Liu Yadong trotted to Zhang Li and saw Zhang Li looking at him with a cold face. His back suddenly stiffened and he had a bad feeling.

Zhang Li was famous for his sour face in the industry, and everyone was afraid of him, Liu Yadong was no exception.

Recently, he was not in the right state for acting, and was often late and left early. The assistant director had said something about him twice.

Liu Yadong knew that the assistant director had been with Zhang Li for more than ten years, and his words were what Zhang Li meant. He knew that Zhang Li was dissatisfied with him.

Liu Yadong smiled, moved in front of Zhang Li and asked,"Director, did you call me?"

Zhang Li's face was facing the monitor, and he didn't even spare Liu Yadong an eye, but asked in a cold tone:"I just heard you yelling on the set, don't you want to do it anymore?"

""No, no, no!" Zhang Li waved his hands and shook his head, explaining anxiously,"Director, you heard wrong. I mean those cameramen, don't complain just because they just recorded two group performance competition scenes for nothing. Although the weather is hot, I, who am wearing heavy costumes, didn't complain, let alone them. I am warning them that this job is not that easy, and if you don't like it, you'd better not do it as soon as possible!"

Liu Yadong was just defending himself with clever words, but he didn't expect that a cameraman with water was passing by behind him. He snorted and said indifferently:"Haha, you are really trying to pass on the blame. Which ear and which eye did you hear and see our cameraman say this?"

Liu Yadong was startled, and after turning around, he unexpectedly saw the cameraman at camera position number one.

The cameraman looked at him dissatisfied and asked:"Tell me! Which cameraman is it? I'll bring him over to confront you!"

"Xiao Li, who works at camera No. 2, is still working despite a cold; Dapeng, who works at camera No. 3, stood for four hours in the hot sun at noon two days ago and suffered from severe heatstroke. He just came back to work today; my throat was so dry that it was about to smoke. I came back to get a bottle of water and didn’t expect to see such a wonderful scene.

The cameraman stared at Liu Yadong with a pair of fiery eyes and asked him,"You have to tell me who said that. Our work as a cameraman is hard, and we can’t take the blame easily!"

Liu Yadong was speechless and lowered his head guiltily.

Zhang Li didn’t need to listen to the cameraman to know that it was Liu Yadong who said that. He just heard Liu Yadong say it himself, although it was only vague. Zhang Li stood up and said to the cameraman,"You have worked hard. Tell your colleagues to go to a cool place to rest for a while! I have something to deal with here, and it will take a long time for the next scene to start shooting."

The cameraman glared at Liu Yadong and refused to leave, looking at Zhang Li hesitantly as if he wanted to say something.

Zhang Li understood his thoughts and said affirmatively:"I know you didn't say that, and I know who said it, otherwise I wouldn't have called anyone here. You guys go and have a rest, I won't let you take the blame for no reason."

Only then did the cameraman leave, and he pouted at Liu Yadong as he left.

Liu Yadong felt even more disappointed when he heard what Zhang Li had just said to the cameraman.

Zhang Li glanced at Liu Yadong, sat back in the director's chair, and said straight to the point:"If you don't want to do it anymore, then don't do it. Go find your agent, and I'll talk to him about your withdrawal from the group." Liu

Yadong opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it:"Director, are you kidding? I've been shooting for a week.……"

"Do you think I'm joking now?" Zhang Li looked up and raised his eyebrows at Liu Yadong.

Liu Yadong knew that Zhang Li was a man of his word and stubborn. His crew had changed roles before. At that time, the biggest investor put pressure on him, but Zhang Li did not give in and still changed the male lead.

He also got into this group with the help of the relationship with the investor. He knew that Zhang Li was not so optimistic about him from the beginning. At first, he could only say that he thought he was okay, and with the strong recommendation of the investor, he used him.

But since the start of filming a week, he could feel Zhang Li's dissatisfaction with him from the number of times Zhang Li criticized him and his increasingly impatient attitude towards him.

With Zhang Li's personality, replacing him might not be just talk.

Liu Yadong was completely panicked and could only give himself a chance to beg:"Director Zhang, please give me another chance! I know that I didn't do well in the past, and many places did not meet your requirements. But as long as you can give me another chance, I will definitely change my ways. Even if I die, I will satisfy you!"

"I gave you many chances, but you didn't cherish them."Zhang Li was indifferent, and then said something that made Liu Yadong despair,"Haven't you heard this saying? Opportunities are only for those who are prepared."

"But who is preparing now?"

Liu Yadong was so anxious that he didn't care about his posture. He said to Zhang Li anxiously:"Even if you are not satisfied with me, you have to consider the reality. I am the male lead of this play, and we have already started shooting for a week. If you replace me now, not only will you have to reshoot and affect the progress, but you will also have to face the huge problem of finding a new male lead."

"How can you find a better male lead than me in such a short time?"

Liu Yadong was trying his best to get himself a chance:"Why don't you give me another chance and let me try?"

At this time, Xu Yi walked to the director's room and greeted Zhang Li:"Director, you called me?"

Zhang Li stood up from the director's chair happily when he saw Xu Yi, smiled at Liu Yadong and said:"My male lead is here."

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