As the magical power of the law rose in it and was extracted by Yanxing, thousands of threads gradually derived from the devil fruit.

Yanxing felt the body gradually being filled up, slowly squinted his eyes, and felt the feeling of power recovery.

In an instant, all the devil fruits gradually weathered, and all the power of the law in them was recovered by Yanxing!

But soon Yanxing frowned, because he found that after absorbing these hundreds of devil fruits, his strength did not even recover one layer!

If this matter was known to the outside world, it would cause a shock. Hundreds of devil fruits are enough to make the world government, the overlord of the sea, come out in full force!

But just like that, it was absorbed by Yanxing, but not even one layer of strength was restored. It is conceivable that the power of Yanxing in his heyday was what it was!

But even so, it was enough to beat the whole world. The future Four Emperors, Seven Warlords of the Sea, Three Admirals, etc. were not taken seriously by Yanxing.

But Yanxing frowned, and now he still needs 20 years to sleep and adjust the sequelae of this thousand-year sleep!

But before falling asleep, it’s time to look at the legendary figure in the plot of One Piece, the figure who created an era.

Looking at the red-haired man shaking his head on the beach, staring at the young figure of the red-haired man, digging out the vague plot deep in his memory!

However, facing that tall figure, Yanxing also likes the red-haired Shanks very much!

After he came to this world, it’s not that there were no women, but I don’t know if it’s because of the change in his body!

Yanxing’s personality has become much more indifferent, and his body has been strengthened, but in his huge harem, no one can get pregnant!

However, Yanxing has checked it out, it’s not his problem, but the different levels of life.

Just like the legendary immortal cultivation, the higher the cultivation, the less likely you are to have children, this is because the life level is too high!

After all, according to the current situation, Yanxing is at least a figure equivalent to the god level, and it is normal that women in the mortal world cannot give birth to his offspring!

So before abdicating, he adopted a few children with no talent. Now that Yanxing sees Shanks, he has the idea of recognizing his son again!

It’s better to act than to be moved. Yanxing is an unscrupulous person. Since he has an idea, he must realize it. He doesn't care whether it will affect the plot.

Because his existence is the biggest disruption to the plot.

""Child, come here!"

As this voice was transmitted into the mind of red-haired Shanks, Shanks stopped drinking!

Shanks looked at Buggy the Clown beside him, frowned and said,"Did you hear any strange sounds!"

Hearing this, Buggy the Clown looked at Shanks, thinking, but in the end, there was only the sound of celebration at the banquet in his ears.

Immediately, Buggy the Clown was furious and said,"Shanks, are you kidding me?"

However, this mysterious voice sounded in Shanks' mind again:"Child, come here!"

At the same time, a map appeared in Shanks' mind. Shanks looked at the route on the map and looked at the area where the fog was!

He gritted his teeth and walked towards the fog!

Looking at Shanks's back, Buggy the Clown immediately shouted,"Shanks, what are you doing? The captain said, we are not allowed to leave here!"

But Shanks ignored Buggy's words, and his figure still went towards the fog.

At the same time, staring at Shanks' back, Buggy clenched his teeth, his face ferocious, and finally seemed to have made some important decision, and hurriedly caught up with Shanks' footsteps!

But the more he walked, the more frightened Buggy was. What on earth was going on with this magnificent building in front of him!

What secrets did Raftel contain? Such an exquisite manor, even the palaces they passed by were not so magnificent!

This place seemed to gather all the beautiful things in the world, it was really photographable!

And at this moment, Shanks stepped into the hall and looked at the magnificent hall in front of him!

But Buggy, who was under the hall, stared at the ground as the fog dissipated. He realized that these buildings were all made of gold, gems, or precious jade.

No wonder it is said that Raftel has the most magnificent treasure in the world. If these things are taken out, they can be rich for generations!

At this time, Buggy didn't think of Shanks at all, and hurriedly took a knife and started to pry up the floor tiles!

Shanks was in After entering the magnificent palace, he looked at the figure on the throne with a look of shock.

Why did he follow the map for some reason? Although the scenes along the way really made him a little amazed.

But what really shocked him was the figure sitting on the throne. Who is he! Why is he here! What is going on with this magnificent palace? He doesn't recognize the words on it.

At this moment, at the other entrance of the palace, Rayleigh and Roger were surrounded by gold.

Their eyes were looking at the shadow of the tree standing faintly in the sky, and looking at the devil fruit that quietly appeared on the crown of the tree, they looked surprised!

This is the legendary devil fruit tree. I didn't expect that there really is such a tree in Raftelune!

Yanxing also saw Buggy prying the floor tiles. Looking at Buggy's appearance, he had his devil fruit on him, but he couldn't take it back! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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