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However, before Fang Yun's airdropped troops were formed, Lu Hai chose to attack first!

He only left one Cha Cha to guard the house, and the remaining four Cha Cha rushed out directly. At the same time, his probe began to build a turret at the intersection, ready to cooperate with the only Cha Cha in his home to guard the intersection.

Although he had been wary of Fang Yun's troops ambushing in the wild, he was still shocked when he saw the 12 dogs in neat rows!

The four Cha Chas and Fang Yun's 12 dogs had a tense and exciting melee. The result of the melee was that the Cha Cha lost two, and the remaining two were both residual blood, while Fang Yun's dogs only lost five!

"This operation...hiss!"

Lu Hai was shocked. He was originally a player who was proficient in basic troop operations. Although 4-forked cha had some disadvantages when facing 12 dogs, the results of previous battles with other players were: if he lost half, the opponent would at least lose half! Even some Zerg players who were not very detailed in operation would lose more dogs!

But Fang Yun only lost five! Although there were two remaining with low health, the others were still alive and well!

However, Lu Hai was a very steady person. When he saw that something was wrong, he retreated directly. Fang Yun did not pursue him further, because his main force was not here after all.

The first encounter in the wild ended just like this.


The audience in the stands cheered.

"It seems that Fang Yun is indeed an expert. His basic operations are even better than Lu Hai's. I really don't know how he practiced. Even if he made this game, playing and designing are two completely different things, right?"

"Yes, this is the first time I see Lu Hai lose in a battle of basic troops! Even though Fang Yun used the Zerg."

The audience in the stands were discussing Fang Yun's level.

Lu Hai's lightning soldiers had already been made at this time, but they were not used.

Instead, he continued to send out the newly made forks in his base: including the two with low health just now, this time there were 6 forks!

Lu Hai's operation of the fork soldiers was great: six forks, the two with low health stood in the middle, the two with full health in front were used to explore the way, and the two with full health were left at the back to cover the rear, forming an hourglass shape as a whole!

Lu Hai's control over these basic troops is absolutely at the master level.

"Fang Yun may not be able to stop it this time!"

This is the first thought in the minds of all the audience who saw this scene!

Because the camera at this time gave Fang Yun's troops: Fang Yun still had the same seven dogs as before, and two of them were still at low health!

This attack can be said to be very, whether it is the allocation of the number of its own defense and attacking troops, or the timing of the attack, or the operation of the attack.

Sure enough, when they saw that Fang Yun had no follow-up troops, several forks came up! They wanted to surround Fang Yun's puppies to death directly!

At this moment, one of Fang Yun's lords slowly flew over the heads of Lu Hai's fork soldiers!

"I was saying, how could there be no troops? Fortunately, I left the lightning soldiers to guard the house. At this time, the two lightning soldiers, together with the newly created forks and dragon riders, should be able to defend his airdrop. I will eat these dogs of yours first, and then rush directly to your base to see what you can do!"

This is what Lu Hai thought, but Fang Yun's dog seemed to have not recovered this time, and had no intention of continuing to fight with Lu Hai's forks, but rushed to his base around his forks!

Lu Hai, the master, will definitely not allow the disgusting Zerg to enter and exit his home at will. There is no way to airdrop, they are like Kaito Kidd, flying over with flying wings and breaking the glass to force their way in, but the ground troops are like thieves walking up the stairs. How could he, the master, let such a thief steal his home?

So, Lu Hai's attack this time was unsuccessful, and six forks followed the butts of seven puppies. When he returned home, he looked so anxious, as if he suddenly found out that his wife was having an affair at home, and hurried home from work to catch her in adultery!

Fang Yun's airdropped troops had already landed at this time, and their location was very close to the intersection where Lu Hai was blocking the road! As soon as the puppies landed, they directly surrounded the forks blocking the road, and bit to death the security guards who Lu Hai used to guard the door despite the attack of the turret!

Then, Fang Yun deployed some troops in Lu Hai's base!

Although there were not many of these troops, they dispersed directly as soon as they landed! They didn't care about anything and just started biting Lu Hai's probe!

"How dare you do such an indecent thing in front of me?"

Lu Hai was very angry, but he couldn't use his lightning soldiers.

Now Fang Yun's troops have been strangled with Lu Hai's farmers. If the mental storm is released at this time, not only Fang Yun's troops will die, but also few of his own farmers will survive!

In his eyes, it's like even though his wife was raped, he still loves her deeply and can't bear to do anything to hurt her.

At this time, Fang Yun's seven dogs outside also rushed in, but only four were left after rushing in, and there were not many dogs left that were used to bite the guard Cha Cha to death.

Lu Hai saw that the two waves of dogs (one airdropped and one land) that had just entered the door first merged for a while, and then they were divided into three teams, and began to run wildly in Lu Hai's house like crazy!

"Three-line operation!"

At this time, someone in the audience shouted this sentence

"Stupid, this is not the third line! The troops he airdropped earlier are still moving around and biting the peasants. This is the fourth line!"

""Four-line operation!"

Lu Hai felt a little bitter. The maximum harassment of Fang Yun's troops now was to divide them into four teams, so that his small number of forks could not take care of both sides. However, four-line operation was only an operation that existed in legends!

No player has yet mastered this stunt! Even the gold player just now only used three-line operation!

At this time, three of Lu Hai's probes had died, and his economy was greatly affected. Fortunately, the six forks who were out at work came back in time. Although his operation was not as good as Fang Yun's, he also operated on three lines and gradually destroyed Fang Yun's three troops.

"Fortunately, he didn't put these troops into the lord and escape when my fork came back. If that happened, not only would I have worked in vain, but the situation would even worsen. Besides, my lightning soldiers are completely useless in my own base. I have to take them with me next time I go out!"

Lu Hai thought angrily. When he thought that he might have to rush out again like he just did, Lu Hai's mentality exploded.

PS: I have written 100 chapters without realizing it. I will record it. There will be more chapters to be posted later today~_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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