Although the killing intent was rising in his heart, Cavendish also knew that if he didn't have the ability, how could he set this bounty!

He might not be able to win now, it seems that he has to control that personality!

Yanxing would never know that there is a crazy guy on the sea who wants to kill him, but even if he knew. He probably wouldn't do anything because of disdain!

Yanxing looked at the banquet in front of him, it was really interesting!

Being with them does make you feel peaceful. And looking at the scene of eating meat and drinking wine on the side, how long has it been since I saw it!

Only when Roger and others landed on the island twenty-two years ago!

At this time, Yanxing was also somewhat infected, looking at the moonlight in the sky, but Robin at this time quietly left!

In response, Yanxing's figure became blurred, and Robin at this time came to the place where the main text of history was recorded!

Looking at the words engraved on the stone tablet, this is the Chinese language that was commonly used after he established the Kingdom of Fire!

Unfortunately, after the destruction of the Kingdom of Fire, the Chinese language also disappeared in the sea���

Only the ancient monuments are still preserved. Yan Xing looked at Robin and said indifferently:"Why, you like the historical text?"

In response, Robin raised his head, turned to look at Yan Xing and said:"Exploring the secrets hidden in history, of course I am interested!"

Yan Xing said indifferently:"We are the people who compile history, and we are with the bells of the big bell tower. Then the stone tablet says that the ancient weapon Poseidon holds in the name of God is 10,000 meters under the sea.!"

Hearing this, Robin stared at Yanxing in disbelief. Logically speaking, he should be the only one who can master this ancient text in the whole sea!

Why does Yanxing know who he is?

Looking at Robin's vigilant eyes, Yanxing said indifferently:"Haha, ancient texts are just my mother tongue to me!" After speaking, Yanxing turned and left. After Yanxing left. Robin was shocked. Mother tongue, this man is really mysterious!

Yanxing watched them busy moving gold, and at the top of the sea of clouds, they drifted away with the octopus balloon. The ship slowly descended, and Yanxing leaned on the deck, looking at the scenery in front of him, and hurried on his way so slowly. Watching the scenery on the sea of clouds is also a different flavor, and Yanxing turned his head and stared at the ship. Is it a ship spirit?

It's interesting!

But Yanxing didn't plan to take action. After all, there are ships that can open the spirit!

At least his previous car was a spiritual one.

Yanxing looked at the sea chart in front of him, the Seven Water City?

It seems that there is what he needs in the Seven Waters City. Yan Xing flipped through his vague memories, the Door Door Fruit, the use of spatial ability!

If this ability is recovered, then the spatial coordinates can be accurately located!

Now the distance seems to be a little far, so let's work harder!

Thinking of this, Yan Xing's mouth curled up a smile, put down the afternoon tea in his hand, and said lightly:"Wind!"

In an instant, a gust of wind directly urged the ship to rush to the location of the Seven Waters City!

Everyone present fell to the ground involuntarily because of the speed. They just heard Yan Xing's whisper.

This way, he can control the power of nature. What kind of ability does this guy in front of him have!

With the help of this gust of wind, the ship quickly went to the Seven Waters City.

At this time, Nami said with difficulty:"Where are you going!"

Yan Xing said indifferently:"Seven Waters City, aren't you going there too? I'll take you there, it's easy!"

With Yan Xing's words, everyone present did not speak again!

With the help of the strong wind, a fountain-like building appeared in front of them on the sea not far away.

As the boat came to the coast, the octopus entered the sea in a daze.

Yanxing looked at them with a smile on his face and said,"Then let's say goodbye here!"

As Yanxing spoke, he took a step and disappeared.

Watching Yanxing leave, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates looked serious. Sure enough, this mysterious man was really mysterious!

Such means were as traceless as his appearance, but the Straw Hats and others were also excited to take gold and start to exchange Bailey to repair the Golden Merry!

Yanxing, who came to the Seven Waters City, looked at the water city in front of him with a smile in his eyes. This Venice on the water was indeed a good scenery!

Although he had never seen the water city, he built the underwater city and the sky city by himself!

Unfortunately, the sky city has now turned into an empty island floating in the sky!

As for the underwater city, it is now occupied by the fishmen!

But even if it is lost, it doesn't matter, after all, it can be rebuilt again.

When his strength is restored, it will only take a cup of tea!

Yanxing immediately strolled around the Seven Water City, and at the same time Yanxing also found the trace of the CP9 agent.

At this time, Yanxing looked at the bar in front of him, looking at the burly figure behind the bar, his hair was like horns!

His face was honest, and he looked loyal and honest.

Yanxing came in and stared at him indifferently. He should be the CP9 agent with the ability of the Door-Door Fruit in his memory!

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