Yan Xing walked towards the five lieutenant generals in front of him step by step, staring at them without paying attention, with a look of silence in his eyes!

Staring at them was like staring at ants, and the tens of thousands of navy officers standing nearby!

There was a look of fear in their eyes, but when they thought of the existence of the five lieutenant generals, they no longer had any fear in their hearts!

"Kill! The great lieutenant general is here!"

"He's alone, let's kill him!"

"kill him!"



As the sound of artillery fire rang out, all the navy went towards Yanxing.

In response, Yanxing's eyes flashed with disdain:"How dare ants shake the sky!"

As Yanxing waved his arm:"Dry up!"

In an instant, countless wind and sand began to condense, and wherever these wind and sand went!

All living things began to dry up, and the flesh and blood began to dissipate. These navy suddenly became mummies!

As the sea breeze blew, these mummies turned directly into sand and began to blend into the sand!

Looking at the overwhelming sand in front of them, Admiral Huoshaoshan and others all had fear in their eyes!

This is the ability of Sand. Crocodile's Sand-Sand Fruit. Sure enough, this man can indeed plunder the fruit ability!

Moreover, the two people killed by Yanxing just now are both devil fruit ability users. Sure enough, he was spying on the devil fruit ability of the mobile phone!

Now take action Attacking their navy just for the devil fruit abilities of their mobile phones, right? He is indeed a daring person, but even so, since he dared to attack their navy, he must bear the consequences!

At this time, Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan, thinking of this, hurriedly took out Aokiji's Den Den Mushi!

After all, it seems that they have no way to threaten the man in front of them. Now this situation has occurred!

They can only wait for Aokiji to come and stop him!

As the wind and sand go, everyone gradually turns into mummies. Even the five vice admirals can only gather the armed color domineering around them! The five of them turned into pitch black, trying to resist the erosion of the wind and sand in front of them!

"Lieutenant General, save me!"

"My Lord, I don't want to die yet!"

"Lieutenant General....."

The five of them looked at the people in front of them with ferocious expressions and begging for help, and they were also very sad in their hearts. After all, these were their subordinates!

But for their subordinates, there was no way to help them. Such power.

Such power is comparable to the awakening of the devil fruit. You must know that such power is the awakening of the natural devil fruit ability!

Even the three admirals of the navy have not reached the level, but hasn’t this man just obtained the ability of the sand-sand fruit not long ago?

Why has it been developed to the current level now? At this time, Aokiji looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes showed a solemn look!

Regarding the sand-sand fruit, although he has never fought with Crocodile, he also knows that even he can’t develop the ability of the sand-sand fruit to the current level.

Now the current situation is really emotional!

At this time, Aokiji turned into ice and flew towards Yanxing!

"Ice Age!"

In an instant, as the wind and sand were gradually frozen by the ice, Yan Xing was at this time!

Almost tens of thousands of navy were killed, and the devil fruit ability users among them were no exception!

With the recovery of these abilities, Yan Xing had a smile in his eyes!

Turning his head and staring at the ice and snow world in front of him, the power in it, the natural freezing fruit!

If it can be recovered, then a lot of power can be restored!

Moreover, the power of freezing is also good.

But at the moment when Yan Xing was about to recover Aokiji's fruit ability, he suddenly felt a little frightened.

At this time, Yan Xing looked surprised. At this time, it seemed that the plot could not kill Aokiji, nor could Yan Xing deprive Aokiji of his freezing ability!

Thinking of this, Yan Xing looked gloomy at this time!

At this time, Yan Xing had an inexplicable look in his eyes, and finally Yan Xing looked gloomy!

Now the bottom line of the will of heaven cannot be mobilized. After all, he is an outsider after all!

In his heyday, heaven had to give him three points!

But now it is not possible, but now It doesn't matter.

Although it will be late to recover the power of the devil fruit, Aokiji will die one day.

It doesn't matter to recover it after he dies. But now I have to take this ability.

After all, the ability to freeze is also a good means of attack.

At this time, Yanxing's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Aokiji in an instant, and the whole person turned into lightning!

The moment he saw Yanxing's figure, Aokiji's eyes flickered with shock.

This is the ability of lightning. Could it be that this guy also plundered the ability of the Thunder Fruit!

Then it's really troublesome, two natural ability users, and the most important thing is that we don't know if he has hidden other abilities!

Kuan and one person have several abilities, which is too against the sky!

Thinking of the words conveyed by the Navy Marshal through the Den Den Mushi in those days, this man really has to be guarded!

As the thunder flickered, the power in it was mighty, carrying the panic of heaven!

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