“I’m also a little worried about this problem. If I dared to talk to my dad like this at my house, I would have been hung up and beaten.”

“But Lin Bai is really honest enough. He can say such things so openly and honestly. I respect him as a man.”

Everyone was very surprised by what Lin Bai said.

The other party didn’t shy away from this issue at all.

And he said it openly.

This is very surprising.

Especially, he He directly mentioned that he was concerned about whether his father had an illegitimate child.

This surprised everyone even more.

Generally speaking, even if they were really concerned about this kind of issue, no one would really ask it directly.

But Lin Bai was different.

He would really say it without any hesitation.

Although this incident was somewhat unexpected, no one doubted the authenticity of his words.

Because, judging from his previous performances, Lin Bai was definitely a very candid person. People.

Even to the point where it can be said that he said something.

This is also the reason why everyone believes in the authenticity of ��’s speech.

At this time, He Jiu spoke again


“Lin Bai”

“I would like to take the liberty of asking, do you think your father has other children outside?”

“Of course, it’s okay if you don’t want to answer.”

He Jiu’s question can be said to have touched the hearts of all viewers.

However, his question can be said to be quite cautious.

After all, this is also a very sensitive issue.

However, Chigua The enthusiasm of the crowd will not weaken just because of this.

Everyone can’t help but become curious, how does Lin Bai view this issue?

“I think this kind of thing is basically impossible”

“First of all, my dad is a workaholic. I wish I could be at work twenty-four hours a day”

“Don’t talk about cheating, I don’t think he has the time at all”

“Besides, my dad is a very family-oriented person.”

“The relationship between him and my mother can be said to be very good. If it weren’t for work, I doubt they would like to be together all day long.”

“I feel numb when I look at it”

“Besides, he listens to my mother on most things, and my mother knows many of his things.”

“I really don’t think he could hide this from my mother.”

Lin Bai said directly.

His tone could be said to be quite firm.

For a moment, everyone was speechless.

Speechless and a little funny at the same time.

Although Lin Bai’s words could be said to make him The possibility of his father cheating was clear and obvious.

However, it seemed that some serious things were exposed from the side.

That is, his father seemed to be a strict henpecker.

Therefore, in response to Ming Ming’s words, Everyone couldn’t help it and wanted to laugh.

How could anyone talk about his father so directly?

Especially now that he is still on the stage, saying this in front of everyone is simply not giving his father any face.

“I can’t do it anymore, this is too much of a show effect”

“Why is it so funny? Does Lin Bai know that he is basically exposing his father’s background?”

“Lin Bai was not afraid at all. After he returned home, his father would take care of his butt and give him a meal of stir-fried pork on bamboo boards.”

“How could a son directly say on the show that his father is a henpeck?”

“Why do I feel that when Lin Bai mentioned that his father could not have an illegitimate child, there was a trace of regret on his face?”

“I also feel that I really can’t understand his brain circuit.”

“Is he thinking that if his father has an illegitimate child, he won’t have to go home and inherit hundreds of billions of wealth?”

“Dad, I am your long-lost son, look at me! I can also be your son. From now on, Lin Bai and I will be brothers!”

Everyone can’t help but want to laugh.

Lin Bai is really not afraid of being beaten when he goes home.

And it’s a mixed doubles game.

But, on the one hand, it can also be said to be very enviable.

Lin Bai can Saying this kind of thing carelessly can also show that the relationship in his family must be quite good.

This alone is something that many people would not envy.

On the other hand, everyone is complaining, but everyone is complaining. It was obvious that Lin Bai regretted that his father did not have an illegitimate child.

This was what surprised everyone even more. This was the first time they saw a rich second generation actually regretting that his father did not have an illegitimate child.

Also. It was an eye-opener.


Lin Bai’s ability to not take this matter to heart actually confirmed the above point.

The relationship between his family should be very good.

After everyone present thought of this, They all felt even more envious of his family.

However, just when everyone felt envious,

Hua Chengyu showed a rather unhappy expression.

“You all just listen to his nonsense.”


“It’s all fake!”

“Is there anything this guy isn’t making up?”

“Can’t you all see that?”

Hua Chengyu is also very jealous of Lin Bai’s family.

However, he can only firmly hypnotize himself that everything the other party said was made up.

They are all fake.

Only in this way can he calm his unbalanced heart. He felt better.

But the more this happened, the more it became clear that he actually believed what the other person said.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have hypnotized himself like this.

Of course.

In fact, no one cared about what he was thinking. of

“We’ve been chatting for so long”

“It’s my turn to sing, right?”

Lin Bai changed the topic directly.

Although, He Jiu still wanted to continue the interview.

The audience at the scene also wanted to continue listening.

However, Lin Bai had already said so.

There were already several people who clearly refused to be interviewed. That made sense.

It was really hard for him to continue the interview.

After all, in Lin Bai’s view, he was here to participate in the competition.

Why did he talk about it all day long and directly talk about his family?

So, He Jiu had no choice but to say


“Then I will hand the stage to you now”

“Classmate Lin Bai, please behave well!”

After saying that, He Jiu walked off the stage directly.


He Jiu actually knew it very well in his heart.

The program team wanted him to interview for a while, and it would be best to dig out the affairs of the other party’s family. The more, the better. Well.

After all.

The audience wants to see this.

Of course they want to cater to the audience as much as possible.

There is even a green light for Lindbergh’s interview time.

The longer he stays on stage.

The audience watching the show also will be willing to stay more time.

This can ensure that the audience is more satisfied.

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