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Xing's mouth curled up a brilliant smile. After all, he had wanted to do this for a long time. The conditions did not allow it back then. Now that the conditions are met, since he must kill with one blow!

At the same time, Sauron looked at the sky, and a fighting spirit emerged in his eyes. Although he is now known as the world's number one swordsman!

But that was just given to him by Yan Xing. After all, the gap between him and Yan Xing is still very far!

The sword will fell into the depths of the world. At that moment, the sword will carrying the will of all living beings began to rage and entangle with the world consciousness.

As the two collided, the world's will began to be worn away. When he wanted to run, he couldn't run away at all!

Everything disappeared with it.

In an instant, all living beings felt that they seemed to have lost something. The dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

At the same time, Yan Xing's eyes flashed with fluorescence, and the mysteries of the world were all presented in his eyes. , looking at the origin of the world emitting colorful light, Yan Xing felt a sense of longing. Unfortunately, if Yan Xing moved the origin of the world, then the world would face collapse! Although Yan

Xing thought he was not a good person, he was still not interested in breaking the mystery of a world, so he directly blocked the origin of the world!

Now that the will of the world has been cut down by him, it is time to leave here...

Yan Xing turned his head and looked at the towering tree in the center of the world. As Yan Xing stretched out his hand, the tree appeared in Yan Xing's hand in a blink of an eye, and it slowly shrank. At the same time, Yan Xing picked the branch of the devil fruit tree and threw it towards Shanks.

The indifferent words rang in Shanks' ears:"This branch is planted in the Dragon Pond to ensure that your Dragon Pond can continue to operate!"

Hearing this, Shanks took the branch in his hand respectfully, looking at the figure of Yan Xing in the sky, and a melancholy appeared in his eyes.

He wanted to follow Yan Xing's footsteps regardless of everything, but now he did not act. After all, he is now the monarch of the Kingdom of Fire. Although the Kingdom of Fire is stable, it is built on the existence of Flame Star!

With the departure of Flame Star, there must be undercurrents.

If he leaves, without his own suppression, the entire Kingdom of Fire will split in a few years with just Zoro, the sword geek.

After all, the Kingdom of Fire is built on the powerful strength of Flame Star. Of course, Flame Star also knows this situation. In this regard, he turned his head and looked at the people in front of him.

Similarly, a stream of light fell from Flame Star's hand and sank into Shanks' mind in an instant.

At that moment, Shanks's eyes were shocked. Such a powerful thing was given to him by Flame Star.

At this time, in order to allow the Kingdom of Fire to continue, it may seem incredible to him, but in the eyes of Flame Star, it may be just that!

In this regard, Flame Star took a step forward and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

However, at this time, Shanks, Zoro and others sighed at the disappearing Flame Star.

In this regard, as the gap healed, the sky became blue again.

The entire Kingdom of Fire was still turning, but undercurrents began to surge in it.

As for Yanxing, who left the pirate world, he was walking in the void at this time, and began to move forward according to the coordinates of a world recorded in the world consciousness! After walking in the boring void for several years, even Yanxing, who was powerful, had a flash of fatigue in his eyes.

But soon a world appeared in front of Yanxing. Looking at the world in front of him, Yanxing used all his strength to activate the power of space.

In a blink of an eye, as the world membrane cracked a crack, Yanxing's figure directly entered this world!

On a blue planet, above the Hidden Leaf Village in the Ninja Continent, the time is now the fifty-fifth year of Konoha!

At midnight, the dark night pulled a round of moonlight down to the sky.

However, it was precisely because of the cover of the night that the scene that would have caused a huge shock was quietly hidden.

The dark sky was like a mirror, gradually cracking delicate lines. In the broken mirror, the tidal-like thick space force was raging.

But in such a terrifying space tide, a figure fell from it vaguely!

At this moment, the scarlet blood dripped from the corner of Yanxing's mouth.

At this time, Yan Xing was annoyed. Although he was careful enough, he didn't expect that he was still plotted against by the will of the world. The will of the world rejected his existence.

Now he finally restrained his own breath and didn't let the will of the world reject him.

But even so, he was seriously injured, and the exploration of his consciousness echoed in the whole village.

In an instant, Yan Xing's eyes were surprised. This is the Hidden Leaf Village.

So this is the world of Naruto?

Thinking of the various bloodlines in this world, as well as the most peak abilities of the Samsara Eye and the Reincarnation Eye.

The most mysterious sacred tree may also be able to help Yan Xing.

Perhaps it can make Yan Xing's strength grow step by step, so at this time, Yan Xing's mouth curled up a faint smile.

But now is the 55th year of Konoha, Yan Xing is looking for those long-lost memories deep in his mind.

If I remember correctly, then now is the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan.

Thinking of this, Yan Xing stepped out in the blink of an eye, his body began to twist, and he appeared near the Uchiha clan.

Soon Yan Xing found that the entire Uchiha clan was almost covered by a barrier.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Fire escape, great fire extinguishing!"

"Uchiha Itachi, you traitor, you shall die a horrible death!"


The moment he entered the barrier, the sound of fighting rang in Yanxing's ears.

However, outside the barrier, it was calm and there was no sound.

In this regard, Yanxing looked at the figures in the battle, and disgust appeared in his eyes. His eyes were fixed on Uchiha Itachi, who was killing all around and slaughtering his clansmen.

Every clan member who was killed by Uchiha Itachi had resentment, regret and other moods in his eyes!

After all, they did not imagine that the demise of the family was caused by the genius that their clan was proud of.

Yanxing was very disdainful of Uchiha Itachi. After all, in Yanxing's view, only the relatives and friends he valued were the real meaning. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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