Even Fang Yun's Weibo post has been on the hot search list of the day, ranking 8th!

Fang Yun did not buy water army or buy hot search, these votes are all cast by real players, as for how they get the votes, this is not Fang Yun's concern

"Wow, it's quite intense."

This was Fang Yun's first words after reading it.

"……Gone?" Lu Ziming asked

"That's all? What else do you want me to say? 'Why are so many people voting?'"

Fang Yun looked at Lu Ziming in surprise.

"Well, uh... No, you are too calm, aren't you? More than 2 million people voted! More than 2 million people!"Lu Ziming emphasized

"So what? This is only the first day, the number of votes will be higher later, don't worry."Fang Yun was still calm



Soon, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

The voting system was closed on time, and the votes for the seven cards were announced:

1. Card No. 5: 382345

2. Card No. 2: 382344

3. Card No. 6: 382302

4. Card No. 7: 310589

5. Card No. 3: 286354

6. Card No. 4: 268896

7. Card No. 1: 208632 Card No.

5 won the championship on the first day with only a slight advantage of one vote! In the end, Card No. 2 also surpassed Card No. 6 to become the second place, although this second place was useless. The final vote bank reached 2221462 votes!

When the results came out, there were already urging voices on Weibo. Fang Yun did not hesitate and turned over the card No. 5 that everyone expected (luck won). Then he made a new picture with the other six card backs and the opened card No. 5 and posted it, and then added a separate picture of the card No. 5.

Lu Ziming kept refreshing his Weibo, waiting for Fang Yun to announce today's answer.

After a while, it came out!

I saw that card number five had been turned over, while the other six cards were still in the style of the card back.

Card number five had a picture on it: a beautiful ancient beauty with thin ears and green rings, who was so beautiful that she could make fish sink to the bottom of the sea and geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide in shame on the flowers!

There was also a poem on the card: The red teeth crushed the swallows to fly in a hurry, and a piece of moving clouds came to the painting hall.

The eyebrows and black eyebrows caused the wanderer's hatred, and the face broke the heart of the old friend.

Elm money cannot buy a thousand-dollar smile, and why does the willow belt need a hundred-treasure makeup ?

After the dance, I secretly watched through the curtain, wondering who was the King Xiang of Chu.

Not far from this line of poetry, there are four more lines:

A little cherry opens the red lips, and two lines of broken jade spray the spring. The lilac swallows and spits out the Henggang sword, to kill the treacherous and evil ministers who disrupt the country. Apart from this, there is nothing else, no names, no introductions, just a portrait with two poems

"Boss Fang, who is this painting of?"

"Senior Fang, did you forget to write your name on it?!!!"

The players present were all confused, even Lu Ziming was no exception, and at this time, the Internet was even more lively:

"Hahaha! I said number 2 is the right choice! Isn’t this a big surprise?! But who is this beauty? Does anyone know?"

"??? Who is this? And what does this poem mean?"


"Damn, I’m fine, how about you guys?"

"I declare that this is my wife, everyone draw your swords!"


The Internet was also discussing the origin of this mysterious beauty.

Just at this time, Lin Han came down from upstairs and saw the hustle and bustle downstairs. She couldn't help but ask the reason.

After knowing that it was Fang Yun who did it, Lin Han looked as if she was not surprised and said,"Where is the picture? Show it to me, maybe I will recognize it."

After all, Lin Han was also an"insider" and might know some inside information. Lu Ziming handed the tablet to Lin Han.

After just one look, Lin Han confirmed the identity of the woman: it was the"Diao Chan" in"beauty that can make fish sink and geese fall, and moon hide and flowers blush"!

Of course, she had never seen Fang Yun's painting before, and she confirmed the identity entirely because of that poem. This poem was exactly the praise of Diao Chan by Luo Guanzhong, the author of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!

"This is Diao Chan!" Lin Han said with 120% certainty.

"This is Diao Chan?!"

"Shit, I guessed right!"

"How did you recognize him?"

Lu Ziming asked again.

"Poem, this is a poem praising Diao Chan's beauty, so when I saw the poem I knew it was Diao Chan."Lin Han said calmly

"……I have never heard of this poem.……"

"Read more and you will know more"



Not only Lu Ziming, Fang Yun was also speechless. It seemed that Lin Han's ability to pretend to be better than his was even better.

At this time, someone on the Internet also recognized the poem and thus recognized the identity of the woman, Diao Chan!

"Is this Diao Chan?! She is indeed one of the four great beauties!"

"So Fang Yun’s new work is a Three Kingdoms strategy game?!"

"I thought he was going to do a martial arts novel, but it turned out to be the Three Kingdoms!"

"I like war strategy games!"

"Number 5 is Diao Chan, what about the other numbers?!!!! I can’t wait!!!!"

"Brothers, shall we vote for No. 2 tomorrow? I have a feeling that No. 2 is also a remarkable person!"

"Is this the model of Diao Chan in the new game? If the other characters are as beautiful as this, I will definitely buy the game when it comes out!"

"Let’s buy a lot!"

"Looking forward to the original paintings of other characters!"

Sure enough, after the answer was revealed, it caused a greater backlash online, and players were full of anticipation for the upcoming new round of"voting wars". They were ready to beg for votes for their favorite"numbers" as soon as the new round of voting began.

"I thought those who voted for celebrities were crazy in the past, but I didn't expect that today's players would be so crazy for a number?"

Lin Han also took a quick look at the situation online and felt extremely incredible.

Voting for celebrities, after all, celebrities are real people, and voting for anime characters (Moe Battle) is at least supported by the plot, but Fang Yun's is just a few numbers!

And Fang Yun didn't decide which card was which person at the beginning. Today's Diao Chan is the result of Fang Yun's deliberate action. No matter which number wins in the end, the card turned over will be Diao Chan. After all, the title of the Four Beauties is not called for nothing, and what is the most attractive thing in the Three Kingdoms period?

Military generals, counselors, beauties!

Choosing beauties will arouse the interest of the majority of male players, and Diao Chan can be said to be one of the representatives of beauties in the Three Kingdoms period.

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