"Are all agents so versatile nowadays?"

"It seems that he is really good at it. He relied on his strength, absolute strength, to get the position of the male duet singer."

After hearing that the two staff members who originally denied Xu Yi now looked at him with new eyes, Xiao Di finally put her mind at ease.

But the good times didn't last long. She heard the staff members denying her again.


The two people in the recording studio were as nervous as Xiaodi and looked at the staff who shouted stop. Xiaodi looked at Xu Yi nervously, fearing that he would lose his performance just after being recognized.

However, the next second, she heard the staff say to Xiaoju:"Xiaoju, why are you late?"

Xiaoju was immersed in Xu Yi's singing just now. When she realized it was her turn to sing, she was already half a beat late. When she recalled the lyrics and started singing, she was completely slow. Xiaoju blushed and apologized in a low voice:"Sorry, please do it again."

When the staff saw Xiaoju's red face and remembered the affectionate look she gave Xu Yi before she opened her mouth, they couldn't help but let their imagination run wild.

"It seems that the goddess is also���It's time to fall in love"

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing."

Xiaoju was a little embarrassed to look at Xu Yi, and said guiltily:"I'm sorry……"

Xu Yi raised his hand to help her put the hair that fell on her forehead behind her ears, and said nonchalantly:"It's okay, it must be this strand of hair that blocked your sight, which made you come in late. Now it's okay, you will be very smooth next."

Xiaoju's eyes flashed, and she looked at Xu Yi with a warm heart. Not only did he not blame himself, but he also found excuses for himself.

She must complete the recording well in order to repay him. This is Xu Yi's first debut song, and Xiaoju doesn't want it to have any flaws.

The recording process went smoothly, and the theme song was recorded in a short while. When he walked out of the recording studio, Xu Yi saw Xiaoju's face with a big smile, and he also felt very relaxed.

He was very confident in his own strength. During the recording process just now, the only thing he was a little worried about was Xiaoju's state.

Fortunately, Xiaoju quickly adjusted herself later, and finally recorded a perfect chorus easily. This was also a good experience for Xu Yi.

Walking out of the recording studio, Xu Yi saw a tall and beautiful woman wearing a professional headset listening to songs. He took a closer look and found that this woman was the senior and best friend mentioned by Xiaoju - Sister Mi.

Seeing Xiaoju coming out, Sister Mi put down her headset and praised him,"You sang really well. I knew I didn't recommend the wrong person."

Xiaoju said sweetly,"Sister Mi, as long as you are satisfied."

Sister Mi kept affirming,"Although I only listened to the first half, I am already very satisfied. By the way, take me to see the male voice you recommended. He also sang very well. He simply sang out the soul of this song."

Xiaoju was happier to hear her boyfriend get affirmation than to hear herself get praised. She pulled Xu Yi over and enthusiastically introduced him to Sister Mi,"Sister Mi, this is the boy who sang with me. He is my agent.……"

After saying this, Xiaoju still felt that it was not enough, and blushed and added:"He is also my boyfriend now." When the two staff members heard this, they thought of the situation in the recording studio just now, and they understood instantly.

Xu Yi stepped forward and took the initiative to extend his hand to say hello:"Sister Mi, hello. I often hear Xiaoju mention you, and today I finally meet the real person."

Sister Mi looked Xu Yi up and down, showing an admiring look, and then looked at Ju Jingyi:"Your boyfriend is not bad. Not only does he sing well, but he is also handsome. If he debuts, those first-line young actors will stand aside."

Xiaoju asked nervously:"Sister Mi, you are not going to poach him to your company to be an actor, are you?"

Sister Mi smiled and teased her:"No, seeing how nervous you are, I'd better keep him by your side and let him be your agent."

Xiaoju's face"shua" blushed.

After that, Sister Mi chatted with Xu Yi for a while, and then transferred the remuneration for recording the theme song to Xu Yi on the spot.

Two hundred thousand!

This is the first time Xu Yi has earned so much remuneration since he started working. Unlike the 10 million, this time he earned it with his own strength, which was of great significance to him.

Looking at the extra 200,000 in his account, Xu Yi was a little excited.

Walking out of the studio, Xu Yi took Xiaoju's hand and said happily:"You have half of this remuneration."

Xiaoju waved her hand and denied:"This is what you deserve. You sing so well, and Sister Mi, who has such high standards and strict requirements, praised you. I just helped to connect, not to mention that you are suitable for the soul of this song. And... I also want to sing with you."

Xiaoju's words made Xu Yi happy.

He did not forget his original intention and continued to express to Xiaoju:"It was also because of your relationship that I got this job. Anyway, I should repay you well."

Xiaoju was moved by Xu Yi's sincerity and was very happy to hear it. She thought for a while and said:"Otherwise... Can you treat me to food?"

Xu Yi felt that his girlfriend was really easy to satisfy, not like a big star who was difficult to serve.

He gladly accepted Xiaoju's proposal and prepared to take her to find food.

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