Xu Yi looked down at the script in his hand, feeling a sense of unreality:"I want a chance, but this is... a bit exaggerated, right? Suddenly I am the male lead.……"

Zhang Li looked at Xu Yi and smiled:"Not an exaggeration, not at all. After watching your two performances this afternoon, I am sure that you are the No. 1 male in my heart, and it has to be you."

Xu Yi knew that his acting skills in the afternoon had conquered Zhang Li, but he did not expect it to have such a big effect, and he did not expect to get this unexpected gain.

"Go back and read the script carefully and get familiar with the characters. Because we have to hurry up with the replacement, we may not have more time to get familiar with the characters."

Zhang Li patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and asked half worriedly and half confidently:"We will start shooting tomorrow, is it okay?"

At this time, Xu Yi had completely digested this matter. Coming back to his senses, he confidently assured Zhang Li:"I will work hard, Director Zhang. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely perform well and will never let you down."

"Okay, I believe you!" Zhang Li is also full of confidence in Xu Yi


That afternoon, Zhang Li gave the entire crew a day off.

Zhang Li said that considering that everyone had worked very hard before, and that they would have to rush to make progress on the role change, they would probably have to work even harder, so he personally invited everyone to have a meal and go back to rest early after the meal.

The dinner was held at a barbecue restaurant near Hengdian. Everyone was grilling and drinking while chatting about the gossip about today's role change.

Some people had already heard about it, while some people still had no idea what was going on.

The dinner lasted for half an hour. Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Li directly pulled Xu Yi to the front of the stage and officially announced to everyone:"Xu Yi, everyone knows him, right? Starting tomorrow, he will replace Liu Yadong and become the male lead of our"Jiuzhou Suizhu Chuan", and will work with everyone on the shoot."

Before Zhang Li said"Everyone applaud and welcome", a round of applause broke out from the audience.

All the staff applauded.

On the one hand, they really hated the original male lead Liu Yadong, who loved to act like a big shot and often made them take the blame for no reason.

On the other hand, Xu Yi had collaborated with these staff members in many scenes since he became an extra and a stand-in. The staff all admired his professionalism and appreciated him.

When everyone thought that the male lead had been replaced by Xu Yi, they were all excited to drink. Suddenly, they felt that the filming task starting tomorrow was easy.

The staff relaxed and drank, and cursed Liu Yadong who was not present at the table.

"That grandson is finally gone! God is watching over us.~"

"No, it’s Director Zhang who is wise! Director Zhang is awesome!"

"I want to cling to Director Zhang for the rest of my life!"

Everyone went to Director Zhang to toast him, they really admired him.

In addition, there was another hot place to toast, that is Xu Yi.

First, the extras, led by Gou Bao, came to toast Xu Yi one by one. At first, they congratulated Xu Yi:

"Congratulations, Brother Yi! You are the light of our extras.~"

"I am so touched. I never thought that an extra would become the leading actor one day!"

"Brother Yi is awesome! I just heard from an old cameraman that he has been in Hengdian for so long, but this is the first time he has heard of someone who went from being an extra to becoming the leading actor!"

Xu Yi drank the wine they toasted him one by one, and then told Gou Bao and several extras:"The director just talked to me about the use of extras, and I recommended you to him. From now on, you don't have to sleep outdoors to find work, you can be permanent extras in the crew of Jiuzhou Suizhu Chuan."

As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, Gou Bao and the others were so excited that they almost knelt down to Xu Yi.

"Woohoo, Brother Yi, you are so nice~"

"What did I say? You can never go wrong by following Brother Yi!"

"Brother Xie Yi cares about us, and even though he is on the rise, he never forgets to give us a hand!"

"From now on, as long as it’s your business, I will go through fire and water, and I will do anything for you!"

They knew what Xu Yi’s recommendation meant. The crew of Jiuzhou Suizhuan would shoot the drama for at least four months.

Because it was a costume fantasy drama, there were many large-scale war scenes, and many scenes required extras. Their becoming permanent extras in the crew meant that their salary for the next four months was stable.

Gou Bao led the other three extras and drank three glasses in a row to Xu Yi to express their gratitude and respect.

Xu Yi wanted to drink a glass of wine in return, but they immediately refused with sympathy. Some crew members came to congratulate Xu Yi and toasted him one by one, and they also helped Xu Yi block them.

Xu Yi thanked them politely. 's kindness, he smiled and said no. He used the system to improve his physical fitness, so drinking this little bit of wine was no different from drinking water.

When he first joined the crew, he didn't want to give people the impression that he was difficult to get along with, especially that he was a big shot. He knew that Gou Bao and the others meant well, but if people thought that he didn't even give the younger brothers a chance to drink the wine, and had to ask them to stop him, it would inevitably seem like there would be a sense of alienation.

Then, while accepting the"congratulations" from the crew, Xu Yi drank the wine they offered him. They drank for more than two hours in a row. It is roughly estimated that Xu Yi must have drunk at least seventy or eighty glasses of wine, but he was still standing very steadily.

Everyone in the crew was shocked.

"Our new leading actor is really extraordinary, he can even drink so much!"

"There will be new challengers for the next dinner party~"

Everyone was praising Xu Yi when suddenly a cell phone rang.

Xu Yi took out the phone from his pocket and saw on the screen that it was his girlfriend, Xiaoju, calling.

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