“I don’t think so!”

“If I look at it, the lyrics and music of this song are not up to par.”

“The music is extremely monotonous, and the words are even more nonsense and a mess.”

“As for singing skills? Does he have such a thing? The singing is extremely bland and has no skills at all.”

Just after this derogatory comment was made, the entire audience was in an uproar and couldn’t help but look at the place where the sound came from. The person who said these words was none other than Hua Chengyu.

Those present The audience was surprised.

They knew that Hua Chengyu didn’t like Lin Bai, but they didn’t expect that he could say such ugly words.

However, this kind of comment also made many people particularly angry.

Especially for many people who like this song For people, that is the rhythm of an instant explosion.

Even Xue Zhiqian’s expression is not very good-looking.

After all, he just gave such a high evaluation.

Now Hua Chengyu has reduced Lin Bai’s song to nothing. Yes, this was a slap in the face.

This made him feel very unhappy.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was still being broadcast live, he would definitely fall out.

And so would everyone else. He was so angry.

It was only Lin Bai himself.

But he still had a smile on his face, as if he was not angry at all.

Lin Bai smiled slightly and said

“Teacher Hua Chengyu”

“If this standard is based on your own work, then I really don’t want to qualify”

“after all”

“I really can’t appreciate your music, your singing is like a ghost crying like a wolf howling, and your performance is like a dancing master.”

Speaking of this, Lin Bai even pretended to sigh.

“I’m not as thick-skinned as you. I think I would rather fail than pursue your standards.” As soon as Lin Bai’s words came out, everyone immediately felt very happy.


Lin Bai’s tone can be said to be quite gentle.

Every word he said was full of thorns and hit the nail on the head.

Such words are simply trying to lift Hua Chengyu’s back.

Every sentence is his most taboo.

As expected.

After Lin Bai said these words,

Hua Chengyu’s face suddenly turned as dark as the bottom of the pot..Although he tried his best to maintain his expression, it was of no use. After all, these words were like taking a needle and constantly poking at his pain points. According to Lin Bai’s words, his Music is simply a ghost cry that the public cannot understand. If Lin Bai were to conduct his music career according to this standard, he would not even be willing to pass. At first glance, it sounds like he is praising Hua Chengyu. In fact, , everyone knew that he was mocking the other party crazily. Therefore, these words really hit the other party’s pain point.

“Beautiful, Lin Bai not only sings well, but also speaks so sharply! I like!”

“Hahaha! It turns out that I’m not the only one who feels this way!”

“No wonder every time he performs on stage, I think of some folk activities in my hometown. It turns out that this is the case.”

“He actually said that his singing was mediocre. Should he cry like a ghost and howl like a wolf and hit a high note?”

“Now I just hope that one day he will not be so good and actually cover the love of his life. I’ve never seen anyone in the entire industry ruin songs more with his covers.”

“Upstairs, I beg you, don’t disgust me anymore! Just seeing that scene made me tremble all over”

“Lin Bai’s words are so sharp and hit the nail on the head. I like it. I feel that Hua Chengyu has become a guy with big holes all over his body.”

In response to Lin Bai’s unceremonious counterattack, everyone felt very happy and comfortable.

After all, as long as you are not blind, you can see that Hua Chengyu is definitely deliberately disgusting people.

And it’s not just disgusting people. Simple, he was just targeting.

As long as it was Lin Bai’s singing, no matter how good it was, he would definitely criticize it as worthless.

For his behavior, many viewers felt angry and shameless.


Lin Bai He didn’t tolerate him at all, so he fought back when he needed to. And he fought back so beautifully, which made many viewers feel comfortable physically and mentally.

On the other hand,

Hua Chengyu felt that he was extremely angry.

He felt so suffocated that he wanted to He was angry because he was afraid of affecting his personal image.

But holding it in his heart made him feel like he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Looking at the scene of swords and crossbows in front of him, He Jiu quickly began to change the topic.

“Teacher Yang”

“What do you think of this song?”

As the host, he doesn’t want the two parties to really quarrel on the spot.

In that case, live broadcast accidents will easily occur.

Moreover, looking at Hua Chengyu’s face now, he almost wants to vomit blood on the spot.

Such a situation Come on.

He Jiu had no choice but to rush to the rescue.

Yang Mi adjusted the microphone and said

“Regarding songs, everyone’s preferences are different. This is a matter of opinion.”

“Everyone likes different styles, so it’s impossible for everyone to like the same song.”

“Each of us has the right to like a song, and we also have the right to dislike a song. No one has the right to like or dislike a song based on other people’s head.”

Although Yang Mi’s face was expressionless, her words made everyone understand her attitude.

However, after hearing these words, Hua Chengyu couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart. Hi.

He thinks that Yang Mi is speaking for him and helping him to oppose other people’s voices.

After all.

Now, all the audience’s voices are that Hua Chengyu is jealous of Lin Bai, so he said this song.

But if it is according to According to Yang Mi, he just hated this song, not jealous.

It was all his personal preference.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but smile.

However, sometimes, some people are just too happy. It’s early.

Just listen to Yang Mi continue to say

“but i still think”

“Whether you love it or hate it, a song should have some basic common sense”

“You can dislike something, but you shouldn’t ruin it by maliciously making it up”

“Just like this song, you don’t have to like it, but you can’t destroy it just because you hate it.”

“If someone really did this, then I can only say that he was blinded by jealousy, otherwise he would not have done such a thing.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.


Hua Chengyu looked even more unbelievable.

He couldn’t even believe that Yang Mi would criticize him so bluntly on the spot.

The same judges, we are all in the same circle, looking down all day long.

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