Xu Yi was pulled up by Xiaoju, opened his sleepy eyes, and glanced at Weibo.

At this moment, his name was on the hot search, and it was on two

#The big production"Jiuzhou Suizhu Zhuan" male lead Xu Yi#

#Who is Xu Yi? #

许奕 and Xiaoju clicked in to see the first trending search and saw that the main content under the first trending search was the promotional trailer released by the official Weibo of"Jiuzhou Suizhu Zhuan".

Xiaoju remembered and said to Xu Yi:"Yes, yesterday the colleagues in the publicity department of the crew told me that they will release Weibo to promote the drama starting today, and reminded me not to forget to forward it to increase the popularity!"

"I'll forward it now." Xiao Ju said as she forwarded the Weibo, and then reminded Xu Yi,"They asked me to remind you too, you are the male lead of the TV series, you have to cooperate and forward it too."

""Okay." Xu Yi agreed to Xiaoju, but he was not in a hurry to act.

Xu Yi saw that there were several Weibo posts about the drama under the official blog. The content posted was all about him.

There were clips of his performances, photos of his daily life and his resume before he became the male lead, which gave a strong feeling of promotion.

Seeing that he started out as an extra, everyone left messages below, saying that he was the synonym of inspiration.

The official blog also posted a video of a reporter interviewing Zhang Li. Most of the time, Zhang Li was talking about his evaluation of Xu Yi, a newcomer, from acting skills to professionalism to being a person.

In the interview, Zhang Li showed his extraordinary appreciation for Xu Yi.

This second hot search——#Who is Xu Yi#, and Zhang Li also contributed a little.

Xu Yi clicked on this trending search and saw that netizens had summarized the Weibo posts of various big names who helped to repost Xu Yi's performance clips.

Among them, the four female stars who had eaten hot pot with Xu Yi last night, Sister Mi, Xiao Reba, Xiao Yan, and Yu Lang all helped to repost one by one, and they all specially @Xu Yi and interacted with him in a friendly tone.

There were also some female stars who Xu Yi had never met, but who had watched his films and expressed their appreciation for him, and they also spontaneously reposted his posts.

Weibo was in chaos for a while.

"Who is this Xu Yi? As soon as he debuted, so many female stars came to support him!"

"Handsome, but not...……"

""Woo, my goddess! I won't allow your name to appear in the same box as another man!"

Early in the morning, these two hot searches on Weibo increased Xu Yi's popularity. Xu Yi opened the system and checked. Now his popularity has reached 100,000.

The popularity he spent on learning stocks has all risen back, and even doubled.

Xu Yi has long been accustomed to being criticized for being on the hot search. But Xu Yi is still very happy that his popularity can be improved because of this.

After all, the popularity of the system is very useful.

After checking the popularity of the system, Xu Yi opened Weibo on his mobile phone, logged into his account, and began to reply to several female stars who @ him. When others promote themselves, he has to respond politely to get along with them.

Xiaoju was also happy on the side. First, she used her big account and praised Xu Yi's acting skills as the heroine. She also expressed her feelings about the cooperation, indicating that the past few months of acting with him were the most enjoyable months in her acting career. There are already several fans who are jealous below.

"I can't stand seeing the goddess praising other men!"

"Is this the scene where the goddess turns into a little fan girl and chases her idol?"

"I smelled adultery.……"

But Xiaoju totally ignored him. She switched to her own account and went to Xu Yi's super topic, turning into a real little fan girl. She started to praise Xu Yi and confess her love to him.

Xu Yi occasionally glanced at Xiaoju's phone, but Xiaoju was too shy to show it to him.

Xu Yi did not insist any more. He felt that every girl had her own little secrets, and he respected Xiaoju. Although they were a couple, he allowed her privacy.

Then, Xu Yi got out of bed and went to the bathroom to tidy himself up quickly.

After coming out, Xu Yi said to Ju Jingyi while getting dressed,"I'm sorry, I can't have breakfast with you. I have to go out for a while to do something."

Xiaoju naturally asked him"what's the matter". Xu Yi thought about it, made up an excuse and said,"Didn't I tell you about my recent stock trading? The manager who helps me trade stocks asked me to come over. He has something to talk to me about."

"That's good."

Xiaoju thought that stocks involved money, and it was inconvenient for her to be there, otherwise she would have begged Xu Yi to take her with him.

In the end, she just sent Xu Yi out and reminded Xu Yi:"Be careful on the road, go early and come back early."

After Xu Yi went out, he first came to the hotel's cafe and began to search for information about the real estate market in the capital, doing his homework in advance.

After searching for more than an hour, Xu Yi roughly had a few options.

Then, he casually ate a sandwich for lunch and got up to look at the buildings. As soon as

Xu Yi arrived at the door of the first building, he received a call from Gou Bao:"Master, that damn Liu Yadong, he slandered you on the Internet!"

"What did he say?"Xu Yi asked casually as he walked towards the sales office.

Gou Bao was anxious and angry, and told Xu Yi on the phone:"He said you relied on women to get to the top and you are a mean person.……"

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