To be fair, even if StarCraft was produced by a foreign game company, it might not be as good as Fang Yun's, and this theme is the science fiction theme that foreign countries are best at!

After several anchors' live broadcasts, players on the Internet also understood this game better, but then they found another problem:

"This is already a complete RTS game, right? Why did Fang Yun say it was just a part of StarCraft?"

"Could it be that Fang Yun is deliberately being mysterious?"

"Maybe there will be new races and arms added?"

Players speculated, but Fang Yun did not respond.

A week later, Fang Yun's Weibo:

《The first part of the"StarCraft" storyline has been completed and testing will start tomorrow. The test experience qualifications remain the same!

"Plot? Do RTS games have plots?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"What is this? Can anyone tell me? Am I too ignorant?"

Players who have never seen an RTS game with a plot expressed disbelief, but due to the influence of the live broadcasts over the past few days, players' expectations for"StarCraft" have risen to another level, so when Fang Yun's Weibo came out, although players were talking about it, the number of people who signed up was even higher than before:

"This plot doesn't require any amazing operations, right? I, a clumsy person, can finally experience it!"

This is the reason for the surge in the number of registrations.

As an anchor, Liu Xin is undoubtedly much luckier. He doesn't need to register to experience the plot content directly. After obtaining Fang Yun's consent, Liu Xin announced on Weibo that he will broadcast the plot content live tomorrow!


The next morning, Lu Ziming, Liu Xin and six others came together

"You guys started live streaming so early, is anyone watching?"

Fang Yun looked at the time and saw that it was only half past eight, and couldn't help but feel a little skeptical.

"If it were normal, there would definitely be few people watching, but today is different!"

Liu Xin said, handing the phone to Fang Yun. Fang Yun looked at it and saw that it was Liu Xin's live broadcast room. It was not yet broadcast, but the number of people in the live broadcast room: 1134521!

More than 1.1 million people!

The live broadcast in this world is not like the live broadcast room full of fake popularity in the previous life. The number of people displayed here are real viewers!

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Xin. Today, let’s experience the very important plot that Mr. Fang said in person!"

Liu Xin started the live broadcast and chatted with the audience while opening the game.

At this time, there was an additional option on the main interface of the game: [Plot Campaign】

"It looks like this is it, let's take a look!"

Liu Xin said, clicking on the option, and then the screen went black.

The opening animation appeared: the exquisite CG animation surprised Liu Xin and the audience!

When system control engineering, cloning and genetic engineering became technologies that everyone could master, radical humanitarians and fanatical religious groups began to question the legitimacy of private companies profiting from genetic engineering.

The public began to install artificial organs developed by precision engineering, while others began to show various genetic mutations, ranging from more subtle organs becoming sensitive to obvious telepathy.

These changes in the human gene pool have caused great panic among humanists around the world.

After only three hundred years, the population has skyrocketed to 23 billion. Pollution and the depletion of natural resources and fuel have added fuel to the fire. Oil. All countries are trying to find ways to reduce the population growth rate. As population explosion and genetic mutations sweep across the earth, it is generally believed that the earth will end up in a catastrophic situation.

As the whole world begins to look at the results of artificial organs and genetic engineering with increasing suspicion, many important global financial systems collapse because they cannot bear the pressure.

Violence and terrorism begin to spread between increasingly hostile multinational corporations and humanitarians, causing police around the world to join the ranks of riot control.

Irresponsible media report these bloody suppression actions in headlines, plunging the societies of many major countries into disorder.

In the end, the originally opposing global forces turned into a hellish scene of mutual slaughter.

On November 2, 2229 AD On the 2nd, the United Powers League was established.

The United Powers League is the successor to the currently paralyzed United Nations global governance system.

This new power alliance controls nearly 93% of the population on Earth.

The foundation of this alliance is built on"enlightened socialism", but it often relies on a harsh and brutal police system to control the order of the entire society.

During its nearly eighty years of rule, the United Powers League worked hard to promote their system, resulting in the complete elimination of the uniqueness of different human civilizations in the future and their fusion into one.

Just like the bloody witch hunt that swept across Europe eight hundred years ago, the United Powers League began the most brutal plan in human history: genetic purification.

This massacre-style jihad plan is the government's greatest challenge in the face of the global pandemic.

The final means of purging humanity of genetic mutations.

The forces of the United Powers swept through every country on Earth, arresting dissidents, recipients of artificial organs, cybercriminals, drug addicts, technology counterfeiters, and all kinds of criminals.

Despite their brutality, the United Powers did make great progress in many key technologies. Many long-lost research was restarted with the encouragement of the United Powers, and the combination of hibernation technology and warp drive technology allowed humans to finally walk among the stars. In the span of forty years, the United Powers established colonies on the moon and many other planets in the solar system.

