At this time, Enel's figure was frozen in the void, and the figures of the two were suspended in the air!

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates below were staring at the figure in the void with a thoughtful look. After all, they knew that whether they could survive now depended on whether Yanxing could destroy Enel!

At this time, Yanxing grabbed Enel's arm and said coldly:"Extract!"

In an instant, Enel's figure became stiff, and he felt that his physical strength seemed to be extracted by some unknown force! The thunder and lightning in his body gradually gathered, and as the strands of thunder left his body, Enel seemed to know that something was lost from his body!

Although he didn't know what it was, he obviously knew that it was an extremely precious thing.

As the thunder began to roar, the infinite light in it began to condense, and in these lights, it was filled with the destructive breath of thunder!

Yan Xing stared at the thread of lightning in front of him. Under his will, it immediately rushed into Yan Xing's body, just like water merging into the sea, without any obstruction!

Seeing this, everyone present was surprised, not knowing what Yan Xing had extracted from Enel's body.

But they knew that Enel had no room for resistance in front of him with such power!

It was incredible. As expected, they were still too weak. The strong men on the sea were really punishing!

But Enel had cleaned them up like this. In the future, there were still many strong men waiting for them!

But even so, they would not retreat at all!

At this time, Yan Xing casually threw Enel out, accompanied by ecstasy in Enel's heart.

Although I don't know what this guy extracted, it consumed a lot of his physical strength. But as long as he can survive, it's fine.

But when he subconsciously prepared to transform into lightning and escape, there was no reaction at all. Why can't he use the power of lightning!

At this time, Enelus began to slowly fall to the ground, landing next to Luffy and others. Seeing this, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper ran away quickly!

However, Enelus didn't care about these things now. His mind was full of questions. What was going on!

Suddenly he thought of what Yanxing had just said about extraction. Did he extract the lightning power?

Did he feel that something important was leaving him? He didn't expect it to be this thing.

At this time, Enelus roared unacceptably:"Give me back my lightning power!"

Enelus really couldn't accept the feeling of going from a strong man to a weak man.

After all, most of his strength was due to the thunder fruit. Now Enelus was like falling from heaven to hell, which made him unacceptable.

Robin on the side quickly thought of this. He stared at Yanxing with a look of fear. If such an ability was spread out, how much uproar would it cause!

It is estimated that the vibration is no less than the three ancient weapons that have been born. At this time, Nami smiled:"It turns out that he has lost his thunder ability now!" Usopp said with a gleam in his eyes:"Yes! It seems that the situation is indeed like this. I think he bullied us just now, and it was very bad!"

Chopper's figure gradually became larger:"Yes! It seems that we must not let him go easily!"

I saw three people pounced and threw Enelu directly on him, and a violent beating began!

At the same time, at this time, the arc in Yanxing's hand kept jumping.

He took back the power of thunder, which is more useful than the power of dry sand!

At the same time, Yanxing's figure gradually landed, and the streamer in his hand suddenly dissipated into light and shadow and disappeared.

Luffy's figure quickly approached Yanxing, hooked Yanxing's neck and said:"How about you join my Straw Hat Pirates!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked solemn, and Zoro looked helpless. Here they come again, their captain's problem!

However, it would be a good thing if such a strong person joined, and it would be more convenient to compete with him at that time!

Yanxing looked at Luffy and refused directly:"No, I won't join other forces, but you can let me take a ride on the boat!"

Nami's eyes were shining, and she hurriedly walked up to Yanxing and said:"Of course, but you see our boat is so small and broken......"

Seeing Nami's expression, Yan Xing's mouth curled up a smile. This girl even wanted to rob him!

But it didn't matter. As Yan Xing stretched out his hand, a ten-meter-long gold nugget appeared in front of Yan Xing.

In response, Yan Xing stared at Nami with a smile and said,"How about this as the ship's fare!"

At this time, Nami was completely attracted by the gold in front of her. With a gleam in her eyes, she threw herself directly on the gold, looking like she was so happy that she didn't want to leave!

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