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The same is true for Yunmeng Entertainment's official website, with a big announcement placed in the most prominent position on the homepage!

Then Fang Yun also contacted an advertising company to start publicity. This time the publicity will be spread all over the world, and the budget is about 120 million!

This time Fang Yun has invested a lot of money!

The investment in the entire competition (including advertising and prize money) reached nearly 350 million! In addition to the expensive production of the CG of"Warcraft", Fang Yun almost《FGO》All the first month's income was invested!

What? You ask《FGO》Second month's monthly revenue?

Ahem... just understand, don't point it out!

If other game companies heard about this investment, they would be shocked. The bonus alone adds up to 130 million. Such a huge bonus pool is simply unheard of!

Previously, other game companies held world-class competitions by invitation, and all the invited players were well-known professional players. The maximum prize money for the champion was 10 million. The main purpose was to live broadcast and enhance the reputation of their own company.

Like Fang Yun, it is open to players from all over the world, whether they are professional or not, and the prize money is extremely generous. This is the first time in this world!

"This is the result of not finding sponsors!"

Fang Yun sighed helplessly as he looked at his bank account, which had shrunk a lot.

This year is the first year of WCG. In order to make the impression of this game deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the investment in advertising is extremely huge. After this year, after WCG has established an image in the hearts of players, it will be much easier to promote the game in the next few years. There will even be many e-sports magazines to help promote it.

For the sweet days in the future, we can only go through the hard days now!


"Holy shit, is Fang Yun planning to do something big?!"

"WCG? 50 million in prize money for the champion?……"

"Anyone can sign up? Not limited to professional players? How much work is this?……"

"I love this competition! I want to participate! Don't stop me!"

"We won't stop you, but based on your level of 2000 points, can you swim to the second round in the auditions?"

"How do you know if you don’t try? With hard work, miracles will happen!"


The players were crazy. They had never seen such a high prize and such a large scale!

Other game companies were also upset after seeing the news. Was it a windfall? They spent hundreds of millions of dollars just like that? Did they even find a sponsor or title sponsor? If the result of the competition was not good, wouldn’t they lose a lot of money?

"A genius designer with lots of money and a lot of stupidity!"

This is the latest evaluation of Fang Yun by many foreign game companies (except those that can host professional game competitions)


As expected, the news of the upcoming WCG spread all over the world in an instant. Foreign players suddenly found that many previously empty advertising spaces were now covered with WCG advertisements!

Major gaming media also rushed to report on it. After all, this was a world-class competition that had never been seen before in the world!

Most people were talking about Fang Yun being stupid and having a lot of money, while a small number of people were envious of Fang Yun for being able to win the WCG with just one game.《FGO》All these investments can be earned back. Only a few people can understand Fang Yun's deep meaning after analysis!

When they analyzed that Fang Yun might want to make WCG into a world event held every year, these analysts couldn't help but gasp: Fang

Yun's ambition is big enough!

It's not that no company wanted to do this before, but holding such a world event requires a lot of competitive games, and well-known competitive games are not produced by one company. Every company wants to make it, but each company only has one or two games, and other companies are unwilling to give authorization, so this cake cannot be divided.

But Fang Yun is different. He has launched two successful RTS games. If he launches two or three other types of competitive games next, then WCG can be said to be a success!

Moreover, even if the final result of this large investment in the first year is a loss, Fang Yun's WCG has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it will undoubtedly save a lot of things if it is held in the future.

Fang Yun wants to monopolize the complete cake of"the world's most authoritative event"!

From the fact that he does not want sponsorship, it can be seen that he wants to eat this cake in one bite and not give others a bite!

"Decisive and ruthless!"

This is how people who understand Fang Yun evaluate him.


No matter how they analyze it, WCG is now known to everyone. People all over the world know how to pronounce the two Chinese characters Fang Yun!

This may be considered as Fang Yun's contribution...

As for the players who signed up... there are too many of them! And Fang Yun's insidious point is that he set the platform for the WCG Qualifiers on [Battlenet], which is equivalent to giving [Battlenet] free advertising!

Registered players: Only six hours after the announcement and registration link were opened, the number of people who registered worldwide has reached 100,000!

"Damn... there seem to be too many people here……"

When Fang Yunwan went to the game, he was shocked to see the number of people who signed up. He originally thought that the players in this world would be very"well-mannered": players with low scores would not sign up, but he did not expect that the people in this world also like to join in the fun!

Fang Yun randomly selected a few IDs from the registered people and checked them. There were even 1,800 players among them!

"You said that even if you participate in the competition with this score, you can't swim to the second round. Even in the first round, you will be slaughtered. What's the point of signing up? Are you forcing me to increase the cost?"

Fang Yun looked at the eye-catching score and thought speechlessly.

"Boss Fang!"

At this time, Liu Xin, who had turned off the live broadcast, came over, followed by Lu Ziming


"Your WCG is really generous! The prize money for the top 32 alone is more than 100 million, right?……"

"If you have something to say, just say it. I'm just annoyed!" Fang

Yun waved his hand.

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