At this time, Boya Hancock no longer cared about it, because she could sense a heat current surging in her body.

That inexplicable power seemed to carry a mysterious aura, strengthening the unknown power in his body.

At the same time, wisps of dark smoke were drawn out from Boya Hancock's head. These were the curses of the devil fruit.

In less than a moment, Boya Hancock opened his eyes, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes.

Because Boya Hancock could easily sense the changes in her own devil fruit abilities.

Now she no longer needed others to admire her in order to petrify people, and Boya Hancock could feel that she could have a transformation and could transform into a human-headed snake body. As Boya Hancock changed, his two sisters beside him flashed incredible colors in their eyes. How could it be possible? What was going on? Seeing the changes in Boya Hancock, Yanxing had a smile in his eyes.

This was a kind of power he gave to Boya Hancock.���Transformed into Medusa form, this form has just reached the second level.

But having the ability to petrify is extremely tricky. With such a change, it is estimated that Boya Hancock now has the power comparable to that of a general.

Boya Hancock, who felt his own changes, had a flash of surprise in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Yanxing, his eyes full of hope:"Thank you!"

For Boya Hancock's thanks, Yanxing smiled and shook his head and said:"You're welcome. After all, you are my subordinate. Improving your strength is only good for me!"

At the same time, Yanxing looked at the dawn gradually appearing in the sky, turned his head and said to Boya Hancock:"We have been here for a while, so let's say goodbye!"

However, hearing Yanxing's words, Boya Hancock's face showed anxiety:"Why, are you leaving now!"

Hearing this, Yanxing smiled and said:"If there is anything, I will contact you. Before that, everything is the same as before!"

After that, Yanxing's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Boya Hancock looked melancholy, but soon returned to his original cold state.

Staring at the place where Yanxing disappeared just now, since he has joined his team, there will be a time when they will meet again in the future, and he only needs to wait patiently.

Yanxing, who left the Nine Snakes Pirates, appeared on an island in the New World. At this time, Yanxing was sitting in the tavern listening to the loud conversations of many pirates.

Suddenly, a pirate came in with a newspaper and said,"Big news, big news, the Navy announced that Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is preparing to travel in public!"

"What? The Navy is going to attack the Whitebeard Pirates. This is really big news. Whitebeard will not watch his son being executed. He will definitely go to save him. There will definitely be a big war at that time!"

"The navy really overestimated their own capabilities, and actually dared to challenge Whitebeard. I just don't know how this man who claims to be the best in the world will show his destructive power."

"This has nothing to do with us little guys, but the situation in the ocean is about to change, no matter whether the navy wins or the Whitebeard Pirates win!"

"Indeed! If the Whitebeard Pirates win, then the future will be ruled by pirates. But if the Navy wins, their arrogance will become even more arrogant, and we pirates will probably have a hard time again."

"So now we can only hope that the Whitebeard Pirates can be more powerful and defeat the navy!"

"You are thinking too much. Not to mention the three admirals of the navy, there are also the candidate admirals and many vice admirals, plus the lineup of Navy Marshal Sengoku and Navy hero Garp, and they will probably ask the Seven Warlords of the Sea to mobilize... This time it's really hard to win!""


Yanxing listened to the discussion in his ear, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Is the navy ready to take action against the Whitebeard Pirates?

It seems that the climax of this play is about to begin, but how can such a lively situation be missed?

The most important thing is that it is time to set off to find his son Red Hair when the navy launches the attack. Yanxing also has a plan to implement.

However, in order to carry out that plan, Red Hair is indeed needed. By that time, Yanxing needs a quiet environment to recuperate, and Red Hair needs to be by his side to protect her.

So Yanxing walked slowly outside, remembering that before the war, Red Hair should go to the Whitebeard Pirates to meet.

Then it is better to just wait and see, but just when Yanxing was about to leave.

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