At the moment of the light-speed kick, Kizaru was unable to block it at all, and used the armed color domineering in front of him to cover the place where he was kicked.

At this time, Kizaru's figure stopped in the air, and his eyes showed a solemn look. How could it be possible that the speed was faster than him!

At this moment, a light blade emerged in Yanxing's hand. With the appearance of this light blade.

Yanxing listened to Kizaru quietly. Although he couldn't kill him now. But if he cut off an arm, it should be possible!

Thinking of this, Yanxing looked at Kizaru with a fierce murderous intent in his eyes!

Sharp sword energy began to emerge, and at the moment when this sword intent began to collapse. Kizaru's pupils shrank, and the hairs all over his body stood up!

In his heart, an extremely terrifying sense of crisis continued to emerge.

At this time, as Yanxing's sword intent began to rage, even the sky thousands of miles above began to be affected by this sword intent!


Everyone present felt an extremely sharp breath, and in the Sabaody Archipelago, the swords in the hands of some people began to clang!

They seemed to be worshiping their emperor, and this oppressive sword intent gradually raged!

At this time, Kizaru remembered that the man in front of him was now the new world's number one swordsman!

They also knew Hawkeye's strength, although they had never fought with Hawkeye.

But decades ago, they also saw the battle between Hawkeye and Red-haired Shanks.

It can be said that Hawkeye and Shanks are almost at the top level in the world in kendo!

And now the man in front of him is stronger than Hawkeye. Just one sword made Hawkeye admit that he was not as good as him. Yan Xing, give up the position of the world's number one swordsman!

Is this man ready to take real action now?

Thinking of this, with the growing sense of crisis in Huang Yuan's heart. Huang Yuan frowned and flew away, running directly outside!

Since the Celestial Dragon is dead, there is no point for him to stay here. After all, the reason he came here is just to take the Celestial Dragon back!

Now that the Celestial Dragon has been trampled to death by Yan Xing, and he can't beat Yan Xing, there is no need to stay here!

So Huang Yuan followed his inner thoughts, his figure turned into a golden light, and disappeared in front of Yan Xing.

Looking at Huang Yuan who turned into a golden light and flew away in front of him, Yan Xing's eyes flashed with a sharpness:"It's too late to run now!"

As Yan Xing's words fell, Yan Xing saw the lightsaber in his hand slash out:"Cut the sky!"

In an instant, as the sword energy above began to rage, the sword light broke away from the blade!


With the sound of breaking through the air, everyone in the Sabaody Archipelago stared at the shocking sword in front of them! There was horror in their eyes. How could someone have such strength? Is he still a human?

Rayleigh, who was also paying attention to this battle, also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Sure enough, his swordsmanship has reached this point, which is simply incredible. It turns out that the style of the great swordsman is like this!

Seeing it now is not in vain. With the sword light slashed by Yanxing, he is chasing after Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan also noticed the sharp sword light behind him, and there was a deadly sense of crisis in this sharpness!

If he can't avoid this attack, then he will be in danger, and Huang Yuan also knows this.

So Huang Yuan had a gloomy face, with a flash in his eyes. With a solemn look.

Then he turned his head to look at the sword light, the golden light on his body flashed more, and Huang Yuan's extreme speed increased again, almost approaching the speed of light!

But in Yan Xing's eyes, that was all. Under the blessing of Yan Xing's will, the sword light seemed to cut through the void and fell on Huang Yuan in an instant.

At this time, Huang Yuan was also staring at the sword light that came into his eyes, and a look of horror emerged in his heart.

How could it be possible? Why did this situation happen now? Logically speaking, he did increase his speed.

This sword light appeared in front of him and he couldn't avoid it. He could only resist it! Thinking of this, Huang Yuan gritted his teeth, and sweat kept dripping on his forehead.

Huang Yuan urged the armed color domineering, and the armed color domineering covered his whole body. At this time, the sword light also fell!


As the sword light and the dark armed color domineering came into contact, the sound of golden light was heard, and a dazzling brilliance burst out from it.

At the same time, the sword light directly cut through the armed color domineering, and cut towards Kizaru's flesh and blood. The moment the sword energy entered the body.

Kizaru began to fall towards the sea involuntarily. Yanxing stared at the sword light that was almost approaching the sea surface.

There was a smile in his eyes. In this situation, he cannot be killed.

If he falls into the sea, then for Kizaru, it will be a deadly situation.

Yanxing's fingers trembled, and he withdrew the sword energy. This made Kizaru feel better, although Kizaru didn't know what was going on.

But his eyes were fixed on the deep sea. At this time, he clenched his teeth and urged the Shining Fruit. Suddenly, the figure turned into golden light again and went directly to the headquarters of the navy.

In this regard, Yanxing raised a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth:"Run away!"

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