shouldn’t be immersed in this kind of thing. but.

She couldn’t control her heartbeat at all.

Listening to such a song really makes people feel desperate.

The most beautiful admiration can indeed make people refuse to give up.

In this case.

How is it possible for people to remain sane?

You can only sink into it.

Heartbeat is simply inevitable.

And when Lin Bai sang the last note.

Bingbing had the illusion of worrying about gains and losses.

It just felt like I had a very beautiful dream, but it was suddenly interrupted.

For a moment, a feeling of regret actually appeared in her heart.

Even, he couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

She didn’t know how to describe this feeling.

That is, she wants to keep listening, keep listening forever, and never stop

“Why did it end so quickly?”

“Why is this song so short? It makes me feel like it’s over before I’ve heard enough. It’s really a tender and regretful song.”

“Just listening to this song reminds me of my youth, which was really a short and tender time.”

“Lin Bai sings so beautifully! I’m going to sink”

“Bingbing’s expression is a bit interesting. Is she really too into the drama?”

“I’m different from you, so I’m more curious about whether Lin Bai likes to tease people, or does he really like him?”

After finishing a song, everyone had some unfinished feelings.

Basically, they felt that they had not heard enough and could continue to listen.

At the same time,

Lin Bai’s singing also gave them a big surprise.

Here Before.

They didn’t know that Lin Bai could sing this kind of love song so well.

The main reason was that Tears Behind Bars was so brainwashing that they lost all other ideas.

As a result, what’s wrong with this song actually made people feel It was so stunning.

So much so that all the spectators had extremely shocked expressions.

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