During this generation, a young scientist named Dolan Russ began to formulate a plan to gradually expand his influence in the United Powers.

Undeterred by the tragedy of the Great Purge, Russ was able to devote himself to the dream of establishing colonies outside the solar system.

In Russ's plan, the new minerals and alternative fuels discovered outside the solar system would greatly increase his reputation on Earth.

With his political connections and luck, Russ quickly obtained authorization from the United Powers and controlled tens of millions of prisoners to serve as guinea pigs for his experiments.

These prisoners who were originally going to be executed because of the Great Purge were transferred to Russ's private laboratory.

The scientist planned to use these prisoners to establish a colony outside the solar system.

He asked his subordinates to select 56,000 people to prepare for hibernation.

He also created a detailed file of these people's genetic mutations and genetic trait variations, and input them into a revolutionary new supercomputer.

This system is called the"Artificial Tele-empathic Logistics Analysis System" and is codenamed Atlas.

Russ prepared four huge, fully automated, space exploration super-ships and selected 40,000 criminals from countless criminals to be assigned to them.

The Atlas system was installed on the first super-ship, Nagglfar. The other three ships - the Argo, the Sarengo, and the Regan - were set to follow the Negafa to the planet Chantui IV.

Atlas discovered a strong gene strain in some of the prisoners. Although this mutation occurred in less than one percent of the prisoners, it was obvious that this gene was related to the telepathic trait in the human brain. Atlas speculated that if these prisoners could survive in the new environment, they should be able to develop telepathic abilities after a few generations.

During the voyage, one of the four ships' engines was damaged. After 28 years of warp travel, the huge ships reappeared in three-dimensional space, near the outer edge of a habitable star system. Here, 60,000 light years away from Earth, their warp engines were completely destroyed and their life support systems were almost exhausted. All ships had to enter emergency status and prepare to make an emergency landing on the nearest habitable planet.

The Regan and Sarengo made an emergency landing on the planet named Umoja.

The Sarengo suffered severe damage to its systems while passing through the atmosphere and crashed to Earth, killing all 8,000 passengers.

The Regan was the luckiest, landing unscathed.

After landing, the hibernators slowly woke up and tried to figure out where they were and how much time had passed: only to find that the Atlas had erased all memories of their journey.

The Argo landed on the red planet later known as Moria.

Its passengers suffered the same fate as the Regan's passengers, and all information related to their current situation was erased.

Only the passengers of the Negaff could access the computer database and understand their current predicament.

They directly accessed the Atlas database, and after discovering the truth, they began to doubt whether they would ever have a chance to return to Earth again.

Although they landed on the gentle planet of Tarsani, the damage to the Negaff was irreparable.

The remaining exiles spread across three planets and began to dismantle the wreckage of the ship, trying to struggle to survive in the new environment.

Without the technology to communicate with the stars, and having stripped their ships of all usable parts, the refugees lived in isolation for decades.

In a relatively short period of time, the refugees established separate colonies on the planets.

The largest and most technologically advanced colony, Tarsonei, quickly developed second-generation subwarp drives.

This allowed their ships to freely explore the surrounding desolate planets, and eventually discovered survivors of the"Eternal Sleep".

After communication was restored, the three colonies benefited from mutual trade and exchange. Although Tarsonei continued to pressure Umoja and Moria to join a unified government, the two colonies firmly refused. Tarsonei's fleet continued to explore the area far from Earth, which later became known as the Korprulu Sector.

After establishing seven prosperous colonies in this area, Tarsonei greatly increased their military strength. A new unified government, named the Earth Federation in honor of Earth, was formed from Tarsonei's colonies.

However, not long after, one of the colonies in the Koprulu sector, Korhal, rebelled.

Because Korhal's leader, Mansk, successfully assembled a group of astonishing numbers of rebels, the Federation lost billions of people, equipment, and machinery.

The Federation resolutely used the last resort to solve the problem once and for all.

From the distant capital of the Federation, Tarsonni, a thousand Apocalypse-class nuclear bombs were launched at Korhal.

In this brutal attack, four million people were killed.

In an instant, the formerly prosperous Korhal was transformed into a scorched, radioactive desert.

Now, the Shepherd has nothing but the will for revenge. He and his followers swore a curse that day, vowing to do everything possible to overthrow the Federation. The Shepherd and his rebels called themselves"Sons of Korhal" and soon became the most notorious criminals in the entire star region.

PS: Since I personally like StarCraft very much, I unconsciously wrote a lot of background stories when I wrote it. I don't know if you like it. If you are not interested, you can skip this chapter. (I put the history of the human race in this chapter. There is no background story in the following chapters. If you don't like it, you can skip this chapter and read the next chapter during the day~)

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