Xu Yi took a confident step and walked towards the stage manager.

However, he was stopped halfway. The man who stopped him was a man who looked a bit old and had a sloppy beard.

Xu Yi took a look at his face and realized,"Are you the leader of the enemy soldiers who fought against me yesterday?"

The man smiled and explained his purpose,"Are you going to apply for that play?"

Xu Yi answered without hesitation,"Yes."

The man shook his head,"Young man, listen to my advice, this money is not that easy to make."

Xu Yi was a little confused,"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think this scene was paid 2,000 yuan, which is ten times the salary of ordinary extras. It had to be filmed underwater, and probably naked. With Director Zhang's high standards, it would take at least an hour to shoot. Look at the weather in Hengdian now.……"

It was the beginning of May. Although the weather was getting warmer and there were signs of early summer, short sleeves and shorts were allowed during the day. But it was completely different when it came to the water.

Xu Yi estimated that the water temperature of the river near Hengdian was no more than ten degrees. It was no joke to stay naked in it for an hour.

The bearded man continued to persuade Xu Yi earnestly:"It's right to fight hard when you are young, but your body is the capital of the revolution, so don't be too greedy. This money is not easy to make, so don't be impulsive."

Xu Yi was very grateful for his advice. But Xu Yi had his own ideas. He just thanked him politely:"Thank you, but I want to try."

Hearing the first two words"thank you", the bearded man showed a relaxed expression. But when he heard the second half of the sentence, he froze there. Looking at Xu Yi's back, watching him walk towards the field service with firm steps.

When Xu Yi walked in front of the stage manager and said"I'll do it" under the stage manager's expectant gaze, he heard the complaint of the bearded man behind him:"You don't listen to the advice of your predecessors, you only think about making money, you will cry when the time comes!"

Xu Yi didn't care about money, he just didn't want to miss this opportunity to be discovered. After listening to the stage manager's explanation of the play, Xu Yi felt that his decision was correct.

Although the water scene was performed by extras, in fact, nearly one and a half minutes of the shot were all on him alone, and this was the kind of play he wanted.

Although the water temperature in the river is not optimistic now, Xu Yi understands his physical condition. He is confident in his physical fitness and it is not a big problem to support this scene.

Because this scene is difficult and no one is willing to take it, the stage manager spent a lot of time looking for people. After finally finding someone, he was hurriedly sent to start filming.

Xu Yi didn't even have time to prepare. He was asked to take off his clothes and get into the river to prepare.

When he took off his clothes, he attracted the attention of a group of girls. Although the afternoon was sunny and the weather was hot, in a costume drama crew, the actors were all wearing heavy costumes. Suddenly, one person was shirtless, which naturally attracted attention.

The girls saw Xu Yi taking off his shirt, revealing a solid chest and strong muscles. They did not look like the exaggerated muscles deliberately trained in the gym, but more naturally symmetrical, and looked very strong, which caused a small exclamation.

This exclamation attracted more people's attention. Some people recognized Xu Yi and began to whisper:

"Isn’t this Xiaoju’s new agent?"

"Is Xiaoju’s market situation so bad now?"

"How come the agent can't make money and has to take on such a hard job to support the family?"

Xu Yi heard a burst of ridicule behind him, and he was a little unhappy.

He could accept that he had no money and was too greedy, and that he was misunderstood. But now that Xiaoju was involved, he couldn't accept it.

Xu Yi found that he had thought it was too simple. He wanted to do these things without relying on Xiaoju's name. But in fact, his identity has been officially announced by the studio, and it is inevitable that someone will recognize him. He can't break away from his relationship with Xiaoju.

Now Xu Yi is even more spirited and tells himself that he can't make any mistakes. However, he is not very worried. This scene is not easy for him, but it is not difficult either. When the shooting started, Xu Yi dived into the water, and his body instinctively had a sense of the camera. He could feel that his body was acting better than his mind.

According to At the director's request, Xu Yi swam from one end of the camera to the other. He played a soldier who was holding an important letter, escaping from the pursuers behind him, and delivering the letter to the general.

In the process of swimming in the river to escape, Xu Yi's body fully showed the coldness of being immersed in the river and the fatigue of swimming all the time.

In terms of demeanor, Xu Yi also showed the thrill of being chased by the pursuers behind him and the determination to deliver the letter.

His performance was very layered and immediately caught the director's attention in front of the monitor.

Director Zhang Li looked at Xu Yi on the monitor, his eyes lit up, and he stood up from the director's chair excitedly, turned around and asked the assistant director:"The guy who plays this water play is good, but this is the first time I've seen him. Who is he from?"

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