Xu Yi was thinking about how to politely thank Sister Mi for her compliment. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Xiao Ju say to Sister Mi in a reproachful tone:"Sister Mi, that man who likes modesty... isn't he interested in Xu Yi?"

After hearing this, Sister Mi laughed out loud:"Don't worry, you little jealous girl! I won't steal your man. I just think your boyfriend is excellent and someone you can trust. I'm happy for you and can't help but praise him."

This time, Xiao Ju was not shy at all. She smiled and agreed with Sister Mi, saying:"I also think Xu Yi is excellent and can be trusted!"

""Look how beautiful you are! You are so happy when you talk about your boyfriend!"

As soon as this hearty voice came out, everyone knew that Yu Lang was here.

She and Xiao Yan arrived soon after.

Almost everyone was there, and everyone started eating hot pot.

Several female stars usually either stay in the crew or fly around to catch up with various notices. It was rare to have such leisure time and get together, and everyone was eating very happily.

After eating, the finale between besties is inevitable - taking pictures.

This time, Xiaodi was there, so Xu Yi didn't have to act as a photographer. He just ate hot pot on the side while watching Xiaoju having fun with them.

Being an assistant to a female star, a necessary skill is taking pictures. In this regard, Xiaodi is professional.

Xiaodi took her semi-professional equipment and took pictures of several female stars. After taking the pictures, they sent them to their friends. In the girlfriends group, five girls were selecting photos and gossiping at the same time.

When they were almost done gossiping, they had also selected the photos and posted them on Weibo.

Then, Xiaodi started the second round, helping several female stars to shoot videos and asking them to post them on Douyin.

Later, I don’t know who proposed to start a live broadcast. Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it will definitely make the fans happy. With the presence of two popular female stars, Sister Mi and Xiao Reba, Xiaodi thought that this live broadcast would be a hit. She immediately prepared the live broadcast room and started helping them to broadcast live.

In less than five minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded five million. I have to admire the efficiency of fans in spreading the news.

Several female stars greeted the audience in the live broadcast room one by one.

The fans went crazy on the spot.

"Oh shit, I'm not dreaming!"

"I saw my goddess and my goddess eating hot pot!"

"Please tell me the name of the hot pot restaurant. I want to eat the hot pot that my goddess has eaten!"

"Ahhh! My big honey!"

"I am hot and beautiful~~"

"I saw Xiaoju eating hot pot, so cute(∩_∩)O~"

"White Snake is White Snake, she is so beautiful even when eating hotpot!"

The comments were scrolling like crazy.

Suddenly, the comments in the live broadcast room stopped as if they had agreed on something.

Xiaodi was so excited about the comments that he didn't notice that he had unconsciously pointed the camera at Xu Yi. When the fans in the live broadcast room saw Xu Yi's face, they were stunned for a long time at first and didn't react.

But three seconds later, the audience came to their senses and went crazy again.

"Oh shit, what’s going on?"

"Why is there a man here?!"

"There is actually a man who sneaks into my group of goddesses and eats hot pot with them?!"

"I won't allow it!!!"

"Go away, damn man, let me do it!"

"I am willing to not eat a piece of meat and serve tea and water to the goddess the whole time~"

"There are actually male creatures who can blend into this group of gods. I envy them.……"

When Xiaodi saw these comments, she realized that she had accidentally pointed the camera at Xu Yi. She wanted to turn the camera back, but it was too late.

Because too many viewers flooded into the live broadcast room at once, the live broadcast platform server crashed completely, and the page was stuck on the live broadcast of Xu Yi.

Xiaodi couldn't change the angle of the camera, and couldn't close the live broadcast room. She only saw the comments scrolling up, and later, she couldn't see what the comments said at all. After being stuck for two minutes, Xiaodi successfully turned off the live broadcast room.

After that, Xiaodi opened Weibo and the fan group to check the response. Seeing that the fans were very happy to see Xiaoju in the live broadcast, and there were no negative comments, Xiaodi was relieved.

At this time, Xu Yi received a WeChat message from Goubao and several extras.

They were all talking about the live broadcast, saying that they had just seen the master in the live broadcast room, but the live broadcast room was stuck as soon as they saw it. It seems that the master's popularity is too high, and the live broadcast platform has been jammed.

Xu Yi looked at the message and smiled helplessly. Goubao, a flatterer, loves to exaggerate when he speaks.

Seeing the word"popularity", Xu Yi suddenly remembered. So, he opened the system to check.

When he saw the number in the popularity column of the system, Xu Yi was very satisfied.

The live broadcast just now brought him a popularity value of 30,000. And that number is still growing rapidly.

The traffic of these female stars is really not covered.

At this time, a mobile phone rang in the box. It was Xiaodi's call.

Xiaodi ran to the corner and answered the phone.

Seeing her serious face at work in an instant, Xu Yi said to the phone:"Okay, I'll go and see about the venue tomorrow. I know... there are only ten days left, we must hurry up……"

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