Chapter 39 Class 8’s first dinner party

Bang! Snapped! Snapped!

Namikaze Minato’s slender palm fell on Hatake Akira’s butt, and the dark style Minato Namikaze gradually became normal.

However, Hatake Akira is miserable. Things like being spanked will become the dark history that he least wants to mention in the world of Naruto.

Not to mention that behind Namikaze Minato stood Kakashi Hatake and Metkai. The two of them had no intention of avoiding it. Instead, they watched Akira Hatake’s execution scene with great interest.

“Haha, my brother will also have this day”

Metkai was embarrassed to express his opinion, but Kakashi had no inhibitions. He laughed softly and narrowed his eyes into crescent moons.

Having been oppressed by Hatake Akira, he had long wanted to see how miserable Hatake Akira was when he was suppressed, and today he got what he wanted.

“Kakashi! I’m not done with you!”

Hatake Akira’s face turned red. He had given up struggling a long time ago and began to twist his body violently, trying to break free from Namikaze Minato’s arms.

But how could Minato Namikaze let go of Akira Hatake, a troublemaker?

Before Kakashi could say anything, Namikaze Minato took the lead and increased the strength in his hands.

“Ming! Do you dare to joke about this kind of thing again?!”

“I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore!” Hatake Akira repeatedly begged,”Teacher, I was wrong, please let me go!”

“Now you know you were wrong?” Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth,”Do you know how worried we were about you just now!”

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Namikaze Minato’s lowered palm almost formed an afterimage, and he kept slapping Hatake Akira’s little buttocks.

“Teacher Minato, brother… he should know that he is wrong”

In the end, Kakashi couldn’t bear it anymore and asked for mercy for Hatake Akira.

“Yes, Minato-sensei, Akira’s character is like this, the lesson given to him this time should be enough.””

Metkai also echoed, interceding for Hatake Akira like Kakashi.

Namikaze Minato, who was almost sulking in his heart, finally stopped and put Akira Hatake on the ground with a cold snort.

“Oh, it hurts me so much. I have never suffered such great humiliation in my life.” Hatake Akira, who was lying on the ground, yelled, but then the topic changed,”It doesn’t matter if it’s just the teacher teaching me a lesson.” , after all, master and disciple are like father and son, this is how it should be”

“Are masters and disciples like father and son?”

Namikaze Minato repeated it in his mind, and the warm and sunny smile climbed onto his cheeks again, which was very useful to Hatake Akira’s words just now.

“Ming, don’t let this happen again!””

Even though I feel exhausted and am elated by Hatake Akira’s words, I still have to tell you what needs to be said.

“I will take it as a warning, teacher”

Hatake got up from the ground neatly and solemnly assured Namikaze Minato

“Okay, let’s assemble”

After punishing Hatake Akira, Namikaze Minato shouted, and the members of Class 8 quickly stood in a row

“Because it has passed the time to accept the genin mission, we will not carry out the mission today.” Namikaze Minato clapped his hands,”But from tomorrow on, our eighth class will be on track, and the meeting time will be set at Eight o’clock in the morning, I don’t want any of you to be late”

“Also, after gathering at eight o’clock, I will lead you to complete the genin mission, and after completion, I will supervise and guide you in your training. I will not keep any questions about your training private.”

“If nothing else happens, Class 8 will maintain this pattern until you graduate from me. Do you all understand?!”


The three people headed by Hatake Akira shouted in unison, while Namikaze Minato nodded with a gentle look on his face.

“Then, disband!”

After the disbandment order was issued, the three of them lost their previous seriousness. Akira Hatake, who had just settled down, licked his face again and approached Namikaze Minato.

“Teacher, do you have any thoughts after the disbandment?”

“Thoughts?” Namikaze Minato was a little confused,”You can go home now. I also have to report to the Sandaime Hokage about the specific situation of Class 8.”

“I mean, after the teacher reports to Hokage-sama, do you have any plans for the evening?”

“There is no special arrangement.” Namikaze Minato answered truthfully

“Teacher, how about we have a dinner together?” Hatake Akira’s eyes lit up,”On the first day of the establishment of our eighth class, there must be a sense of ceremony!”

“Are you having a dinner party?” Namikaze Minato subconsciously pinched his wallet,”It’s not impossible.……”

I, Akira Hatake, and the three grown-ups are just growing up, so their appetites are definitely not small, and the dinner party shouldn’t be too shabby. Minato Namikaze will inevitably bleed.

“By the way, Ming, since it was you who proposed it, do you have any good ideas?”

“You can call Master, let’s have a picnic!” Hatake Akira was very excited,”I still have experience in barbecue, and there are a lot of game in the forest, which can be used as ingredients.”

“That’s it……”Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief,”This is not a big problem, then you go and prepare. I will go to the Sandaime Hokage first.”


Hatake Akira nodded and watched Namikaze Minato disappear using the Flying Thunder God Technique.


“Brother……”Kakashi stepped forward bravely,”I didn’t mean to laugh at you before, it was just what you did.……”

“You brat, is this what I’m talking about?!”

Akira Hatake is a little funny and a little angry. Kakashi really regards him as an elder brother who must take revenge.

“I’ll give you and Kai a mission.” Akira Hatake pointed at the forest around the training ground,”You guys go and hunt some game. I’m going to show off my cooking skills tonight!””


As night fell, a bonfire was set up on training ground No. 16

Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Kakashi, and Metkai were sitting around the campfire, and the sounds of talking and laughing could be heard far away.

Not far from the bonfire, Akira Hatake was busy at the barbecue grill. The meat skewers grilled on it were already seventy or eighty years old.

Soon, Akira Hatake came up with a big plate with barbecued meat, and placed the plate in front of Uzumaki Kushina very wisely.

“Master Wife, I was honored to entertain you last time. This time you can try my craftsmanship.””

“Ming, how about I do it?!” Uzumaki Kushina twitched her index finger, but she couldn’t fake her expression as if she wanted to show off her cooking skills.

Namikaze Minato, who was sitting next to her, showed a trace of panic on his face, while Hatake Akira also looked embarrassed.

“No, Master, if we go to bother you next time, you will be busy. But today, just sit back and enjoy the delicious food!””

“Okay, it’s rare for you to be filial. Next time I will show off my cooking skills to you.” Uzumaki Kushina smiled happily and looked around to boast,”Your Minato-sensei has always praised me for my good cooking skills. Ming That day when I was a guest at Teacher Minato’s house, I almost swallowed my tongue!”

“Um…ahem, the master’s wife is right, her cooking skills are excellent, she can be regarded as a top chef who was delayed by the ninja profession.”

Akira Hatake echoed, making Uzumaki Kushina very happy, while Kakashi and Metkai also showed a look of admiration.

Looking at the expressions on the two people’s faces, Hatake Akira secretly laughed in his heart. Uzumaki Kushina’s dark cuisine must be equally wet with rain and dew, otherwise wouldn’t he be at a loss?

After burying the pit for Kakashi and Metkai, Hatake Akira went to bring over the remaining barbecue, distributed them one by one, and sat beside the campfire.

“Ming, do you have any dreams?”

A dinner party is a place to eat, drink, and talk freely. Namikaze Minato, who was holding a barbecue in his hand, asked a question.

With Namikaze Minato starting, the rest is easy to say, Hatake Akira can only yin

(End of this chapter)


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