At the moment when Yanxing finished speaking, Trafalgar Law stared at Yanxing in disbelief, and Shanks was also a little surprised, but finally he was relieved.

After all, when you think of Roger's current appearance, although he is still in the form of a soul, it is no different from being alive, right?

Subverting the boundary between life and death, this is the authority of his father as a god. Sure enough, his father's strength has recovered well now.

At this moment, Trafalgar Law was also thinking about Yanxing's words just now, although the surprise overwhelmed him.

But if such words were said by others, he would not believe them at all, not a word.

But the man in front of him has unimaginable power, and maybe he can really do it.

After all, if there is a glimmer of hope in this matter, then Trafalgar Law does not want to give up!

So Trafalgar Law swallowed his saliva, looked at Yanxing blankly and said:"If I can revive Corazon, I won't take the initiative to trouble Doflamingo!"

Yanxing smiled slightly at Trafalgar Law's fiery gaze, although he couldn't do it just now.

But after recovering Trafalgar Law's surgery fruit ability, it was also strengthened in terms of the law of life, so it was able to do this.

This is also the reason why Yanxing didn't revive Roger directly just now.

At the same time, Yanxing turned his head and looked at Trafalgar Law's impatient look, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said:"In this case, let's go! I'll take you to a place first, and there are preparations to be made in advance!"

As Yanxing stepped out, in a blink of an eye, Yanxing and Trafalgar Law disappeared.

Only Shanks and the people of the Heart Pirates on the side looked at each other, and Shanks looked helpless:"I was left behind again, it seems that I will be a hard-working life!"

At the same time, the figures of the two came to a luxurious palace in a blink of an eye. Doflamingo, who was sitting on the throne, was surrounded by some of his newly recruited cadres and the three highest-ranking cadres who were originally around him.

Almost the entire Don Quixote family was gathered here. The moment Trafalgar Law saw them, his eyes flashed with shock.

This was the ability of space. In the blink of an eye, he came to the New World, Doflamingo's base camp.

If he had not joined the army of Flame Star now, he would have been captured by him if he appeared here.

At the same time, Doflamingo looked at Flame Star and Trafalgar Law in front of him with a surprised look, and was thinking about something in his heart.

How did Trafalgar Law get involved with Flame Star? Thinking of Trafalgar Law's bargaining chip, the immortal surgery of the operation fruit, no one in the world could resist such a temptation.

Moreover, Trafalgar Law and him had an uncontrollable hatred. If Trafalgar Law used this bargaining chip to invite Flame Star to kill him, it would not be impossible.

If that were the case, he would really be unwilling, after all, he was just a lucky kid. Thinking of the devil fruits that were lost from him, Doflamingo also looked quite ugly.

But looking at the situation of Yanxing, he did not launch a direct attack, maybe everything could be discussed.

However, Trebol and others on the side also looked solemn. You know, it was this man in front of him who killed several of their cadres in one encounter.

The strength of their Don Quixote family was damaged, although Doflamingo agreed to cooperate with him now.

But now he came to them again for something, I hope it is not a bad thing, otherwise, I don’t know if the Don Quixote family can survive this time.

Thinking of this, they looked at each other, and their expressions were quite ugly.

Doflamingo smiled brightly and said,"Why did Lord Yanxing come here at this time? The next batch of artificial devil fruits are not mature yet!"

As Doflamingo's words fell, Trafalgar Law on the side looked shocked. Artificial devil fruit. Could it be that Doflamingo has mastered the technology to make devil fruits?

It shouldn't be! After all, how can such a wonderful power as devil fruit be made.

Although it is not known whether what Doflamingo said is true, it can be seen from this that Doflamingo used this as a bargaining chip to join Yanxing's army.

However, Trafalgar Law soon showed a bitter smile. After all, he has promised that after Corazon is resurrected

, he will not take the initiative to trouble Doflamingo, so there is no need to think about these things. Yanxing also saw Doflamingo's nervousness, but did not explain anything.

Instead, he said solemnly:"Where is Corazon's body!"

As Yanxing's words sounded, Doflamingo was also anxious at this time. Sure enough, he came.

At the moment when Doflamingo was anxious, Yanxing said indifferently:"I'm not here to trouble you this time. Just do your task at hand. But I have to trouble you with one thing later, about the resurrection of your brother Corazon!"

At the moment Yanxing's words fell, Doflamingo's pupils shrank, and his eyes showed an incredible look.

Did he hear it wrong? Yanxing actually said that she would resurrect her brother Corazon.

It was simply incredible. You know, his brother Corazon was killed by him personally, and it has been more than ten years. Now it may be because of Trafalgar Law's pleading that Yanxing wants to resurrect a person who has been dead for more than ten years.

Is he crazy or is the world crazy? But what he didn't expect was that the power possessed by Yanxing was so terrifying.

What kind of fruit ability is this that can resurrect people who have been dead for so many years? You know, he has been roaming the sea for so many years, and he has never heard of the existence of such a fruit.

If it wasn't Yanxing who said this, Doflamingo would not believe it at all, but Doflamingo also wanted to know how Corazon was resurrected at this time.

So Doflamingo smiled and said,"I will lead the way for your majesty."

As the three of them came to a cemetery, Doflamingo said excitedly,"This is Corazon's grave. I buried him here."

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