Chapter 58 Akira Hatake is Targeted


A loud noise was accompanied by the soaring fire, and a thick smoke rose into the air, making the choking person unable to open his eyes.

When Akira Hatake led Kakashi and the only five Kusanagi behind him into another encirclement, what greeted them was the detonating charm trap that had been arranged in advance.


As the smoke dissipated, a cough broke the brief silence after the explosion, and two small figures, back to back, emerged from it.

“Brother, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Hatake Akira stopped coughing,”If you hadn’t pulled me out just now, I might have to confess here.”

“I said, as long as I am still alive, nothing will happen to my brother.”

“Hahaha, what a deep brotherhood!”

Before Hatake Akira could reply, a rough laughter suddenly sounded. In the surrounding bushes and deep in the forest, ninjas wearing grass ninja forehead protectors, standing or squatting on the trees, appeared one after another.

After a quick glance, Hatake Akira roughly estimated the number of ninjas in the ambush circle.

“Haha, they really think highly of us. The number of 30 people in the ambush really makes me flattered!””

Hatake Akira smiled faintly, and his eyes turned into money.

Although the ambush set by so many people seems very dangerous, the strength of these people is somewhat insufficient.

The leading ninja, the one who just made fun of the Hatake Akira brothers, is as strong as a jounin and is at the bottom among the jonins.

The strength of the remaining ninjas can be described as mixed, with the chunin and genin almost evenly divided.

“Humph, there will be a bigger surprise waiting for you later!”

The leading ninja snorted and waved his hand, and then whispered to the ninja beside him,”You can seriously injure them, but don’t kill them. We need to use them to threaten Namikaze Minato.””

“I understand!”

Naturally, Hatake Akira couldn’t hear the conversation between the two, but looking at the slowly tightening encirclement, Hatake Akira knew that the time had come to test him.

“Kakashi, are you afraid?” Akira Hatake asked softly

“Don’t be afraid, they should be the ones to be afraid of!” Kakashi’s eyes were cold, they were just small fish, and they were really not enough for him to kill.

However, in this case, Kakashi can no longer control the intensity of his attacks, and it is almost impossible to kill Hatake Akira in a team battle.

Akira Hatake naturally understood this, and immediately told Kakashi,”Don’t hold back, just kill them!””


Puff puff puff puff……

As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, a series of white smoke came out. The smoke was like an attack signal. The surrounding ninjas ran a few steps quickly, with various ninja tools and various ninjutsu in their hands, overwhelming. To Hatake Akira and Kakashi

The purple chakra chain was tied around Kakashi’s waist, which increased Kakashi’s physical data by a considerable amount. Almost instantly, Kakashi’s jounin strength was directly raised to the elite jounin level.

“Not good!”

The face of the leading ninja who was watching the battle changed. He was about to join the team fight, but in an instant, the hair on his body stood on end. He stopped advancing and then retreated as fast as he could in his life.


When the leading ninja retreated, a thin purple-blue line similar to a laser swept across the position where he had just been. The surrounding thick trees had been cut off, and the fractures were smooth and neat, like a wooden mirror. Same

“Well done, Kakashi!” Akira Hatake witnessed all this and was as excited as a monkey. Just now he received a reminder that a lot of gold coins were credited to his account.

However, after this moment of excitement, Akira Hatake calmed down again.

“Kakashi, those who were killed by Lan Dun just now were some genin and a few less powerful chunin.”

According to the prompts of the gold coins entering the account, Hatake Akira can accurately distinguish how many ninjas Kakashi’s Lan Dun killed just now, and what the specific strength of the ninjas is.

“Then I’ll do it, brother”

Kakashi’s shadow clones have already dissipated after releasing Lan Dun. After all, the training of Kakashi’s shadow clone to merge with Lan Dun has not been completely completed. Basically, the shadow clones will dissipate after one use.

The shadow clone Lan Dun at this stage is equivalent to a self-destruction style. It is more than enough to clear the field, but if you want to put this move on the table, it still needs some heat.

Kakashi’s current amount of chakra cannot allow him to squander it as much as Naruto.

Therefore, what Kakashi trusts most now is the ninja sword in his hand.

