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As a result, Cai Zhuoyan squeezed Xu Yi, and Xu Yi lost his balance, and Xiaoju fell onto the cushion. Xiaoju half-lay on the cushion, with her twin ponytails spread on the cushion, looking very beautiful and vivid.

Xiaoju's fans in the audience were enjoying the show.

Xiaoju didn't care at first, because this game was originally about everyone squeezing and shoving to compete for the best position on the high platform, so that they could leave their faces in front of the camera.

But in the next three games, Xiaoju saw Cai Zhuoyan squeezing Xu Yi in each game, just like in the first game.

No matter which Xu Yi was, no matter where he was, and no matter how far away Cai Zhuoyan was from Xu Yi at the time, she would move to Xu Yi's side and launch a"physical attack" on him.

Cai Zhuoyan is a senior in the entertainment industry and a great beauty. Xiaoju didn't want to think that she did it on purpose, but whether it was intentional or not, Xiaoju saw that she and Xu Yi had some physical contact.

Although I know that this is inevitable for this game, it is more of a show effect. The audience will feel friendly only when they see the stars playing these simple games like ordinary people. This is also the reason why Happy Camp arranges these games and can last for a long time.

But Xiaoju is still unhappy.

Xu Yi is her man. Loving a man is selfish, and Xiaoju is no exception.

Before the last round started, Xiaoju stood at the starting line and couldn't help pouting when she thought of the scene where Cai Zhuoyan squeezed beside Xu Yi just now.

Xiaoju was jealous and sulking. She made some small movements with her hands and subconsciously grabbed the two ponytails.

She put the two ponytails to her mouth and pouted because of anger. That look was cute and charming.

Not to mention Xu Yi, even the audience and the cameraman at the scene noticed it at once.

Xu Yi soon found that Xiaoju was in a bad mood. Thinking of his previous failure to hold Xiaoju, Xiaoju had been looking at Cai Zhuoyan beside him.

Xu Yi thought back to the situations in the past few games and roughly guessed the reason why Xiaoju was unhappy. Cai Zhuoyan is a senior in the industry and is now on the show. As a man, he shouldn't do things too harshly and attract everyone to see it.

But making Xiaoju unhappy is something he absolutely doesn't want to see.

Xu Yi felt a little guilty. He walked to Xiaoju's side, no longer caring about the camera and the audience, raised his hand and put it on Xiaoju's head, gently touching it soothingly.

Xiaoju felt the warmth of Xu Yi's big hand, and immediately raised his head to meet Xu Yi's concerned gaze at her.

Even if Xu Yi didn't say anything, Xiaoju just looked up at him like this and understood him. He knew that he cared about her. As long as she knew that he cared about her, especially when he was recording the show and had the energy to pay attention to her... Xiaoju saw Xu Yi's attention to her, and all the depressed emotions that had accumulated in her chest just now disappeared, and she was instantly revived and full of energy.

This head-patting move caused cheers from the fans in the audience.

"Oh my god, this is a pat on the head, right?"

"It's so sweet. I almost fainted with happiness just by looking at it.~"

"Damn, such a good man is always someone else's!"

"That’s enough, you still want to snatch people from Xiaoju!"

"As expected of Brother Yi, he has magic! Even the old lady wants to fall in love after seeing him……"

Because of the exclamations of these sharp-eyed fans, most of the audience in the audience noticed Xu Yi and Xiaoju who were showing their affection in the corner.

The more everyone watched, the more they felt that the two were a good match.

Before, they just thought they were a talented man and a beautiful woman. Now seeing Xu Yi patting Xiaoju's head and coaxing her, there is even more sweet and tenderness.

After seeing the two people's way of getting along, everyone felt that they were more compatible. In the audience, they all wished the two a happy marriage, hoping that they could break the curse of entertainment industry romances dying in the light, and that they could witness this golden boy and jade girl go to the end.

There was only one round left in the circle photo game to decide the key winner.

But at this time, the winner didn't matter to Xu Yi.

Just now, he was thinking that since he came to this show, he had to participate in every game seriously and live up to this stage.

But if this made Xiaoju unhappy, he felt that it was unnecessary.

In the last round, Xu Yi completed the elephant circle at the fastest speed, then picked up Xiaoju horizontally, and rushed to the high platform with Xiaoju in a princess hug.

When Xiaoju stood on the high platform, others also ran over one after another. Xu Yi stepped aside and did not participate in the fight for the camera.

At this moment, he just hoped that the game would end quickly, and winning or losing did not matter. In short, he could not let Xiaoju see him having physical contact with other female stars again. Even if it was necessary for the game, he was completely passive.

Teacher He, as an old hand and a high emotional intelligence host representative, saw Xu Yi's thoughts at once based on his behavior.

This time, Teacher He adjusted the timing. He removed the stage where everyone had been fighting on the high platform for a long time before, and directly pressed the timer to end the last game.

The result of the final game was very ideal. The red team where Xu Yi and Xiaoju were located won the final victory with a one-point advantage.

However, not only the members of their team, but also the hosts on the stage and the audience at the scene no longer cared about the result of the game.

In their minds, there was the scene of Xu Yi carrying Xiaoju in his arms just now, which was even more exciting than the previous head-patting.

The female fans below were all asking:"Did anyone record the princess hug just now?"

"I want a set of gifs within two minutes!"

"Are the two of them going to do a dog food special today?"

"��Come on, come on! I can still hold on.……"

The first game is over. Now we are going to play the second game.

According to the program flow, the second game should be the signature game of Happy Camp.——《Who is the undercover? 》

But when Teacher He saw the audience's reaction when Xu Yi ran with Xiaoju in his arms in the last round... Teacher He suddenly had an idea and thought it would be better to change the second game.

During the break, Teacher He discussed with the relevant staff of the program group, and the program group agreed to change the game.

So, after a short break, they returned to the opening scene of the Happy Family.

Teacher He announced directly:"Let's have the second game, the acupressure board quiz."

Then, Teacher He announced the groupings, and considerately put Xiaoju and Xu Yi in the same group.

There are three other groups, namely Haitao and Cai Zhuoyan, Li Weijia and Wu Xin, and Wu Shi and Xie Na.

When the audience saw the rules of the game announced on the big screen, they looked at Xiaoju and Xu Yi who were assigned to the same group, and they were all looking forward to the next game process.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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