"Master, is it inappropriate for me to wear two such expensive rings? The key point is that I can't use them yet." Xiao Jiu raised his middle fingers and looked at the two magic rings on them.

"Put your finger down first before you speak." Qin Xiaoxian said while trying to stuff the live fish he just bought into the ring.

"Master, you can't put anything alive in the ring." Xiao Jiu reminded.

"Ah? Really?" Qin Xiaoxian finally stuffed the jumping fish in. After hearing what Xiaojiu said, he quickly injected his magic power and took the fish out to see that it was indeed dead.

But the freshness is very good.

That's fine too.

"You are my legal guard, so you should carry things for me. Isn't it reasonable to give you a big magic ring and carry more for me?"

Xiaojiu thought about it for a while and felt that even though the things put in the ring had no weight, what the young master said did make some sense, so he didn't worry about it anymore.

"But Master, why did you buy so many rings? You really can't wear them on your fingers."

"What I have dreamed of since I was a child is a ring with space for storage. I didn't expect it to finally come true! Of course I have to buy a few more."

"It's a bit expensive, but it's not rare. Besides, my wife gave you one before."

"Uh, it's different. I bought this myself." Qin Xiaoxian said in her heart, this little fairy is not that little fairy.

In this way, the two of them walked around again. Under the stunned gazes of various vendors, Qin Xiaoxian filled up magic rings one after another with items such as kitchen utensils, vegetables, condiments, medicines, ropes, etc. sorted into categories.

Before the money bag is empty, there are still several rings that are empty.

A dozen rings were strung together with ropes and hung around his neck. Qin Xiaoxian felt very uncomfortable:

Finally, I am free of luggage and equipment, freeing my hands.

I think back in those days, when I went on any big mission, I had to carry big bags and small boxes. I wanted to take a lot of things but couldn't, and I couldn't take too many things that were life-saving.

I remember that one time I failed to complete an evacuation mission. In order to avoid being hunted, I hid in an exhaust duct for five days and almost starved to death.

What to do with excretion, you ask? What else can be done? The big ones are air-dried for later use, and the small ones are directly exported to domestic sales.

It’s all a history of blood and tears!

"Master, why are you crying?"

"It's okay, I remembered some unbearable past events."

"Oh, I have to cry for a while."

"Xiao Jiu, don't you think it's a bit conspicuous to have so many magic rings hanging around your neck?"

"Master, have you forgotten? The last time my wife gave you that ring, didn't you wear it on your hand and go out happily with your arms raised? When you came back in the evening, half of your arms were hematomatous."


When the two arrived home, Uncle Chang was taking people outside the door to measure the size.

Uncle Chang was talking to someone.

"The gate needs to be renovated, widened, and the door panels replaced. The courtyard also needs to be paved with a new layer of blue bricks. The house also needs to be repaired. The roof needs to be redone a long time ago, and the backyard..."

"Uncle Chang, what are you doing?" Qin Xiaoxian suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Ah, the young master is back? I'm not looking for someone to live in and build a house. I'm going to redecorate our yard. This really doesn't look like it. In the past, I had no money and no other options, but now that the young master has the ability, why can't I It needs to be sorted out. I’ve asked you all, and it can be done for about 15 gold coins.”

Uncle Chang said with joy.

"Well, Uncle Chang, I think you have to discuss this matter with me first, right?"

"Master, my wife said that I will take care of these matters. Besides, you also told me before that I won't bother you with such trivial matters."

"I think we can discuss this matter for a while." A drop of sweat flowed from Qin Xiaoxian's temples.

"Ah? This price is very cost-effective, and these masters are very good at their craftsmanship. Is there anything else that can be discussed?" Uncle Chang asked doubtfully.

"Our young master has spent more than 1,700 gold coins and has no money. You all should leave." Xiao Jiu said to several masters who were still taking measurements and records.

When several people heard this, they complained something, packed up their things and left.

Uncle Chang shook a few times and was about to faint.

Qin Xiaoxian and Xiaojiu stepped forward to help him, but saw Uncle Chang suddenly wake up: "Give me back the deposit!"

He turned around and chased those people.

Only Xiaojiu and Qin Xiaoxian were left looking at each other.

Half an hour later.

On the stone table in the front yard, Uncle Chang counted the hundred and ten silver coins in front of him, counted them once, sighed, counted them again, and sighed.

Qin Xiaoxian is tinkering with several condiments and preparing the sauce.

Xiaojiu sharpened the short wooden stick with a knife and asked: "Master, you have made more than thirty short wooden spears, are you still making them?"

"Okay, that's it. I'll make more later. The more the merrier, but it must be straight, and the length and thickness should be as consistent as possible."

"Master, are you going to make a fence?"

"...No. Uncle Chang, stop sighing. You'll be short of oxygen for a while. I'll fix the house myself. Let's go, Xiaojiu, go catch fish and eat fish tonight."

