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《The status of"Sword of the Sky" in the online novel world is equivalent to that of"Douluo Dalu" in the previous life. It is a large fantasy IP, but Fang Yun looked at their"exquisite" card surfaces and knew that their card game did not understand the essence.

Although the IP of the card game is very important, their card surfaces... even have"non-human creatures" such as mythical beasts and demonic beasts!

Although the originator of the domestic card game"My Name is MT" in the previous life also had various structures, but as the card game developed later, all monsters or tools (yes, I'm talking about battleships!

) would be"humanized", and there would be"ship girls" and"beast-eared girls" on the card surfaces.

Fang Yun's《FGO》It can be said that the first stage of the card game"seeing mountains as mountains and water as water" has been skipped.

The characters in FGO have been adapted to a certain extent.


, Emperor Penguin's"Sky Sword" has not been adapted (personified/feminized) at all!


Compared to the latest (19) BMW 7 Series,"Sky Sword" is at best the 2009 BMW 7 Series. Now, the quality of the two is simply incomparable!《FGO》The same reason for the BMW: Although they don't understand the essence of card games, they are still good at making them. If it is a game from a small workshop, it may be a Xiali at most...

So Fang Yun is not worried that"Sky Sword" will affect his players. In addition to the above differences, there is another big difference between the two, which is the target players:《FGO》It is aimed at the two-spined newts, while"Sword of the Sky" is aimed at novel readers. There are some differences between the two groups.

"But Emperor Penguins seem to be good at RPG games, right? Let's make an RPG game for the next one!"

Then, Fang Yun made a decision in his mind.

"RPG games... what should I make?"

Fang Yun thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't decide on a plan.

After much deliberation, Fang Yun set his sights on the"Diablo" series and the"Elder Scrolls" series!

The reason is simple. First of all, both can be said to be classic RPG games. The essence of"Diablo" is to brush and brush, and enjoy the pleasure of brushing equipment. Moreover,"Diablo" is also a work of Blizzard in the previous life, and the quality is guaranteed."Elder Scrolls" is completely different: this is an RPG game with a very high degree of freedom. This degree of freedom can be said to be an outlier in the RPG games of the previous life!

Moreover, the world view setting of the"Elder Scrolls" series is also grand, which is also in line with Fang Yun's consistent"style", and in the past life of"The Elder Scrolls 5", after the development of players, various mods appeared, such as multi-racial beauty follower mods, XXO... cough cough, too exciting to mention!

The overall degree of freedom of the game is extremely high. Fang Yun still remembers a post in the past life, the title of which was [The most regrettable thing you did in the Elder Scrolls 5].

The replies below were varied.

Some people hacked Serana crazily; some people even sneaked in the middle of the night to kill chickens and roasted them on the stove in front of the villagers...

Some people used the code to recruit a lot of BS in the royal city, watching the NPCs panic... Some people even slaughtered the entire Skyrim directly.……


After much deliberation, Fang Yun decided to continue to work on The Elder Scrolls!

The reason is quite simple. Today’s players are still suffering from《FGO》If a game like Diablo, which is full of grinding, is released, although Diablo does not treat players like grass like Dark Souls, making players extremely tired both physically and mentally... But grinding all day long is also a liver-damaging thing.《FGO》It's already hard enough, if there's another liver-damaging game...

Fang Yun is afraid that the players' hair can't bear it (staying up late and getting bald: I'm getting bald, and I'm getting stronger!), in order to ensure the healthy growth of the leeks in his leek field, Fang Yun decided to grow them first! Fang Yun set the version of"The Elder Scrolls" to be launched as"The Elder Scrolls 5-Skyrim"!

It's not that the previous four generations are not good, but the launch time of the first generation in the previous life has been traced back to 1994... Although the plot is good, it's really too old...

Moreover, although the plots of the five works of"The Elder Scrolls" are connected, these connections are not as close as"World of Warcraft", and the background stories between each generation are separated by a long period of time.

Take"The Elder Scrolls 5" alone, the plot starts two hundred years after the main plot of"The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion", so taking out 5 alone will not seem particularly abrupt in terms of the plot. As for the previous four parts, Fang Yun plans to make subsequent DLCs and gradually launch them online.

The overall online time will be relatively long. After all,"The Elder Scrolls" is a highly playable work, just like"GTA5" in its previous life: even if you do nothing, just drive around on the streets and an afternoon will pass unknowingly...

In Fang Yun's opinion,"The Elder Scrolls" can attract players mainly for the following reasons:

1. Freedom, which I think needs no further explanation.

2. Diverse races."The Elder Scrolls" has ten major races: Argonians, Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Imperials, Tigermen, Nords, Orcs, Redguards, and Wood Elves!

The difference between each race is mainly reflected in the initial bonuses for each skill.

These parameters determine the different interpretations of each race on the three major professions and their branch routes.

Players need to pay attention to choosing a race (profession) based on the numerical value.

For example, the best choice for a wood elf is to become an archer, the Nord is the best two-handed weapon warrior, and the Tigerman is the best stealth assassin.

���High elves, dark elves and Bretons are all candidates for magic with their own expertise.

Just the choice of race will produce N changes. Some players with"obsessive-compulsive disorder" will choose to try all races and all professions when playing, which is equivalent to extending the life of the game!

3. The setting of game character skills is also complex and playable: racial skills are divided into three types: warrior skills, thief skills and mage skills. Warrior skills include single and double-handed, blocking, forging, and heavy armor. Thief skills include alchemy, light armor, stealth, lock picking, pickpocketing, archery, and eloquence. Mage skills include destruction, restoration, illusion, summoning, deformation, and enchantment.

All skills in the game are cultivated through practice.

For example, often sneaking successfully to avoid enemy prying can improve the stealth level, frequently shooting arrows to hit the enemy can improve the archery level, casting more specific magic can improve the level of the spell system to which the magic belongs, being beaten by the enemy many times can also improve the heavy armor and light armor levels, and constantly trading with merchants can improve the eloquence level.

As the skills of each department are upgraded, the character's experience value will also increase.

Contrary to everyone's perception, you can't gain experience by completing the task itself (I thought this was too BT when I first played it)...

Of course, you can also improve your abilities by paying certain NPCs, and you can train five times per level.

The skill talent tree provides the game with countless character development directions. The skill talent tree system is one of the important systems for developing character skills in the game.

4. Faction: There is no occupation restriction in the game, and there is no restriction on joining the camp. Players can join all the camps in the game. In the end, all your superiors die, and you will become their leader! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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