"Ah...I didn't think I could actually hurt you."

Mu Jiu was stunned. He thought his father had left behind a useless mahogany sword, but now it seemed that he just didn't know how to use it.

He suddenly thought that those talismans and the Qiankun Bagua Mirror should also be used in the same version.

So he took out these two items, activated his spiritual skills, and prepared to use them on Bao Guoan.

Bao Guoan realized something was wrong and quickly took dozens of steps back before stopping.

"I said Master Mu, it's not good for you to bully people like this!"

"Hey hey hey, didn't you just learn how to give it a try?"

After saying that, Bao Guoan had a few more bone-deep wounds on his body.

After a night of proficiency, Mu Jiu has completely mastered the use of Lingxi techniques in conjunction with weapons.

What he wants most now is to open his own company.

Go catch ghosts!

It sounds ridiculous, but if you do it, you will definitely succeed.

Just as he was told, Mu Jiu invited several decoration workers to the coffin shop from nowhere.

First, let them take off the sign at the gate and customize a new one.

[The first house to catch ghosts]

As for the interior of the hall, the decoration workers were so frightened when they saw the white coffin placed inside that they did not dare to approach it from a distance.

Moreover, Mu Jiu did not intend to change the appearance of the hall. He had a better choice.

There is an open space around my grandfather's house. Several huts were built in the open space around the house and some basic daily necessities were placed in them.

In addition, he urged Wu Taobo to buy him a car so that it would be easier to go out in the future.

After three days, Mu Jiu's first ghost-catching company was barely established.

There are only two employees in his company now, he and Bao Guoan, who look a little shabby...

"Bao Guoan, you are my wage earner now, and you must listen to my boss from now on!"

"Yes, Master Mu!"

"Call Boss Mu!"

"Yes, Boss Mu!"

"And you usually try to hide yourself in front of others and don't let others see you, otherwise it will cause quite a stir."

"Don't worry, apart from you, only ghosts can see me!"

"In this case, our first ghost-catching company is officially established!"

clap clap clap...

The two applauded in the courtyard.

A car horn sounded outside the door, and Wu Taobo walked in wearing a suit today.

"Senior Mu, your car has been picked up for you."

Mu Jiu collected the car keys, straightened his hair, and saw that Wu Taobo was feeling evil in his heart.

"Wu Taobo, are you interested in joining my company? My company is non-involved and we have four days off every week!"

Wu Taobo was stunned for a moment. He was about to start an internship and was worried about not being able to find a job.

He didn't even hesitate, he immediately agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay! Wu Taobo is brave, and you will be the third employee of our first ghost-catching company!"

"Okay! Huh? Senior Mu, what did you say your company is called?"

Wu Taobo scratched his ears, seriously doubting whether he heard correctly.

"The first one to catch ghosts!"

"Senior Mu, are you kidding me? This name is too tacky!"

"I'm not joking!"

"Then you are going to lead me to catch ghosts! Otherwise, I will be sorry for this name."

"Yes! Our job from now on is to catch ghosts..."

Wu Taobo burst into laughter. He felt that Mu Jiu was teasing him, so he took advantage of the trick and said:

"Then besides you and me, is there another employee in our company who is a ghost?"

"Ah! You know this!"

"Hahahaha! Senior Mu still likes to joke so much! I'm going back to school first, and we'll talk next time."

"Well... Wu Taobo, you can consider it..."

Mu Jiu looked at Wu Taobo's leaving figure and felt that what he said was incredible.

If he had met someone saying this to him a week ago, he would have ignored it.

Now that he has experienced real ghosts, he has discovered that there are different small worlds in this world.

There may be not only ghosts, but also demons, and maybe even...

Mu Jiu didn't think much about it. He found Bao Guoan to practice his ghost-catching skills.

After a long, pleasant afternoon, Mu Jiu walked alone to the village for a walk.

In the village, a house and a yard are built dozens of meters apart, not in parallel.

When we came to Uncle Wang's house next door, Uncle Wang's family moved to the city very early, leaving Grandpa Wang alone.

He remembered that Grandpa Wang's family sold stone tablets, the kind of stone tablets erected in front of tombs.

"Grandpa Wang, are you at home?"

Seeing no response, Mu Jiu pushed open Grandpa Wang's courtyard door.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, and several stone tablets were looming inside. The stone tablets were mixed with soil, and looked eerie from a distance.

Looking from a distance, Grandpa Wang's old house must have been unoccupied for a long time.

Suddenly, there was a stone tablet in the corner that caught his attention. This stone tablet was not big and did not look like the one used by his grandfather in his time.

The tombstones used in this era are all small. Compared with other stone monuments, this one seems to have been just made.

"Hey... there is a new type of tombstone here."

If you look closely, there are several big characters engraved on the stone tablet.

The Tomb of Mujiu!

He couldn't help shuddering and secretly said something bad, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"What? Why is there my tombstone? Could it be that there is an old man with the same name as me in the village?"

Such a weird thing was no worse than seeing a ghost. Then Mu Jiu walked to the hall of Grandpa Wang's house.

There is nothing in the shabby hall. It looks like an old house that has been idle for a long time.

Almost the entire village had moved out in the past few years, and Mu Jiu couldn't find anyone after walking around.

He took the stone tablet from Grandpa Wang's home back to his home. At this time, Bao Guoan looked at the stone tablet Mu Jiu brought back with a surprised look on his face.

In the dark environment, Bao Guoan stared at the stone tablet carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more fascinated he became.

"Ahem... Is there anything special about Bao Guoan's stone tablet?"


After Bao Guoan finished speaking and walked into the room, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

son of nine revolutions

is he back

He knew the function of this stone tablet.

It is said that in the small world, only those with great strength can forge a natal stone tablet for themselves to store their life experiences.

This kid is only twenty years old and has a birthstone. There must be someone extraordinary in his family.

When Mu Jiu returned to the room, the stone tablet actually resonated with the little red coffin.

He stared with wide eyes as he watched the stone tablet from half a meter in size directly integrated into the small red coffin the size of a finger, and his whole body seemed a little dull.

"Can it get smaller?"

A thought came to his mind. If it can become smaller, it can definitely become bigger.




After Mu Jiu shouted three times in succession, he returned to his original appearance.

"Now I found a treasure!"

Outside Mu Jiu's father's coffin shop, a black shadow was hidden in the darkness, watching Mu Jiu from a distance.

"It seems that my son has the ability to inherit me, but he turned my good coffin shop into the first ghost-catching shop!"

"See if I don't teach you a lesson in the future!"

"Stinky boy!"

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