Lin Bai continued

“I don’t think you can understand this feeling.”

After listening, He Jiu comforted him.

“How come you can’t feel it?”

“Many people’s families are like this. They are urged to get married and have children as soon as possible.”

“Although you are relatively young, you are the only child in the family, so it is understandable that you urged me early.”

“So, of course we can understand your mood.”

These words immediately aroused the resonance of everyone present.

After all, in today’s era, there are too few young people who are not urged to get married.

During the New Year and festivals, seven aunts and eight aunts take turns to go to battle..Many people are too scared to go home.

So most of them are quite sympathetic to this matter.

“I am, I was forced to get married as soon as I came back”

“During the Chinese New Year, I couldn’t stay at home at all and went straight to a hotel.”

“Forget it, it’s been fifteen years, exactly fifteen years! Now I am thirty-six years old. Still urging!”

“Although Lin Bai said that we cannot understand his feelings, he must have made a mistake somewhere.”

“Isn’t the matter of urging marriage the same everywhere? What can’t be understood”

“It’s just a rush to get married, we are no different.”

As soon as this topic comes up, the barrage in the live broadcast room is like an explosion.

It seems that there are really not a few young people who are troubled by this problem.

This time, there is a place for public discussion.

Many of them They all found resonance, found a group, and couldn’t help but want to talk about it.

Regarding Lin Bai’s statement, many people felt very unhappy and did not agree with it.

After all, everyone is human.

We face all kinds of things. It’s the same problem, so how could you not understand it?

Is it because your family is richer that this kind of experience of urging marriage is more special?

He Jiu then continued to ask

“Lin Bai”

“You said that your family’s urging you to get married has caused a lot of trouble.”

“Even, for this matter, I made you very unacceptable conditions”

“So what are the conditions for them to drive? Or, what kind of restrictions do they give?”

He Jiu is worthy of being a veteran host.

He immediately grasped the key to the problem.

Lin Bai actually felt that his family’s conditions for urging marriage were excessive.

Then this point is probably the specific reason why he cannot accept the urging of marriage.

“Not because of this”

“I don’t resist blind dates. Although I can’t say I like them, I don’t really dislike them.”

“No matter what, I don’t think this kind of behavior is very excessive.”

“The main thing that I can’t accept is that my grandfather actually said this.”

When Lin Bai said this, he couldn’t help but be filled with indignation.

This made all the audience prick up their ears in curiosity.

“He actually said that as long as I get a wife back, he will reward me with a reward of 10 billion!”

“Ten billion?”

When hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help but swallowed.

This amount is simply astronomical.

The next moment, all the audience became excited.

They did not expect.

In this How could someone in this world say such outrageous things?

“Can anyone tell me if I heard it wrong?”

“Ten billion! ? Are my ears bad?”

“Did he make a mistake? If it were me, I wouldn’t say 10 billion. I can marry anyone with 100 million.”

“Don’t say 100 million, give me 1 million and I can marry Wang Wang”

“You guys really have King Juan’s genes engraved in your bones, right? If you want me to tell you, stop trying to get involved in the market here, why don’t you just marry Lin Bai?”

“This grandpa is really too much. How could he say such things to Lin Bai? He should tell me! I would like to be your grandson, grandpa!”

“Upstairs, don’t let your abacus fall on my face. Have you ever thought about what if he wants to marry many people?”

“Blind student, you discovered Hua Dian. If Lin Bai married ten or eight people, wouldn’t it mean that his grandfather would be bankrupted?”

Lin Bai’s words directly made all the audience want to complain.

In these barrages, countless people became envious and jealous, as if they had eaten lemons.

Ten billion, such an astronomical figure, is simply embarrassing. His teeth are about to be broken.

Moreover, judging from the wealth of their family, it is really possible to do such a thing.

After all, he is the only descendant of both families.

It is really possible that he needs to go back to inherit.

The money will be his from now on. Now , it is completely normal to spend 10 billion to encourage him to get married and give him the motivation to carry on the family line. This is because they believe in the authenticity of this passage. That’s why he was so excited. As for Lin Bai, he was filled with indignation and looked like he had been wronged. This made everyone grit their teeth. In this world, there are actually people who are so blessed and don’t know how to be blessed. This makes them pickle lemons. It’s delicious. After all, this matter needs to be told. How many people dream of it, they can’t even think about it, and they don’t dare to do it in their dreams. But here, Lin Bai, it seems to make him feel so wronged. Same. This is what makes everyone unbearable. In one word, it makes everyone envious, jealous and hateful. So much so that they wish they could replace him. The more disgusted he shows, the more disgusted everyone becomes. Excited. Let alone other people. Even Yang Mi had the urge to beat him up. This kind of thing has made her almost unbearable. After all, although she has been in the industry for so many years, she has The entertainment industry can be regarded as everlasting. However, the number of 10 billion is still extremely far away for her. But Lin Bai, it is so easy to get it, but he still looks so indifferent. This It was as if it could make people mad to death. Just like that, Lin Bai’s words greatly shocked many people’s young hearts. But he seemed not to be aware of this at all, and still treated everyone. It was exciting. This made everyone gradually grit their teeth. Because, Lin Bai continued

“And my grandpa”

“What did he actually say?”

“As long as I give birth to a child, he will reward me with two billion”

“This is too much. They are treating me like a fertility machine.”

“They didn’t even realize that by doing so, they were tainting my emotions and treating the child as a commodity.”

Speaking of this, Lin Bai was even more angry.

“This is simply the most unacceptable thing for me!”

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