Chapter 65 I believe you don’t want your master’s wife to be in danger, right?

Every ninja has his or her own favorite place

As long as you start provocation from this aspect, no matter how close the relationship between each other is, you will be punished by some small emotions from the other party.

Obviously, Hatake Akira hit Namikaze Minato’s gun this time

Akira Hatake’s speed in learning to fly the Thunder God is extremely fast with the help of Ming Shiyin’s hero template.

This is a fact, Namikaze Minato is very surprised, it makes him feel a little better than others in life.

But this is one thing, it is another thing for Hatake Akira to slap Minato Namikaze, so Minato Namikaze can’t bear it.

“Teacher, I was wrong…my forehead is swollen!””

Another defeat, Hatake Akira cried and leaned against the big tree, saying that he didn’t want to compete with Namikaze Minato again.

“You still have many shortcomings in the actual combat of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Naturally, Namikaze Minato would not say it directly, but reminded Hatake Akira in a roundabout way that his Flying Thunder God Jutsu still has a long way to go. Way to go

Hatake Akira naturally knows this truth, but the lesson he received from Namikaze Minato today still made Hatake Akira understand Namikaze Minato’s little-known evil attributes.

Isn’t it just a little bit of lip service? Even if Namikaze Minato doesn’t want to praise others, there’s no need to treat him like this, right?

“Teacher, I know I have many shortcomings.” Akira Hatake followed Namikaze Minato’s words and said,”Teacher, please teach me why I always bump into you every time I confront you. On the muzzle of the gun?”

“This is the reason for consciousness, neural responses, and the position of the Flying Thunder God Kunai.”

After hearing Hatake Akira’s question, Namikaze Minato had no intention of continuing to lecture him. Instead, he walked to Hatake Akira and told him about the practical skills of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Awareness needs to be developed by you the day after tomorrow. This is related to the number of actual combats you have done. It is not something that can be achieved overnight.”

“Nervous reaction speed is an attribute that is innate to humans. Although subsequent exercise can improve it to some extent, this attribute is more innate than acquired. This can only depend on the individual.”

“However, the specific position where the Flying Thunder God Kunai is released is the easiest skill for you to master at this stage, and I took advantage of the loopholes in the release position of your Flying Thunder God Kunai, so that I can always attack in front of you.”

Namikaze Minato took out six flying thunder god kunai, waved them in front of Hatake Akira, and then threw them on the ground like a goddess scattering flowers.

“I threw six Thunder God Kunai.” Namikaze Minato pointed to the range where he threw the Thunder God Kunai, and then stretched out his hand to cover Hatake Akira’s eyes,”Then, now you remember their details Got the location?”


After just two glances, Hatake Akira was unable to watch anymore due to Namikaze Minato’s intervention. He could only remember the positions of three flying thunder god kunai.

“Did you not remember clearly?” Namikaze Minato smiled,”This is your biggest problem now. Learning the Flying Thunder God Technique does not mean that you can use it skillfully. You still have a long way to go.”

“I understand, teacher”

Hatake Akira accepted the instruction humbly, nodded and then raised his head, the familiar gentle smile on Namikaze Minato’s face came into view again.

“Your talent is as good as mine, and even better than mine in some aspects. As long as you can make up for the shortcomings I mentioned, it won’t be so easy for me to win against you next time.””


Hatake Akira nodded and did not continue the topic about the flying thunder god technique.

Akira Hatake’s real purpose was not to tell Minato Namikaze that he had learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, but to use this excuse to pull Minato Namikaze out alone and make some small talk between the two.

“You don’t seem to be in high spirits?” Namikaze Minato was a little confused,”Is it because I made a heavy move just now?”

“No, teacher, I just suddenly thought that there are a lot of strange things about this mission.” Hatake Akira brought the topic to this mission.

“There is indeed something wrong.” Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face disappeared.

patted Hatake Akira on the shoulder,”But the task has been completed, and there is no point in pursuing many things now. In short, you are safe and sound, which is better than anything else.””

“Thank you, teacher, but don’t you have anything to say to me?””

“No.” Namikaze Minato lowered his head, obviously he didn’t mean what he said.

“But I do.” Hatake Akira didn’t want to let Namikaze Minato go, because after returning to the village, there would be no such a safe and private space for master and disciple to talk secretly.

“Teacher, I know that this mission was arranged by Danzo Shimura.” Akira Hatake pointed out the topic directly,”Although I don’t know exactly how he operates it, it is not difficult to see his plan through this mission.”

“If Kakashi and I are unfortunately captured in the second wave of ambush during this mission, what will you do, teacher?””

“No need to ask, of course I am going to rescue you.” Namikaze Minato answered simply,”But everything is over, isn’t it? Your worries have not happened, and what you should focus on most is your strength. As long as you are strong enough, many accidents can be avoided”

Namikaze Minato is telling the truth, but this is both the truth and prevarication. Namikaze Minato doesn’t want to discuss some of the dark sides of Konoha Village with Hatake Akira now.

Patting his butt and standing up, Namikaze Minato pretended to leave,”Ara, let’s go back and rest for a while, we have to rush on our way later.”

“Aren’t you unwilling?” Hatake Akira sat on the spot without moving, raised his head and stared directly into Namikaze Minato’s eyes.

“Maybe… yes……”

“Then are you willing to listen to some of my immature thoughts?” Hatake Akira said very slowly, and the power of his words frightened Namikaze Minato.

Somehow, Namikaze Minato nodded, and then sat back down next to Hatake Akira.

“You speak, I listen”

“Teacher, your biggest dream is to be Hokage, right?” Hatake Ming asked

“Of course, this is the dream of every ninja in Konoha, and I am no exception.”

“But have you ever thought about your chances of becoming Hokage?” Hatake Akira said bluntly.

“very slim……”Namikaze Minato smiled bitterly,”My prestige is not as good as that of Sakumo-sama, Sannin, and Konoha Sukuro. In terms of strength, although I can rank high in Konoha, I’m still a little behind.””

“Although that is the case, I believe that you understand, teacher, that is not what I said.” Hatake Akira finally said his plan,”What I want to say is that with the support of my father and the Hatake family , what do you think your chances of becoming Hokage are?”

“This……”Namikaze Minato looked deeply at Hatake Akira, thought for a moment and then stretched out the five fingers of his right hand,”Half and half.””

“What if Kushina-sama, Jiraiya-sama, and Tsunade-sama are added to the mix?”

“Enough Akira, the Sandaime Hokage is now in his prime. It’s too early to consider these things now.” Namikaze Minato frowned slightly, and his words were a bit harsh.

It’s not that Namikaze Minato doesn’t want to talk to Hatake Akira about who will become the Hokage, but Hatake Akira mentioned Uzumaki Kushina in his words. This is the reverse scale of Namikaze Minato, and no one can touch it.

Of course Hatake Akira also knew, but he was playing the Uzumaki Kushina card!

“Teacher, if you cannot become the next Hokage, as the Nine-Tailed Jinchūriki’s master, you will definitely be used as a weapon and thrown on the battlefield!””

Akira Hatake directly enlarged his moves,”I believe you, teacher, don’t want to see Kushina-san in danger, right?”

(End of this chapter)


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