Thousands of people?

Small scene!

If someone else said this in front of Bell, Bell would definitely think that the other person was a lunatic.

But when Jin Yi said this, Bell felt a glimmer of hope.

"Bell... listen to Jin Yi... he will take us back safely."

Weiwei's shaking little hands pulled the corner of Jin Yi's clothes.

When she was most helpless, Jin Yi appeared beside her.

Even though there was an inexplicable baby between the two of them that made her feel uncomfortable, it still couldn't stop Jin Yi from being favored in her heart.

Until now, the person Weiwei trusted the most in her heart, and the person who was most worthy of entrusting everything to... was Jin Yi.


Inside the main hall of Alabasta Palace

"What did you say?"

An elderly but energetic man sitting on the throne stood up angrily and slapped the armrest and said.

Nefertari Cobra!

The current king of the Kingdom of Alabasta and also Vivi's father

""Your Majesty, the guards on the city wall just sent a message saying that Vice Captain Bell and... and Her Royal Highness the Princess were found not far away!"

The king's personal guards said without hiding anything.

"Damn it! This damn Bell!"

"I told him a long time ago that if he found Weiwei, he must not come back."

"Why are you running back now?"

Cobra said as he walked quickly out of the hall.

"Your Majesty! For your safety, please stay in the palace for a while."

Beside Cobra, a tall personal guard knelt on one knee in front of Cobra and persuaded him resolutely.


The animal-type Dog-Dog Fruit·Jackal form ability user! Together with Bell, they are known as the two guardians of Alabasta.

Bell performs external missions, while Gaga is responsible for protecting Cobra's safety.

Seeing Gaga's obstruction, Cobra stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, thinking and said:"Gaga, I know your loyalty, and I know you are thinking about me, but only Vivi... makes me unable to stay here with peace of mind."

Gaga's eyes stagnated, and he did not continue to stop Cobra.

Having followed Cobra for many years, Gaga knew very well what kind of status Vivi held in his heart.

He pulled the long sword and stood up, and rushed to stand in front of Cobra,"Your Majesty, at least please follow behind me, I will take you to the city wall"

"Thank you for your hard work, Gaka. Cobra did not refuse and quickly followed Gaka to the city wall.

Two minutes later, Gaka and Cobra climbed to the highest guard post and kept looking for Bell in the air.

""Didn't they say Bell and Weiwei are back? Where are they?"

Cobra asked the guards anxiously.

The guards looked at each other, sweat on their foreheads, and pointed their fingers at the front of the rebel camp.

"Damn Bell, what the hell is going on!"

"Why give up the ability to fly for no reason?"

Gaka punched the wall and almost couldn't help rushing down to rescue.

Over the years, Gaka and Bell have cooperated in battles for no less than a hundred times, and they know each other's abilities very well.

Under the current circumstances, using the ability to fly to force his way into the skies above the rebels is Bell's best choice.

"Weiwei... Bell……"

"Who is the other man?"

Because they were too far away, Weiwei was held by Kaluya, so she couldn't even see her big belly clearly, let alone Jin Yi's appearance.


Bell landed 200 meters away from the crowd, choosing a relatively long distance to give Jin Yi some time to adjust.

Jin Yi leaned down, pinched the top of Kalu Duck's head, and ordered,"Aren't you the best runner in Alabasta? Now close your eyes and run over there without changing your line, can you do it?""


Kalu Duck looked at the dark figures in the straight line, and his heart suddenly jumped up.

"Do you want to see your master continue to suffer outside?"

"Can't you even do such a small thing?"

Jin Yi said deliberately provocatively.

""Quack! Quack!"

The Karoo duck moved forward with both feet, ready to attack.

"Very good!"

Jin Yi praised with a smile, and stood up to face the team of thousands of people.

"Coming this way!"

"Only one person? Isn't Falcon Bell going to attack?"

"Who is this guy? Is he also a member of the Kingdom Guard? I've never seen him before!"

"Don't worry about it, anyone rushing over here is an enemy!"

The rebel troops were ready to block the three men one by one, and they were ready to stop them.

In front of the team, Kosa walked slowly to the center with a long sword in his hand, glanced at Weiwei on the back of Kalu Duck, and quickly shifted his gaze to Jin Yi.

"What a fearless sacrifice...Everyone is ready to fight!"





As Kosha gave orders, hundreds of guns were aimed at Jin Yi.

The few teams that gave up the air attack even saved the rebels' artillery fire and directly used ground combat guns.


Kalu Duck seized the opportunity and started slightly behind Jin Yi.

Just as Jin Yi ordered, Kalu Duck didn't care what was happening in front of him, closed his eyes and rushed forward.

Bell followed Kalu Duck slowly, ready to support at any time.

Once Bell realized that Jin Yi was unable to stop the rebels, he would immediately take Kalu Duck and Weiwei to escape to the sky.



"do not come!"

"What are you doing?"

Cobra was sweating and shouting at the top of his voice on the wall.


Kosha made up his mind and gave up considering Weiwei's safety. He first stood on the side of the rebels and issued a combat order.




Jin Yi's eyes were fixed, and his unrivaled spiritual power spread out with him as a fan.

"I said... it's just a small scene."

The mental force that swept across the entire venue avoided Bell and Kalu Duck and rushed straight into the ranks of the rebels.

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