"Everyone, make way, don't hurt Xiaoju!"

Xiaoju felt Xu Yi's warm embrace, and looked at his profile as he meticulously drove away the danger for her. She felt inexplicably relieved, and subconsciously reached out to grab the corner of Xu Yi's clothes, and her body couldn't help but lean towards Xu Yi.

Since Xu Yi showed his boyfriend power and Xiaoju followed suit, the atmosphere of the fans changed.

Seeing Xu Yi protecting their goddess, and maintaining the order on the scene handsomely and calmly, everyone consciously abided by the discipline.

Female fans began to show their gossip attributes:

"Hey, is this guy the new agent that Xiaoju officially announced?"

"This relationship seems unusual~~ I smell a smell of trying to cover up"

"She didn't cover it, look at the little corner of her clothes, the upper body is pulled up."

Speaking of this physical contact, the male fans who picked her up at the airport couldn't remain calm

"What is this agent trying to do? Even if he wants to protect Xiaoju, he doesn't have to be so exaggerated, right?"

"We all know that Xiaoju likes to stick to the people around him."

"It's fine to stick to Xiaodi in the past, because Xiaodi is a woman. But this agent is not okay, because he is a man!"

"There are differences between men and women, do you know?!"

Seeing Xu Yi escorting Xiaoju away, Xiaoju clinging to him like a little bird, the hearts of the male fans were broken.

After leaving the airport and getting in the nanny car, Xu Yi saw that the system had increased his popularity by 3,000 points. There was no doubt that this was what he got from her fans when he showed his boyfriend power at the airport just now and escorted Xiaoju.

Xu Yi was quite satisfied with collecting 3,000 points in one go.


Arriving at the hotel room, Xiaoju took out the script and read it non-stop. She will join the crew to film tomorrow, and she is reviewing the lines for tomorrow's full day of scenes.

Xu Yi saw that Xiaoju was very nervous, and he thought that in this state, she would not be able to do a good job of preparation.

Moreover, if the nervous state is not relieved, it will continue. If Xiaoju joins the crew in this state tomorrow, she will definitely be cut all the way. Xu

Yi poured a glass of water and handed it to Xiaoju, trying to interrupt her nervousness:"Drink some water first! It doesn't cost a little while to study hard. Besides, I heard that you have memorized the lines by heart."

Xiaoju's hand holding the cup was shaking slightly:"But I'm still a little nervous. Director Zhang Li is notoriously strict. I'm afraid I won't perform well tomorrow.……"

Xu Yi wrapped his hand around Xiaoju's hand holding the cup and comforted her softly:"No. You work so hard, you will definitely perform well tomorrow."

Xiaoju looked up and asked Xu Yi with a reluctant expression:"Will you accompany me to the crew tomorrow?"

Xu Yi felt her uneasiness and answered affirmatively:"Of course, I will always be with you in the crew."

Hearing this, Xiaoju let go of the water cup and happily threw herself into Xu Yi's arms:"You are so nice! With you accompanying me, I am not afraid."

Xu Yi wanted to say that this is what he should do as an agent, but after thinking about it, Xiaoju might not like to hear this in her current state.

He hugged her and said love words in a firm voice:"Don't be afraid, just be a carefree little fairy."

Obviously Xu Yi's judgment was right, and Xiaoju was very happy with this love word. As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, Xiaoju tiptoed and kissed him on the right cheek.

Xiaoju now found that she was becoming more and more inseparable from Xu Yi.

Because the hotel rooms were arranged by the crew, the staff in charge did not know that Xu Yi and Xiaoju were in a relationship, so the staff arranged two rooms for the two.

Although Xiaoju's studio agreed to Xiaoju and Xu Yi's relationship, the studio hoped to conceal this relationship.

After all, Xiaoju is an idol and a young female star. Now that her career is on the rise, it is not good for her development to have a scandal.

Therefore, before joining the group, the person in charge of the studio also told Xu Yi and Xiaoju to try not to expose their relationship.

Xiaoju did not take it to heart, and just said that she would let it go. But Xu Yi couldn't help but think about her reputation. In the hotel where the actors and staff of the crew came and went, if he lived in the same room with Xiaoju, it would inevitably cause gossip.

In the evening, after Xu Yi comforted Xiaoju, when he returned to the room, he could still see the reluctant expression on Xiaoju's face.

He has really felt the dependence of this little girl on him in the past few days, and it is increasing day by day.

Xiaoju is his ideal type, and Xu Yi is also very satisfied to be able to have a mutual affection with him.

After returning to the room, Xu Yi thought of the words he had used to comfort her, telling her"Don't be afraid, don't think about anything, just be a carefree little fairy.""……

He didn't feel it at the time, but now thinking about it, Xu Yi felt that he seemed to be bragging. If he wanted to make his words come true and become more convincing, he had to strengthen his strength.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi opened the system. This was the fastest and most practical way for him to improve his strength at the moment.


Today's six updates have been completed, and there will be two more updates in the evening. Thank you for your support and flowers for the author's rewards in the past two days!!! Dragon

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