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So at this time, Meng Qi Drag secretly made a decision in his heart. If it was really him, then what would happen if they surrendered.

Thinking of what he said in the Den Den Mushi last time, Meng Qi Drag showed a bitter smile on his face.

Indeed, the revolutionary army he formed did not have the courage to gather people like Yan Xing.

Meng Qi Drag stared at the small and simple stone tablet in front of him, just when his fingers separated.

I saw that the stone tablet suddenly turned into sand, and the light of the crystal coffin also dimmed.

The light and shadow inside also dissipated together, at this moment. A mysterious force was extracted from it, flying in the sky towards the Sabaody Archipelago. Yan Xing, who had already arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, felt the flying power, with a hint of smile in his eyes.

The stone tablet of time he created, using the law of time, has now collapsed.

But at least the direction of the evolution of the stone tablet is correct. Perhaps in the future, after the great task is completed, a magic weapon can be created.

As for the overflowing power, although it is not much, it is better because it is very few.

And on the island in the first half of the Grand Line, Monchi Drag, staring at the desertified stone tablet in front of him, sighed and said,"Let's go!"

Monchi Drag had made a decision the moment he left. After all, if it was really him, then it would be a good thing for everyone to hand over the Revolutionary Army to him!

Because Monchi Drag knew that he did not have the courage of Yanxing, and the most important thing was that the more he knew, the more he knew about the World Government's trump card!

Monchi Drag was the more frightened. After all, from just a few words, it can be seen how brilliant the development of the Flame Country was in those days!

Among them, the extremely terrifying weapons and the strong men can cut off the current red soil continent with a casual blow!

You must know that from history, Monchi Drag knew that the original sea was a vast continent, but because of the war in the Flame Country that swept the entire sea!

So the continent became islands, and finally was counted into the Red Earth Continent today!

And the chaotic weather on the Grand Line of the sea is also caused by the power of the strong at that time!

Such power is really fascinating, although it is incredible from their point of view!

But Monkey D. Dragon believes that the records of these ancestors should not deceive them.

So it is the best choice to hand over the revolutionary army to your majesty now!

So after coming out, Monkey D. Dragon Den Den Mushi:"Beep beep beep!"

And Yan Xing, who was already sitting in Xia Qi's extortion bar, looked at Zoro who was receiving training inside!

Seeing that it was the Den Den Mushi that sounded, it seemed to be from that group of guys!

Now come to contact, thinking about the damage to the Stele of Time, plus that memory.

So Monkey D. Dragon saw his posture and came to contact.

In response, Yan Xing connected to the Den Den Mushi, and at this moment, the figure of Monkey Drag sounded:"Can we talk?"

Hearing this, Yan Xing raised his eyebrows and said:"Sure! Where are you?"

After Yan Xing spoke, Monkey Drag said:"The Lost Island in the first half of the Grand Line!"

Yan Xing casually outlined the map of the Grand Line and looked at the direction of the Lost Island.

Calculating the distance, he directly tore the space and entered it. In the blink of an eye, he was above the Lost Island.

A space gap appeared, and this space gap revealed a violent force.

It is fast to use the tearing space to travel directly. Yan Xing appeared above the island.

Sensing the figure on the island, he soon sensed the breath of Monkey Drag.

In a flash, Yan Xing appeared in front of Monchi Drag. Seeing their silent expressions, he said indifferently,"It seems that you have figured it out!"

In response, Monchi Drag was silent and half-knelt on the ground. There were complex colors in his eyes, and finally all of them turned into relief:"Meet the ancestor!"

Everyone on the side stared at Monchi Drag and Yan Xing in disbelief. They saw that Monchi Drag was in a posture they had never seen before.

The humility in his eyes made them unbelievable. This was actually the leader of their boss, the revolutionary army.

Although Yan Xing in front of them was indeed very powerful, he could not reach this level.

However, they thought of a problem, the ancestor!

There was something wrong with Monchi Drag's address. What ancestor? How could it be possible? They looked at Yan Xing in disbelief.

But Monchi Drag would never make this joke, and judging from Monchi Drag's current demeanor, the change was indeed a bit big, so big that they could not believe it.

In response, Yan Xing looked at the person in front of him, and a faint smile appeared on his lips:"It seems that you know something about my identity!"

Hearing this, Meng Qi D Duo La Ge said solemnly:"Ancestor, it is right to hand over the revolutionary army to you. You can lead them to true glory and thoroughly implement the purpose!"

In response, Yan Xing's eyes flashed with indifference:"Why should I accept your old soldiers and remnants? If I want to train them, I can train them soon, and they are stronger than the current revolutionary army!"

In response, Meng Qi D Duo La Ge fell into silence directly, and everyone on the side looked at Yan Xing with dissatisfaction in their eyes. Are the old soldiers and remnants referring to them? You must know that their strength is at the top of the entire sea.

However, Yan Xing now looks down on them, which is really unreasonable, but the moment they touched Yan Xing's eyes. The magnificent power of heaven emerged from Yan Xing, and this pressure made everyone present look extremely ugly.

Their faces were pale, with unbelievable colors in their eyes, and sweat kept dripping from their foreheads.

I can't believe that someone can intimidate them with his aura. Who is Yan Xing?

The ancestor of Mengqi Ddrager, is this guy some old monster who ate some fruit to be able to maintain this posture forever? _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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