Just knowing that CP9 has started to act, they seem to be here because they are looking for the design drawings of his car!

You know, that car was built by all the craftsmen of the Kingdom of Fire, and it took a hundred years and almost three generations of efforts!

It was built as a gift to him at his birthday party!

But Yan Xing didn't expect that there were design drawings handed down, but he didn't care.

At this moment, two people flew out backwards, one was inserted into the chimney, and the other was stuck in the gap of the wall and couldn't get out!

Looking at the embarrassing appearance of the two people, Yan Xing felt interesting.

But what Yan Xing really valued was the sea in the distance!

The ocean was constantly collapsing in it, and the ocean currents were intertwined in it, forming a beautiful picture!

Such a scene made Yan Xing a little obsessed.

In the distance, a tsunami hundreds of meters above the sea surface was seen, with a whistling sound, rushing towards him.

Nami and the others who were looking for Luffy and Zoro also noticed their tracks at this time. They took advantage of the tsunami that was coming and ran towards their position quickly before it completely arrived!!

The light in Yanxing's hand flashed, and the sword energy on the blade rushed up to the sky.

Staring at the tsunami in front of him, Yanxing swung his sword at this time.

In an instant, the sword energy that rushed up to the sky was diffused, carrying a sharp breath that seemed to be able to cut off everything in the world.

In a blink of an eye, the sword energy was raging, almost thousands of meters away.

As the sword energy melted, thousands of meters of sword energy spread across the sea, and wherever it went, the sea surface cracked.

Wherever the white blade went, everything that stood in front of the sword blade was split in half by the sword light!

This sword energy that stretched for thousands of meters was really surprising.

Looking at the almost broken sea surface in front of them, everyone looked incredible.

How could there be such a person, such power, can a person still possess it?

Nami and the others had seen Yanxing slash the lightning pillar with one sword last time, but now they were still shocked to see him fighting against the power of nature, but they were not too surprised.

At the same time, the residents of the Seven Water City on the coast looked incredible.

Everyone was staring at the sword light!

"Is this kind of power still human?"

"Indeed, such power is incredible!"

"Who is this man?"

"I remember, he is the man with a billion bounty!"

"It turned out to be him. No wonder he possessed such terrifying power that he could even split the gods of the sea!"


Such a sword force is so terrifying that it is hard to imagine!

Even Lucci and others sitting on the sea train have noticed the sword force of this sharp sword!

At this time, Lucci was staring at the sea surface that was divided outside. They were not without knowledge!

Such a sword energy is estimated to be a great swordsman level existence, and it is still a top great swordsman!

Otherwise, it would not be possible to do this!

And that direction is the Seven Water City. Who is this great swordsman who suddenly appeared?

It is simply incredible. Such a sword light may be the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye!

But it has nothing to do with them. Now we have to rush to the judicial island as soon as possible.

After all, this matter is a difficult matter. There must be no mistakes in the ancient weapon Pluto!

At the same time, in the sea not far from here, a candle was seen swaying on a coffin ship!

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was sitting on the boat, had a sharp look in his eyes, staring at the sea not far away, and his eyes showed a solemn look!

It was this sword intent again, although it was much weaker, but it was indeed the case!

There was no change. It seemed that it was indeed the great swordsman that time.

He has been following the footsteps of this great swordsman for a long time. Now that he has finally found him, he must not miss it.

With Hawkeye Mihawk, he drew out the long sword behind him. In an instant, the sword energy raged and fell on the sea!

Suddenly, the whole ship flew directly towards the Seven Water City.

Yanxing stared at the separated sea in front of him, looked at Luffy and others in the distance and said,"Aren't you going to find your companions?" Zoro looked at Yanxing with a meaningful look. He didn't recover from his injuries on Sky Island!

Now is not the time, there is no chance to fight, so Zoro turned and walked away.

Just as they got on a sea train to leave, Yanxing stared at the tsunami not far away!

There was a sharp breath, that was the sword intent!

This sword intent made people feel dazzling, but it seemed good to Yanxing, at least it was true in the current sea.

And this sword intent seemed to be coming towards him, so it sensed the sword intent he chopped, so it came?

The coffin ship was somewhat familiar, and Yanxing dug deep into his memory. This should be the world's number one swordsman of this generation, Hawkeye Mihawk!

Although the great swordsman is also considered the peak combat power on the sea, he is still not worthy of the title of the number one!

Hawkeye Mihawk stared at the streamer in Yanxing's hand, with a look of doubt in his eyes. This streamer of the supreme great sword Twelve Works!

Isn't this sword in the hands of Red Hair Shanks? How did it appear here now? It's really strange! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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