Regarding the Whitebeard Pirates' renewed confidence, Yanxing looked at Shanks, and said with a smile on his face:"Whitebeard is also a pitiful person, but he is also a character!"

Hearing this, Shanks didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, his father is powerful and immortal. He has seen countless people in the long years.

Although Whitebeard looks good now, it is already good to have such an evaluation.

But at this time, Yanxing's eyes were fixed on Ace who was on the exit platform. Behind him, Yanxing could see an illusory figure, staring at Ace in front of him with an anxious look.

There was a flash of love in his eyes, and when he looked at Whitebeard, he also had expectations! And this figure seemed to have noticed something, and at this time, he looked up at the sky. He looked into

Yanxing's eyes with gratitude. After all, if it weren't for Yanxing, he wouldn't be able to leave his body after his death and actually possess his son.

Although other people can't see him, Roger has been relieved during this time. Perhaps it is a good thing to be able to accompany his son!

Now Roger also knows what Yanxing gave him for more than 22 years. So he is grateful to Yanxing, and Yanxing smiled:"Interesting!"

After Yanxing said it, Shanks' eyes flashed with curiosity and said,"Dad, what is it?"

But Yanxing did not answer Shanks' words, but said to Shanks:"Do you hope to see your captain again?"

Hearing this, Shanks' eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at Yanxing expectantly and said,"Can I?"

Yanxing smiled and nodded without saying a word. The moment he noticed that his father nodded, Shanks' eyes flashed with surprise. He could really see his captain. Thinking of that man, Shanks' eyes flashed with melancholy!

You know, Roger lost his breath of life in his eyes 22 years ago. But now his teacher actually told him that it was incredible to be able to see Roger.

But thinking of his father's great power, it is possible! At this moment, Yanxing raised his hand and swept his sleeve in front of him. At this moment, Shanks clearly felt that the world in front of him seemed to have changed! Yanxing pointed down at him, and Shanks followed Yanxing's finger and noticed the illusory figures that appeared on the bodies of the navy and pirates below after they died, but these illusory figures disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Shanks knew that people really have souls after they die! He also thought of his old opponent, the crazy woman with sweet tooth - Charlotte Linlin. He is the user of the Soul Soul Fruit, who can extract people's souls and make inanimate objects have souls. His ability is extremely terrifying! It is somewhat similar to the scene his father showed him now, but as Shanks's gaze shifted to the square, his pupils suddenly shrank. How could it be possible!

Because he saw his own captain, Captain Roger, still looked so heroic, with his back upright and an unyielding will flashing on his body!

But Shanks noticed a trace of anxiety in Captain Roger's eyes. Was it because of Ace?

Regarding Shanks' shock, Yanxing smiled and said,"Because Ace is his son, the power I gave him back then was to be able to exist as a soul, and he has been attached to his son all these years."

Sensing this prying gaze, Roger turned his head again and looked at Shanks. In response, Roger's eyes flashed with surprise!

In these years, he has also heard about Shanks' deeds. So he felt a little emotional. The kid who clamored to be a pirate back then has now grown to this height! Sure enough, he has never been wrong about the person, and Roger was relieved at this time. After all, since Shanks is here, Ace should be fine!

After all, relying on the incense relationship of the past, Shanks would not stand by and watch him die. So at this time, Roger was worried about watching the situation below. At this time

, Whitebeard directly pressed the giant vice admiral who wanted to sneak attack him to the ground with a punch, and with the vibration force, he directly shocked the giant vice admiral to death!

However, the most important thing is that Whitebeard is about to come to an end. Thinking of this, Roger is quite complicated. Twenty-two years have passed, and his old friends are leaving him one by one, although he has already died!

But because of that His Majesty, he was able to survive. But it is only in this form! I don't know whether it will dissipate in the future or be resurrected again, it all depends on the intention of that His Majesty.

However, the Warring States standing on the side had a very gloomy look, staring at the situation in front of him, and he did not get an effective annihilation at all. No, now in order to prevent accidents, Ace must be killed completely.

So at this time, Warring States said:"Execution, kill Ace!" At this time,

Ace closed his eyes. If he died, his father could retreat, then it would be good, too many brothers have been sacrificed!

At this time, however, the white beard on the side swung the naginata in his hand:"Air shock!"

A terrifying vibration force slashed directly at the Xingtai in front of him.

But the three generals had already noticed the action of Whitebeard, and their figures appeared in front of this vibration force. The power of the three formed a barrier, and the armed color domineering emerged!

""Boom boom boom!"

Directly resisted the vibration force, and at this moment, Luffy, who was heading towards the execution platform, had his body pierced by ice and was nailed to the ground.

On the execution platform, the guard in charge of the execution had already pierced Ace's chest with a long sword.

Roger, who was behind Ace, had a hint of pleading in his eyes. Seeing this scene, Shanks immediately turned his head to look at Yanxing, wanting to rescue Ace!

But at this time, Yanxing smiled and said,"Why bother? Let him do it himself!"

At the same time, a ray of light emerged from Roger's body. With the emergence of this light, Roger seemed to feel that his body was solidifying!

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