“Lin Bai is indeed Lin Bai, and his words are simply extraordinary.”

“I’m going to die laughing. I have to stab the other person to death with a small needle.”

“so weird! I feel like I have to grow a brain. Praise and ridicule can actually be put together like this”

“Hahaha! I just love watching Lin Bai’s part and support him in challenging the impossible.”

“Sister Mi is so angry that she actually chose Hua Chengyu”

“Now the pressure is on Hua Chengyu, let’s see his reaction……”

All the audience were dumbfounded with laughter.

No one thought that Lin Bai would actually say such a thing.

What I didn’t expect was that Lin Bai would actually make such a choice.

Forget it if you choose to join Hua Chengyu’s team, and you hurt him so hard at the same time.

But this is the case.

For Hua Chengyu, it is indeed a dilemma.

If he turns off the lights, everyone will definitely say that he is very narrow-minded.

If I don’t die, I will feel as sick as eating a fly.

If you really let Lin Bai join your team, you will be asking for trouble every day. therefore.

Hua Chengyu’s current situation is full of embarrassment.

It was at this time that everyone reacted.

Lin Bai probably didn’t actually care whether he would be eliminated.

He simply wanted to disgust Hua Chengyu.

Understand that if you have money and are willful, there won’t be any problems.

Hua Chengyu’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

He also realized that he had been tricked.

No matter what he chooses, he will become the laughing stock of everyone.

Such a difficult decision situation.

It made him extremely angry, but he was helpless.

Lin Bai’s plan was such that he couldn’t make any choice.


Hua Chengyu still chose to take a photo of the light-off button.

Even if you are ridiculed to death.

He was also disgusted to go back, and he would definitely not be allowed to advance smoothly.

Rather than being disgusted and enduring it all the time, it would be better to be ridiculed by everyone.

At worst, neither of them will get the best of it.

This choice of his.

Everyone couldn’t help but be in an uproar.

However, when I think about it carefully, it seems extremely reasonable.

With Hua Chengyu’s targeting of Lin Bai, it was naturally impossible for him to really let Lin Bai stay in his team.


Hua Chengyu’s choice is reasonable.

“Even if I die, I still have to bring you, a liar, with me”

“Even if I get scolded to death, I can just spend money on marketing. After a while, everyone will forget about it, and you won’t be able to enter this circle.”

Thinking of this, Hua Chengyu felt much happier.

Anyway, he felt that there would be no problem with things like image as long as it relies on marketing.

As for Lin Bai, there is no such store after passing this village.

Just enter Without this circle, no one will remember who he is.

Thinking of this, Hua Chengyu suddenly felt extremely relieved, and even felt that a great revenge had been avenged.

However, just as he felt extremely proud of his smart choice When. But he saw that Lin Bai laughed.

Lin Bai’s smile made him unable to hold back.

Could it be that he had been fooled again?

Lin Bai deliberately wanted him to eliminate him.

When he thought of this , Hua Chengyu’s whole body is not feeling well.

“impossible! How could someone intentionally allow themselves to be eliminated?”

“He must be regretting it to death now, and that’s only right.”

Hua Chengyu kept comforting himself in his heart.

However, Lin Bai’s smile could no longer be concealed.

This made it impossible for him to lie to himself anymore.

Hua Chengyu was deceived by Lin Bai, and still He set the pace.

Lin Bai just wanted to be eliminated.

Even if he used him, he still wanted to disgust him severely.

This made Hua Chengyu’s mentality explode on the spot.

The excitement before was completely gone. , his expression was completely unbearable.

But on the stage opposite him,

Lin Bai was laughing.

And he was laughing very happily.

Without him, this was the result he wanted.

If it weren’t for him If you want to be eliminated, how can you choose Hua Chengyu’s team?

This wave is indeed prepared to use Hua Chengyu.

As for Hua Chengyu, he foolishly jumped into his own pit and still self-satisfied

“What is a sinister villain? I think the award should be given directly to Hua Chengyu.”

“But, why do I feel that Lin Bai was eliminated? Not only was he not sad, he was also very happy.”

“I could see that Hua Chengyu was a little happy just now, but as soon as he saw Lin Bai’s smile, he couldn’t hold it any longer, and his whole mood seemed to explode.”

“When you say this, I think there is a possibility that Lin Bai may have deliberately wanted to be eliminated.”

“He just wants to go home and inherit a fortune worth hundreds of billions, right? Right?”

“Maybe. But it doesn’t matter even if he is eliminated, I will still vote for him”

“You have one vote and I have one vote, so Lin Bai can no longer inherit the family business.”

After seeing Lin Bai’s smile, all the audience came to their senses.

They all knew that the other party definitely wanted to be eliminated on purpose.

This was specifically to disgust Hua Chengyu.


Many people felt that , Lin Bai just wanted to find an excuse to go home and inherit hundreds of billions of wealth. However

, he couldn’t speak directly, so he simply found an excuse to run away.

And in this way.

If he was eliminated, then he could go home and inherit Isn’t family property a matter of course?

I feel like after understanding the truth of the matter, all the viewers want to vote for Lin Bai even more.

No matter the fans or the black men, they will not easily let him go home and inherit the family property.

Almost everyone is preparing to vote for him as soon as the votes for the resurrection match come out.

In this regard,

Lin Bai has a very indifferent look.

Whether he is promoted or not, it doesn’t matter.

As long as he completes his goal, The task was completed.

As for this purpose, it has now been completed, which made Lin Bai feel very happy.

That is, after leaving the stage.

Lin Bai’s ears were filled with system prompts.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission】

【Reward 2 points of physical fitness and S-level vocal range. 】

The system’s prompt sound appeared directly in Lin Bai’s mind.

This also made Lin Bai’s mood instantly become quite happy.

It can be said.

He participated in the Future Superstar program just for various rewards.

If not for the reward.

Lindbergh could just lie down and not have to appear on the show at all.

This kind of mission rewards.

This was the biggest motivation for him to participate in the entire show, and everything else came later.

And the reason why Lin Bai was eliminated on purpose.

Or because I want to get new tasks from the system.

Since he discovered this loophole, he can continuously get more rewards if he keeps touching it.

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