Unbelievable things happened before their eyes. The naval soldiers nearby stepped back one after another.


Someone fired a shot in panic, breaking the delicate harmonious atmosphere.





Bullets were fired at Luo Luo continuously.

""Ha... so slow."

Luo Luo yawned repeatedly while standing in place, her small body moving sideways on the ground, dodging the incoming bullets calmly.

Observation Haki!

Also possessing the ability of Observation Haki, facing the simultaneous attack of so many navy soldiers, Luo Luo showed calmness and indifference, which completely destroyed the image of a listless little girl in the flying squirrel's heart. The terrible devil fruit ability user is several times more terrible than Tina who originally possessed the Kankan Fruit... This is the most true evaluation of Luo Luo by the flying squirrel at this time!

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The black iron fence sank into the ground, floating silently on the ground.

"Quickly retreat!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel could no longer maintain his calm attitude, drew out the sword from his waist, and rushed into the crowd.


Continuous noises exploded from everywhere



The flying squirrel reacted quickly and used his sword to cut off the iron bars at the closest distance, saving the two navy soldiers around him.

Even so, the number of iron bars far exceeded the flying squirrel's imagination!

"Uh ah!"

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, help!"

"I can’t… I can’t breathe!"

"It's obviously just a little girl... It's too cute... Ugh!"

While the flying squirrel was reacting, the sword energy swept out horizontally, cutting off the iron fence again and saving a navy soldier.

When the sword energy passed through the first solid iron fence, it completely dissipated before reaching the second one.





Just like Luo Luo's move at the beginning of the battle, the captured navy soldiers all fell to the ground with their heads facing down.


""Everyone retreat!"

The flying squirrel shouted angrily.

As for the task of capturing a naval colonel, which was given to the flying squirrel, he felt that there was no challenge and was unwilling to accept it.

Now he finally understood why a small colonel would be captured by the navy headquarters.

The navy soldiers retreated to the side in fear, and no one dared to get close.

Feeling the aura of the flying squirrel rising again and again, Luo Luo blinked his eyes and forced himself to wake up from his drowsy state.

"Uncle... you should be the strongest among this group of people"

"So as long as I beat you, Lolo can have a good rest with his mom!"


After saying this, Luo Luo disappeared from the flying squirrel's sight before the flying squirrel could make a move.


Alabasta Rainy Area

"Miss·AllSunday, I am sure I am not seeing things!"

"I once met your traitor at a party at Whiskey Mountain."

"She had just passed through the rainy area and was replenishing water in the center of the town. There was a young man wearing sunglasses beside her.

A spy from the Baroque Works stood at the back of the tavern and reported to Robin what he had discovered.

Since Crocodile's mission was released, Robin had been waiting for Vivi and Mr. 3 to arrive near the rainy town.

"Sunglasses... Is the young man you are talking about the man in this photo?"

Robin heard the loophole in the words and put the photo of Mr. 3 in front of the spy. The spy scratched his head and showed a thoughtful expression.

During the investigation, the spy had always focused on Weiwei and never paid attention to what the man next to her looked like.

"It seems to be... but it doesn't seem to be……"

The spy said uncertainly.

Robin frowned slightly, then returned to normal, stood up and said,"Forget it... It doesn't matter who it is, just kill him and bring the woman back."


Robin raised his hand and generously threw a bag of gold coins in front of the agent.

The agent took the bag of gold coins timidly and said repeatedly:"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Robin stood up and went to the tavern. She didn't know that she was on a road of no return...

PS: I would like to say sorry to everyone first. The updates in the past two days have not been very stable, and today there are a lot less. But tomorrow is a three-day holiday. I will write more these days to make up for the previous shortcomings. I hope everyone can continue to support me. Long live understanding.

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