"What happened?"

"Why are all these people coming over here?"

Weiwei pulled up her hood. The more chaotic the scene was, the more uneasy she felt.

Jin Yi calmly pulled Weiwei up and said,"There are not many people on the street at the corner ahead. Let's go that way."

Weiwei nodded and tried to quicken her pace, following Jin Yi away from the chaotic crowd. This was exactly what Robin wanted.

As an agent, Robin's purpose of creating chaos in crowded places was to lure Weiwei, who was worried about seeing people, to a place with fewer people.

Jin Yi, who had guessed Robin's idea a long time ago, chose to help her directly and turned into a less crowded alley.


"Jin Yi, we are still a long way from Albana. Can we not rest for the time being?"

Faced with Jin Yi who admitted to sleeping with her, Wei Wei could have been more arrogant, but she still showed a requesting attitude. With such a gentle personality, it would be the best choice to take her away to be his wife!

"Don't worry, as long as you don't feel tired with your big belly, I won't stop."

Jin Yi said affirmatively


Weiwei touched her belly, as if she remembered the reason for her big belly. She turned her head with a complicated expression and swallowed the rest of her words.

"MissWednesday, I've been waiting for you for a long time, hehe……"

An elegant voice came from the narrow street.

The two stopped and looked at the street at the same time. Weiwei looked panicked, but Jin Yi was very calm.

"who are you?"

"Are you an agent of Baroque Works?"

After hearing the other party call out her code name, Weiwei slowly took off her hood, revealing her big belly.

Robin's face froze for a moment, then he smiled again.

"No wonder he was hiding in Baroque Workshop for so long, but suddenly wanted to escape. It turned out that an"accident" happened."

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the masterpiece of the gentleman next to me, right?"

Robin sat on a raised wine barrel, holding her chin with one hand, and looked at Jin Yi inconspicuously.

Her intuition told her that Weiwei was a girl who was easy to deal with, and the man next to her was the tricky guy.

"Oh, that's right, Miss AllSunday, or should I call you... Nico Robin?"

Jin threw his hat aside and didn't take off his sunglasses in a hurry, still maintaining a calm and mysterious look.

"You guy!"


Robin and Vivi were both shocked and frightened by Jin Yi's words.

Everyone in the Baroque Works knows the code name Miss·AllSunday. She is the direct partner of the president Mr. 0, which is equivalent to the position of vice president! He directly dispatched a vice president-level agent, which shows that Mr. 0 has made up his mind to arrest Vivi this time.

In Robin's heart, in the past two years, except Crocodile, no one has been able to recognize her identity.

Jin Yi's casual words became a heavy hammer in Robin's heart, and also made her want to eliminate her.

"MissWednesday Princess Vivi, I am more curious about... the mysterious gentleman beside you!"

Robin said as he jumped down from the barrel and landed five meters away from the two of them.

In the first half of the Grand Line, the strength and combat level of the ability users were significantly different from those in the second half.

Crocodile alone was enough to control the Kingdom of Alabasta, and Robin's strength could easily make him the second in command of the Works Agency.

"Two-wheeled Flower: Hands Down!"

Robin crossed his hands in front of him, his stern eyes locked on Jin Yi and Wei Wei.

""Uh... what is this!"

Two slender arms inexplicably grew out from Weiwei's shoulders.

After the arms twisted and hung down from her shoulders, they tightly locked Weiwei's arms, making it impossible for her to move normally.

The fruit ability that transcended common sense made Weiwei struggle constantly, and her emotions became extremely tense. She turned her head towards Jin Yi.


A crisp sound came to Weiwei's ears.

The same fruit ability arm grew on Jin Yi's shoulder. It stayed for less than a second before it turned into shattered energy petals and disappeared before her eyes.

"How is this possible!"

Robin's eyes flashed, and his arms crossed in front of him trembled.

Jin Yi took off his sunglasses and threw them aside, completely removing his disguise, and gently placed his hand on Weiwei's shoulder.


With the same clear sound, the restraints on Weiwei disappeared without a trace.

"The superhuman Flower-Flower Fruit is a good choice for the fifth daughter."

Jin Yi did not lower his voice, so that the two women present could hear it clearly!


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