Miss Golden Week's brush was waved continuously on the candle armor. With repeated color changes, the white candle was dyed into a unique mecha color, which was quite pleasing to the eye.


"The next step is your death!"

Mr. 3 rushed out arrogantly, locked his fist in the direction of Jin Yi, and smashed down from above without hesitation.

Just as Jin Yi was about to take action, the system's wake-up call sounded


【Congratulations to the host on the successful birth of her eldest daughter!】

【Gain 50,000 reserve experience points, obtained all at once when meeting your eldest daughter!】

【Gain a +20 increase in all attributes! Significant improvement in basic physical qualities!】

【Get the First Daughter Item Card*1! After opening, you can get high rewards with random attributes!】

"The eldest daughter is really born!"

Such an exciting reminder sound made Jin Yi stunned in place, unable to dodge or fight back.

In Mr. 3's eyes, Jin Yi's stunned performance was like being shocked by his candle championship cup, which made him even more proud.

"Look at me, I'm going to crush you... Champion's Fist!"

The three-shaped hairstyle on Mr.3's head stood up, and it was obvious that he had absolute confidence in the attack.



When the mecha's fist landed half a meter in front of Jin Yi, a strange sound came from the body of the Candle Champion Cup.

"what happened?"

"What's going on?"

The thick solid candles were withdrawn and dissipated layer by layer, as if they were burned by a scorching flame, but there was no heating temperature at all.


A second later, Mr. 3's body landed right in front of Jin Yi, his fist still in the gesture of attacking, but the length could only reach ten centimeters in front of Jin Yi's nose, not reaching him at all.



An awkward atmosphere arose

"Sorry to bother you."

After a moment, Mr. 3 bowed to Jin with a straight face, turned around and walked out.




As he turned and took a step, a shadow flashed before his eyes, and a loud slap hit his face.

Mr. 3 stood up with a nosebleed, and looked forward in horror, but found no one.

He turned around and looked behind him, and Jin Yi was still standing there, smiling and raising his hand to make a"please feel free" gesture.

"It must be an illusion."

Mr. 3 took another step forward.




This time, Mr. 3's face was swollen, and the blood at the corner of his mouth drew an arc.

He didn't even bother to get up, and quickly glanced back and forth.

There was still no figure in front of him. Jin Yi remained in his original position, with a signature smile on his face.

"Who is it!"

"I definitely won’t let you hit me this time!"

Mr. 3 stood up again in panic.

"Candle wall!"

This time he cleverly took a step forward while using his hands to decompose the candle melt, forming a thick wall in front of him at the same time.



"Puff, puff, puff!"

The candle wall not only failed to provide any resistance, but also made the slap even more fierce. It simply spun him in the air and landed at Jin Yi's feet again.

"Huh? Why are you back again? Didn't you want to leave just now? You are such a weird person, hahaha!"

Jin Yi looked down at Mr. 3 who was beaten black and blue.

"Woo, I won’t leave anymore…I won’t leave anymore, I, I give up!"

"Stop hitting me... If you hit me again I'll die.……"

Mr.3chan raised his hand with trembling hands, and used the wax to make a small white flag at the tip of his finger, shaking it left and right twice.


【Congratulations to the host for defeating Mr. 3 of Baroque Works!】

【Gain 150 experience points! 】

After all attributes were improved, Jin Yi was very proud of the changes in basic physical fitness, especially speed.

After successfully defeating Mr. 3, the next step was to add another devil fruit option to his treasure trove!

"Just admit defeat. You should be more careful when choosing your opponent in the future... Three!"

Jin Yi said as he placed his palm on Mr. 3's head.


Mr. 3 had already been beaten to a pulp, and under the influence of the severe pain of the Golden One Fruit being pulled out, he fainted directly, and had no idea what happened next.


Miss Golden Week, who was hiding beside the huge candlestick and preparing to drink tea, was so frightened by the horrific scene that she dropped her teacup to the ground.

A white devil fruit was gradually decomposed from Mr. 3's head, and soon appeared in Jin Yi's palm.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the superhuman melting fruit!】

【Get 1000 experience points as reward!】

【The host can choose to sow the fruit worldwide or recycle it systematically.】

【Warm reminder: After exchanging the Grand Line Global Permanent Pointer, the host currently has 6500 experience points remaining, which is 3500 points short of the 10000 experience points required for sowing. The host also chooses to recycle the devil fruit, or temporarily store the devil fruit in the system warehouse.】


PS: Thank you all for your support. I hope that readers who have read Yin can give some free flowers and evaluation votes. These data are very important to the author during the period of the new book. Thank you all in advance, I am very grateful!

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