After saying that, Qin Xiaoxian put the wooden spears made by Xiaojiu into Xiaojiu's ring, pulled Xiaojiu and went out.

Only the lonely Lao Chang was left, hunched over his back, counting silver coins one by one...

"Master, I clearly aimed, why can't I insert it?" Xiao Jiu said, looking at the more than ten wooden spears floating on the water.

"You have to observe the trend of the fish, and you have to look at the problem from the fish's perspective and put yourself in their shoes." Qin Xiaoxian said in her heart: I won't mention the issue of light refraction.

Xiaojiu seemed to be thinking seriously about what the fish was thinking.

Looking at Xiao Jiu's back stabbing the fish with a short wooden spear, Qin Xiaoxian chewed a piece of grass in his mouth, slowly lay down on the grass on the shore, and gradually closed his eyes.

"Master, master, how come you can't catch this fish? I aimed it very accurately!"

"Master, Master, you never use a gun, why do you want me to practice marksmanship? You can't catch a single fish! I won't fight!"

"Master, master, how do I know what the fish is thinking? Do you know?"


"Master, the wooden spears are floating in the river, what should I do?" Xiaojiu pushed Qin Xiaoxian to wake up.

Qin Xiaoxian looked at the wooden spear disappearing in the water and said nothing, but on a whim, he took off his robe and jumped into the water.

"Master, you don't know how to swim!" Xiaojiu was stunned for a moment, and then jumped down.

Soon after, Qin Xiaoxian was lying on the shore, spraying water from his mouth like a fountain.

In fact, as an agent, Qin Xiaoxian's water skills are very good, but his body is too weak to handle it, and his legs cramped as soon as he got into the water.

In fact, it's okay to have cramps, but when you meet a responsible legal guard, something goes wrong.

Qin Xiaoxian was just about to treat his leg muscles in the water when Xiaojiu came over with a sudden movement, hugged Qin Xiaoxian without saying a word, then held Qin Xiaoxian under his arm and swam to the shore.

So Qin Xiaoxian turned into a fountain.

By the time Qin Xiaoxian could sit up, Xiaojiu was still fishing for wooden spears in the water.

"What are you doing?" Qin Xiaoxian asked.

"Search for wooden spears? Didn't the young master just want to go into the water to fish for them?"

Qin Xiaoxian said to her heart that I simply wanted to swim.

"Don't fish it out. Make some more when you go home. It's not worth the money."


Qin Xiaoxian stood up and started to make preparations: "I can swim, please don't go into the water to save me."

Then he took out a rope from the ring and handed it to Xiaojiu.

"Wrap it around a wooden spear and use it to prick the fish, but don't prick me!"

Xiaojiu was still wondering when Qin Xiaoxian learned to swim, but Qin Xiaoxian had already entered the water.

After a while, an ice ball surfaced with a frozen fish inside.

The small nine wooden spear flew out, hit accurately, and then pulled back.

Just like that, after a while, more than 30 frozen fish were pulled ashore.

Qin Xiaoxian also came up.

Mana is empty.

It seems that if it is a serious ice hockey technique, Qin Xiaoxian can only release about ten, and then he has to wait for the mana to slowly recover.

But if you switch to this kind of hollow ice ball, you can make more than 30, and it won't explode and can be stored, which is very good.

Put them all in the ring and go home!

In the evening, Qin Xiaoxian said that he would cook in person.

Uncle Chang and Xiaojiu were sitting in the yard feeling sad.

Xiaojiu: "What is the fish thinking about?"

Uncle Chang: "Young master cooks for himself. Does this mean you dislike me?"

But it didn't last long, and the two of them had no other thoughts.

Because it smells so good.

"Come on, come on, grilled fish with garlic, fish fillets with peppercorns, boiled fish, and fish head soaked cakes. Time is limited, that's all." Qin Xiaoxian brought up all the dishes one after another.

Xiao Jiu and Uncle Chang even forgot to help with the tableware, and just stared blankly, while their noses kept twitching.

"Master, how do you know how to cook?" Uncle Chang held back his words for a long time.

"I've also seen your young master eat it before!" Qin Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"But these dishes are not available in our Tuoluo Tuocheng city!" Uncle Chang said.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, come on, come on, eat!"

Xiao Jiu couldn't wait any longer. He opened his cheeks, opened his back molars, and reached out to grab it.

Uncle Chang's movements were obviously half a beat slower, but he could still be regarded as a latecomer.

Qin Xiaoxian smiled and watched them eat.

At this moment, Uncle Chang felt that Qin Xiaoxian was like a peer; Xiao Jiu also felt that a feeling similar to father's love was revealed from Qin Xiaoxian's eyes.

But this feeling was too strange, and it was fleeting.

