Chapter 27 The future father-in-law is so popular at the end of the day

Flag cannot be set up casually

Akira Hatake thought he could escape this law, but it was obvious that he underestimated the power of establishing a flag.


When the two were happily walking around holding hands, a deep male voice came from behind them.



Akira Hatake was heartbroken, and Kurenai Yuhi was probably the same, too. Kurenai Yuhi came quite unexpectedly, and very untimely.

“It’s Ming.” Yuhi Zhenhong looked serious, with no unnecessary expression on her face,”I heard that you got first place in the exam this time?”

“Yes, uncle.” Hatake Akira nodded awkwardly.

“I’ve made a lot of progress, and I finally gave Sakumo a break.” Yuhi Mahong walked between the two of them, looking down at Hatake Akira,”But you can’t relax just because you got good results in this exam. At your age It is better to lay a solid foundation”

“Thank you uncle for reminding me, I will do it””

Hatake Akira smiled bitterly, how could he not hear the subtext in Yuhi Mako’s words?

This may be the natural suppressive power of the future father-in-law over his son-in-law. Akira Hatake, who is eloquent and eloquent, has lost his temper and cannot say many things to refute.

“Come on, then, and it’s getting late. I’ll take Hong home.””

In just three sentences, Yuhi Mahong announced the breakup of their date, which made Hatake Akira feel even more miserable.

He really couldn’t say a single word of objection.

“It’s indeed late.” Hatake Akira nodded, then waved his hand,”Then… see you uncle, and Hong… see you tomorrow……”

“Well! Tomorrow……”

“No, although I have a holiday after the exam, I have arranged a lot of training for Hong, so she probably won’t have time.”

Yuhi Mahong interrupted Yuhi Hong, looking at Hatake Akira with a somewhat unkind look,”Ara, hard work can’t just be a talk, you have to actually do it and train.”

“I know, uncle”

Akira Hatake smiled bitterly, gave Kurenai Yuhi a helpless look, then turned around and left.

“Don’t look, that kid has gone far!”

After Hatake Akira walked away, Yuhihi Kurenai’s originally serious face became even colder, and her words to Yuhihi Kurenai also became more forceful.

“Why do you always make decisions for me!” Yuhi Hong refused to be outdone,”And I didn’t remember that you arranged special training for me!”

“It didn’t happen before, but now it does.” Yuhi Zhenhong pulled a face,”And the entertainment activities arranged in advance are cancelled, and you won’t have any free time before school starts.”


“Call father!””

“Father……”Yuhihong had a sad face and immediately gave in,”Ming… he is very nice and works hard. This test result is the best proof.””

“Hong, you are still young, and you cannot draw conclusions so early on many things.”


“There is no but!” Yuhi Zhenhong pulled Yuhi Hong and walked home,”If you don’t stop your premature thinking, don’t blame your father for using some tough measures.”

Yuhi Hong is really angry. Yuhi Hong almost never refutes him. This time, her daughter actually argued with him over a brat. This makes Yuhi Hong feel comfortable.

And when Yuhi Hong said this, she immediately stopped talking. She believed that her father could do what he said.

With a slumped face, Yuhi Hong followed Yuhi Zhenhong and reluctantly followed him home.

As for Hatake Akira, who was hiding behind a stall at this time, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the father and daughter walking away.

It’s not that I’m afraid of anything else, I’m just afraid that Yuhi Kurenai will get into trouble with Yuhi Kurenai for her sake.

If this is really done, the relationship between the two may have been forced to interrupt for some time due to external forces.

Although puppy love is very common in the Naruto world, parents rarely catch them on the spot.

If we bumped into one, I believe that few fathers would be able to laugh it off. If they didn’t do anything, they would probably be restrained.

After calming down, Hatake Akira left the shopping street with the gifts he had prepared, and slowly headed towards Minato Namikaze’s house.


knock knock knock

“Minato, did you call a friend today?”

Kushina Uzumaki, who was busy in the kitchen, poked her head out curiously when she heard the knock on the door, while Minato Namikaze, who was sitting at the dining table and waiting, shook his head.

“No one said they were coming.” Minato Namikaze stood up,”I’ll go take a look.”

“Well, it just so happens that the rice isn’t cooked yet. If you want to stay for dinner, I’ll make more.””

“Haha, okay……”Namikaze Minato scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

How dark is the dark cuisine that Uzumaki Kushina makes? Namikaze Minato has a say, but Uzumaki Kushina doesn’t know.……

If the person who came was really an acquaintance and stayed for dinner, Minato Namikaze would not dare to imagine the scene.


The door was opened, and Minato Namikaze saw Akira Hatake’s striking silver hair at the first glance.

“Ming?” He was a little surprised,”Why did you come here suddenly today?”

“Of course I came here to recognize Minato-sensei’s house.” Hatake Akira called out to Namikaze Minato-sensei, and then without waiting for Namikaze Minato’s consent, he took advantage of his short stature and slipped into the house.

“Hey, he is……?”Uzumaki Kushina, who poked her head out from time to time, also saw Hatake Akira and asked with some confusion.

“Hello, Mrs. Hatake, I am Hatake Akira. You can just call me Ming or Xiao Ming.””

“Haha……”Uzumaki Kushina smiled awkwardly, then blushed,”You are so wise, and… Minato and I are not married yet, so I can’t be considered your master’s wife.”

“And… when did Minato accept a disciple?” Uzumaki Kushina glanced at Namikaze Minato, trying to get an answer from him

“I just agreed to teach Akira some skills in the teleportation technique… I haven’t decided yet whether I want to accept him as my disciple.” Namikaze Minato explained.

“This……”Uzumaki Kushina blushed and glanced at Hatake Akira, then shrank her neck and got back into the kitchen,”You bastard……”

Although she secretly disliked Akira Hatake, Uzumaki Kushina did not look unhappy at all. Instead, she hummed a tune and her cooking hands became stronger.

“Oh, although the kid is ignorant, he has good eyesight. Let’s let him go today.” Uzumaki Kushina whispered,”I don’t know what this kid likes to eat. It’s so annoying.……”

When Uzumaki Kushina was thinking about giving Hatake Akira extra food, the children in the living room, one large and one small, had already sat on the sofa.

“Ara, why did you bring so many things?” Namikaze Minato pointed to the many gifts Hatake Akira had placed on the table,”Also, you spent a lot of money on these things, right?”

“It’s not much, just some pocket money from me.” Hatake Akira pretended to be relaxed,”And as your disciple, it’s your first time to visit, so you can’t go empty-handed.”

“You are a brat, but I did not agree to accept you as my disciple.” Namikaze Minato smiled and rubbed Hatake Akira’s hair.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree now, just think of me as preparing for the future master-disciple relationship.”

“What if it doesn’t work in the future?”

“I can’t refute what the teacher means in the future, but I don’t believe you will give up on such an outstanding disciple like me.”

Hatake said clearly, and then handed Namikaze Minato a transcript,”I believe Minato-sensei is a person who keeps his promises, and I have completed your first two requests.”

Namikaze Minato took the transcript handed over by Hatake Akira and couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)


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