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"Captain Kerla hasn't been out for a few days?"

"I don’t know! If I didn’t eat this meal every day, I would have really thought something was wrong!"

"It seems that I haven’t seen Captain Kerla since returning from the operation in the East China Sea?"

"You are right. I heard that there was a small incident during the East China Sea operation. It was said that there was a fire!"

"Is it true? How come I haven't heard of such a thing? Tell me about it! Tell me about it!"

In front of several simple houses, there were about a hundred people from the Ge Ming Army, who used this place as a ready-made Ge Ming Army base.

Kerla was also the captain of the team. After receiving the assignment, he would take his men to different sea areas to perform tasks.

Fortunately, this group of people did not see the fire that night with their own eyes, otherwise the news of Kerla's big belly would have spread long ago.

In the house where Kerla lived, charred and damaged places could be seen everywhere.

During this period of time when pregnant with a fetus in the belly, one often has to face the situation of energy being released indiscriminately.

With Kerla's ability, she could not control the release of energy at all, and could only feel the continuous expansion of her belly!

"Commander, I can no longer participate in this mission."

"Um... I have already told my deputy captain about the remaining supplies."

"Well...don't worry, I'll recover soon."


Kerla remained calm and spoke briefly in the Den Den Mushi, fearing that her tone would arouse suspicion from her superiors.

She had been pretending to be sick for a long time. Judging from the growth rate of the baby in her belly, it might not be long before she would reach the due date.


Keerla let out a long sigh of exhaustion and scanned the bounty notices spread out on the table.

Seeing such news, I believe that every girl who got pregnant and gave birth to a child for no reason can see some clues, as long as her IQ is not too low.

"Eight little daughters……"

"Each one has a bounty of over 100 million.……"

"The news is full of Devil Fruit users……"

"This guy, whom I have never met, actually did such a hateful thing to me!"

Kerla said as she rolled up the newspapers in her hand.

She has been thinking about it for the past two days. The energy surges during pregnancy are getting stronger and stronger. At this rate, she will soon lose control.

During these few days, a plan to escape is slowly brewing.

It's not that Kerla is going to betray the Cabinet Army. She just wants to wait until the child is born, settle accounts with Jin Yi, and continue to work for the Cabinet Army.

Settle accounts with Jin Yi?

I don't know how many women have thought about this kind of thing, but in the end they all ended up going there without returning.


In the middle of the Grand Line, a seemingly inconspicuous pirate ship

"Eight of them are worth over 100 million, and there are still a few more worth 200 million."

Nami flipped the new bounty order back and forth in her hand, and she couldn't believe the facts she saw.

As a daughter, she naturally experienced the powerful strength of her little daughter. However, Jin Yi, who possessed such a force, didn't know how to stay quiet, and declared war on the world government so brazenly!

"It's really a headache. If I had listened to me, it would have been great to stay in the East China Sea."

"Why do you have to go to such a place and meet such a bunch of weirdos?"

Nokigo was full of resentment, holding an orange in his hand, looking at the two little ones who were huddled next to Nami.

Compared to the shock of the two mothers, the eyes of the two little ones kept shining from the moment they saw the photos of their little daughters, and they didn't look worried or scared at all.


"Is this our dad? He looks so cool!"


"There are many young ladies, all of them look very impressive."


"I really want to find them soon!"

"I really want to find them soon!"

Xiongxiong and Xiangxiang looked expectant and shouted beside Nami at the same time.



Nami raised her hand and hit the two little guys on the top of their heads."Screaming so loudly in your mother's ear will scare people to death!"



The two little ones rubbed their heads in pain, and gestured to each other to keep quiet. They continued to get close to Nami, looking at Jin Yi's portrait with a happy face.

Unlike other mothers, although Nojiko and Nami gave birth to two daughters without seeing Jin Yi.

But the birth of their daughters not only saved them, but also defeated the evil dragon and his gang, and saved the entire village.

To a certain extent, these are also the invisible effects of Jin Yi.

Therefore, the two girls did not have too deep resentment towards Jin Yi.

It's just that the days of fighting with powerful enemies at any time and being hunted down by the navy at any time are still difficult for them to imagine.

The daughters want to see their father, such a natural thing, the two girls will not excessively stop it.



The two little ones who were reading the newspaper suddenly moved their noses slightly, and moved closer to Nami, sniffing the air.

"What are you smelling?"

"Are you hungry again?"

""Here, your lunch."

Nojigo held a chicken tui in one hand and a bamboo in the other, and handed them to the two little ones.

The chicken tui was for Nami's daughter Xiangxiang, and the bamboo... was prepared for Xiongxiong.

Other people's children eat all kinds of delicacies, but Nojigo was speechless about his own children.

They put all the food aside and didn't eat it, but only ate bamboo, and ate an unusually large amount!

Fortunately, many kinds of bamboo were collected during the voyage, so there was no need to worry about the daughters' eating problems.

In the past, when they saw food, the two little daughters would run over impatiently to compete for who ate more.

This time, there was no expression, as if they had discovered some shocking secret.

The two little guys ran quickly to the side of the boat, looking in the same direction.

"There are similar ones across the board!"

"There are people of the same kind everywhere!" the little guys shouted at the same time

"The same kind? What kind?"

"Could it be... Jin Yi and his gang?"

Nojigo and Nami were stunned by what they heard, and they had no idea what the two little ones had discovered.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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