Akira Hatake, on the other hand, was very conscientious in tying Kakashi with a purple chakra chain, and would launch a passive attack on the surrounding enemies every five seconds.

With the help of Akira Hatake, a ninja was killed by Kakashi.

[Ding! Assist the attack to kill Kunin Chuunin, gold coins +47】

Immediately afterwards, a ninja was shot through the chest by Hatake Akira’s passive attack, and there was another blood flower in the air.

[Ding! Assist the attack to kill Kunin Chuunin, gold coins +47】

The teleportation technique escaped the attack of the three ninjas. Akira Hatake and Kakashi changed positions, and the purple-red chakra chain also passed through the waists of the three ninjas, causing them damage at the same time. , causing their bodies to become temporarily stiff.

New Hatake Knife Technique·Sweep!

The extremely simple sword move is paired with the extremely fast sword swing speed and the powerful change in the nature of thunder chakra. A crescent-shaped sword carries the thunder sword energy with the change in the nature of thunder chakra. Spreading forward at a speed invisible to the naked eye

Thunder attribute chakra has the advantages of activating the body, paralyzing the body, thrusting with power, etc.

When the sword energy with electric arc passed through the bodies of the three ninjas, the unabated aftermath also affected several ninjas behind them who had no time to react.

The three ninjas who had just besieged Hatake Akira and Kakashi were obviously not alive, and the several ninjas behind them who had affected Chiyu opened their eyes tremblingly, watching a snow-white sword light pass over them. Coming closer

“Move! Move for me!””

The body paralyzed by the thunder attribute chakra remained motionless, and the fallen head recalled the last thought in his heart.

But it’s too late……

Kakashi’s sword is the same as Hatake Sakumo’s, fast, accurate, and cruel!

However, when Kakashi was about to kill the next enemy, a wall of earth suddenly blocked the snow-white sword light that Kakashi swung out, and the leader Ninja who was temporarily away from the battlefield took action.

Earth Escape·Tu Lu Return

This is a C-level ninjutsu. Although the level is not high, the defensive attribute is very strong. Although the thunder escape restrains the earth escape, it is against Kakashi who currently only incorporates changes in the properties of thunder chakra into his sword skills. That said, it is still a relatively difficult barrier to penetrate.


With a muffled sound, dirt fell down, and the two ninjas protected by the thick earth wall finally saved their lives from Kakashi’s sword.

But this is only temporary……

And Kakashi didn’t hit hard even if he missed a hit. The teleportation technique was activated instantly, and his body instantly retreated a long distance.

But no matter how far the distance is, it still does not break through the 15-meter range of Hatake Akichi’s skill. The increase exerted by Hatake Akichi’s skill still exists.

“I restrained the boy wearing the mask, and you guys killed the other one as quickly as possible!”

The leading ninja quickly noticed Akira Hatake’s auxiliary role and immediately made a decision that all ninjas would make.

As long as there is a fight between ninjas, medical, sensory, and auxiliary ninjas must be killed first!

“Don’t even think about it!”

Kakashi clenched his silver teeth hidden under the mask, holding a long knife and facing the oncoming leading ninja.

“Don’t worry about me!” Akira Hatake reminded Kakashi loudly from behind, he didn’t want Kakashi to be distracted when dealing with Jonin of the same level.

Both of them are jounin. Although Kakashi is stronger, the battle at the same level will never be as simple as Kakashi killing the chuunin just now. It is only possible after the two of them have passed forty or fifty moves. Decide the winner

During these forty or fifty moves, Hatake Akira will face the siege of more than ten Chunin-level combatants alone.

“I can handle it, don’t forget I’m your brother”

Hatake clearly knew Kakashi’s character and how dedicated Kakashi was to protecting him now, so he gave him another instruction.

Seeing that Kakashi was not impatient or eager to make progress, Hatake Akira finally felt relieved.

Glancing at the crowd of ninjas gathered around him, and then at his own gold coin balance, Hatake Akira immediately had a plan in mind.

Thanks to book friends Lao Mu Xinzhi Zhou Furen and book friend Tired of Everything. The two cuties gave me 100 starting coins. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)


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