"Wow, it's so delicious. Master, your cooking skills are even more delicious than the fish cooked by the chef of the Qin family! It's even better than the chef of the most famous magic restaurant in the city!" Uncle Chang squeezed out half of the fish. He opened his mouth and said vaguely.

Qin Xiaoxian just smiled and said nothing.

"It would be a pity not to sell for money, young master. It would be a pity not to be a chef or a mage." As soon as Xiaojiu said these words, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he stopped talking and kept his head down while eating.

"Don't talk nonsense, our wife is a dignified sixth-level magician, and our young master is also a noble magician. How can he open a restaurant?" Uncle Chang said a few words.

"Fuck the magician, I can do whatever I want, just a restaurant. Starting tomorrow, I will conquer the world with delicious food and become the number one chef!"

How could Qin Xiaoxian, such a casual person, be bound by an ideal of the original owner of his body?

I want to make money! I want to enjoy it! I still want to be that dashing Qin Xiaoxian who had money and spent money like water, but had no money to play drums.

Uncle Chang and Xiaojiu looked at Qin Xiaoxian who suddenly became so arrogant and were a bit unresponsive.

In the following months, a new scene appeared at an intersection in the residential area of ​​Nancheng:

After noon, the two chopping boards were quietly opened, with a sign standing on one side.

Here it says: Mom, I want to eat grilled fish. Mom is so kind. It costs 88 copper coins a portion. It is delicious even in the magic restaurant.

There it says: Mysterious ice cream, foreign flavor, buy one for your sister, a romantic time for 39 copper coins.

Uncle Chang was wearing an apron, with tears in his eyes, standing in front of the chopping board, guarding two big hockey balls, and mumbling: "Amei, I'm sorry for you."

Xiaojiu was wearing a chef's hat, wiping his saliva with his hands and fanning himself with a fan to spread the aroma of grilled fish.

At the beginning, people were still waiting and watching.

But the taste of fish is really tempting.

But the price was a bit expensive, people didn’t leave, and no one bought it.

There were quite a few who were trying to inhale.

There was that one who was very curious and not short of money. He couldn't stand the smell of grilled fish and bought it to try.

It didn't matter once I ate it, I said it was delicious and bought three more portions to take away.

There was a leader and people flocked to it.

The business on the ice cream end is also good. This fresh item attracts the attention of children and women the most.

What surprised everyone the most was the man lying on a lounge chair basking in the sun behind the chopping board. He casually took out a piece of steaming grilled fish from his waist. He swiped the waist on the other side and took out a cold and sweet ice cream.

"Let me tell you, the supplier is not a mage, right?"

"No, it was taken from the magic ring."

"What's going on? How come a mage who is usually so aloof goes to the street to sell things?"

Uncle Chang burst into tears upon hearing this.

"I know him. Isn't that the son of Magister Qin Mei of the Qin family?"

"Qin Xiaoxian? It's true. He used to spend money like water, but why is he so depressed now?"

Uncle Chang whimpered.

"Let's sell these today. I'm tired too. You two clean up the stall and I'll leave first."

Qin Xiaoxian suddenly sat up, said a few words and left.

"Master, are you still tired from lying down?" Xiaojiu turned around and asked, but saw that Qin Xiaoxian had disappeared.

At night, there are no pedestrians on the street.

In an area of ​​abandoned old houses near the base of the city wall, a woman was holding the hand of a little girl and walking forward.

"Auntie, didn't you say you would take me to find my brother after eating the ice cream? Where is this? I'm scared."

"Be good, I'll be there soon. Your brother is waiting for you in the room in front."

As he spoke, he pulled the little girl into an inconspicuous house.

The sound of voices disappeared.

Not long after, a dark figure appeared at the door of the house, put something down, wrapped it in a windbreaker, then walked around to the side, and ran up the courtyard wall in twos and twos.

There were three people playing cards in the yard, and the sound was quite loud. There is a dog lying against the wall.

The dog suddenly stood up with its ears and looked up.

The next second, a dark shadow fell down and touched the dog's nose quietly, causing the dog to wilt instantly.

The three of them didn't notice anything unusual at all. They chatted to themselves and played cards while chatting.

At this time, the woman came out of a room and said, "Just for fun, let me watch these two children alone, and you don't want to change classes with me."

A bald man among the three playing cards said with a smile: "Sister, who doesn't know that you can coax a child? How can we, three old men, do so well?"

"Fart, you're still tied up and you're coaxing me to fart. Can't you just watch for me for a while? The room is stuffy."

"They're all tied up, what are you still watching for? Let's come out and play together."

"Farewell, the boss will come to pick up someone later. Don't make any mistakes, just keep watching."

"Sister, we are relieved to see you." Another man chuckled.

"When we make friends and get the money, we can live a comfortable life again." The third person said.

At this moment, the door opened without warning, and the four people in the yard were stunned when they looked outside.

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