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Xu Yi was hesitating about how to comfort her, at this time, the Weibo notification sound on his mobile phone rang. Just as Xu Yi was about to open his mobile phone, he was stopped by Xiaoju who hurried forward in two steps.

Xiaoju's eyes were full of worry and guilt. She looked up at Xu Yi and said,"Don't look!"

Xu Yi immediately understood, held her hand that was stopping him, and smiled to comfort her:"It's okay, don't worry."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Xiaoju immediately understood:"Did you see the trending search?"

"I saw it." Xu Yi did not hide it.

Xiaoju sighed first, then comforted Xu Yi with a confident attitude:"When the show is broadcast, they will see your acting skills and they will understand!"

"Yes, so I didn't care."Xu Yi said nonchalantly.

He raised his hand and pinched Xiaoju's face, with a doting look on his face, and comforted Xiaoju in return:"You don't have to care. You finally got a vacation, don't think too much, just enjoy it. Isn't it your birthday soon? Be happy."

"Speaking of birthdays……"

Xiao Ju looked up at Xu Yi and discussed with him,"Sister Lan said that we should find a time to make our relationship public soon. I think if we have to make it public, my birthday would be a bit more appropriate.……"

Xu Yi understood Xiaoju's considerations. If they made their relationship public now, Xiaoju's male fans would definitely not give in and would curse him.

If it was Xiaoju's birthday, they would probably hold back a little because it was her birthday and they didn't want her to be unhappy.

Xu Yi simply agreed:"I have no objection, as long as you think it's okay."


At midnight, under the dim light, Xu Yi looked at Xiaoju lying beside him, with the afterglow on her face, and felt warm in his heart.

Perhaps she was really worried that he would be affected by the hot search and would be in a bad mood. Tonight, Xiaoju was very enthusiastic and proactive during the process, not as shy as usual.

Xu Yi felt her love for him and was very moved.

Turning around and raising his hand to push away the strand of hair in front of Xiaoju's eyes, Xu Yi thought to himself: He will also be good to Xiaoju and will never let her down


In the following week, the trending search of"Xu Yi relies on women to get to the top" has not stopped and continues to ferment.

Liu Yadong's fans are not satisfied and found a video of Xu Yi acting as a stuntman for Liu Yadong, using this as an excuse to make a fuss.

"Tell a joke, the current Jiuzhou male lead is the stunt double of the original Jiuzhou male lead Liu Yadong"

"A week ago, he was still acting as a stand-in; a week later, he took over as the male lead. If you say there is no trick here, I, Fat Tiger, don't believe it!"

"This woman has lost all her IQ after falling in love"

"If I had known that Xiaoju was so easy to hook up with,"

"For a man, I can do anything.~~"

"Poor Dongdong, he had to lie about being sick and quit for the sake of the crew. If we don’t help Dongdong defend his rights, Dongdong will have nothing!"

Liu Yadong's fans were very excited and refused to give up.

Although Xu Yi was very calm and never posted a Weibo response. But Gou Bao couldn't stand seeing his master being slandered like this.

Gou Bao found the video of Xu Yi leading the four extras to compete with the second-generation rich people from the film academy from an acquaintance in the crew, and posted it online.

Gou Bao and the extras who took Xu Yi as their light began to become active under this Weibo.

"Open your eyes and take a good look at the difference in acting between the two"

"With such acting skills, isn't it only natural that he was removed from the male lead role?"

"Do you think the Jiuzhou crew is an emergency poverty alleviation camp? How could Director Zhang allow bad actors to appear in his dramas?"

As soon as this video came out, the wind direction changed a bit.

Passersby saw the difference between Xu Yi's acting skills and Liu Yadong in the video, and began to switch sides.

"I think I understand why the original male lead was removed and the current male lead was replaced"

"It's not some shady deal, it's just a naked difference in strength. It's simply overwhelming!"

"This acting... I really cried. Just for this part, I will definitely follow the drama Jiuzhou!"

In addition, the official Weibo of Jiuzhou Suizhu Zhuan, as well as some female stars who have a good relationship with Xu Yi, also reposted this Weibo post about Xu Yi's acting skills crushing Liu Yadong, speaking up for Xu Yi

《The official blog of"Jiuzhou Suizhuzhuan":"Whether the crew uses or removes a person is no joke, and it is not something that anyone can decide. Conspiracy theories that the crew has a shady plot, who can cover up the sky and control the life and death of the actors... Forget it!"

Sister Mi:"After so many years in the entertainment industry, I believe in Director Zhang's professional judgment. He will not use someone without ability. I have seen Xu Yi's acting skills, and he is worthy of this male lead."

Xiao Reba:"If you can get ahead in the entertainment industry by threatening, then everyone won't have to work so hard every day."

Xiao Yan:"When the show is broadcast, you will understand everything when you see Xu Yi's acting skills. At that time, will you apologize for the slanderous remarks you made today?"

Yu Lang:"Please be rational and look at Xu Yi's acting skills in the video. That is the male lead in Director Zhang's mind. Don't be led by people with ulterior motives and do mindless black following the trend."

On this side, Xu Yi is very calm. Not only did he not touch that bad luck, he went to Weibo to check the development of the incident, and he also did not allow Xiao Ju to go to Weibo.

The studio let the two of them have a good vacation in the hotel on the pretext of giving them a day off. Xu Yi heard from Sister Lan that Xiaoju had stood up for him and reposted Liu Yadong's Weibo. While he was touched, he didn't want Xiaoju to worry about it anymore.

He didn't let Xiaoju read Weibo, and he accompanied her in the hotel to watch TV series and movies.

During this week, Xu Yi often received calls and WeChat messages from Manager Wang, who was in charge of decorating the villa. Either he asked for instructions, or he sent him pictures of the decorated villa. After seeing the pictures, Xu Yi was very satisfied. He felt very good thinking about Xiaoju standing in the villa.

Let them make a fuss about things on the Internet! Everything will be quiet on Xiaoju's birthday.


Finally, it was Xiaoju's birthday.

Because the studio had said earlier that Xiaoju would invite loyal fans to celebrate this birthday together, unlike in previous years. So even though Xiaoju is in the spotlight now, she still had to show up and celebrate this birthday.

Xiaoju had already told the studio in advance that she would find a time at the birthday party to announce her and Xu Yi's boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

The studio also agreed with her decision.

That afternoon, Xiaoju arrived at the venue of her birthday party with excitement and trepidation.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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