"Huh? She's really a little girl, so short!"

"Standing in front of a giraffe, no matter how tall you are, you will look short. But this little girl is really short."

"One year old? Two years old? Could she be a permanent resident on the island?"

Several of the younger brothers looked at each other, and they were particularly interested in Tiantian who was standing there.

"You bastards!"

"What are you still standing there for?"

Bonnie folded her hands in front of her, holding a hot piece of barbecue in her mouth, which looked like it had just been grilled. A true foodie must carry delicious food with him no matter what environment or situation he is facing. Bonnie perfectly interprets the essence of a foodie!


"Boss Bonnie is here, everyone hurry up and work, your lives are more important!"

The younger brothers quickly ran towards the giraffe, threw the bamboo in their hands aside, and instead showed their shining swords. With such a large giraffe in front of them, there was no other way to take it away except to cut it into pieces.

One of the burly younger brothers ran to Tiantian first, deliberately put on a ferocious look, and shouted:"Little devil! We will eat children, get out of the way!"

""Mom said that bad guys... can be beaten up."

Tiantian muttered to herself, her little face full of anger.

Not only did the threat from the sturdy little brother fail to deter him, but Tiantian even walked towards him.

Bonnie was eating barbecue in the distance, her eyes fell on the little guy, she frowned in surprise and said,"Hey! What the hell is going on? Why is there a kid here?" The sturdy little brother turned around and spread his hands helplessly.

"Boss Bonnie! I don't know where it came from.……"



Before the strong man finished speaking, his pink little fist hit his face fiercely.

Not to mention that the other brothers didn't react, even Bonnie, who had been observing Tiantian, only saw a blurry afterimage flash by.

When he reacted the next moment, the strong man was already flying backwards.

"what happened?"

"Did the child hit someone?"

"And he fought so fiercely!"

"Hurry, hurry! Catch this little girl!"

Seeing their friend being knocked away by Tiantian's punch, the other brothers rushed up angrily, not caring whether the other party was a child or not.

"Idiots! Can't you see the problem?"

"Don't go over there yet!"

Bonnie put the barbecue in the instant bag beside her, wanting to stop the rash actions of several people. She knocked down her top warrior with one punch. It was clear that Tiantian didn't use his full strength. As the captain, Bonnie could naturally see the strangeness.

It was a pity that Bonnie's reminder was still a beat late.……


"The bad guys' accomplices are also bad guys and can be beaten up."

When Tiantian landed and stood firm, waves of pink energy rose from her body.

The strange scene fell into the sight of the younger brothers, and everyone realized that something was wrong!

With the speed started, Tiantian did not give the few people a chance to retreat or regret. She stepped lightly on the grass with her little feet and disappeared from the sight of the younger brothers in an instant.


"Where did you go?"

"What a fast speed!"

"This is bad!"

The brothers were all nervous at the same time.


The cold wind whistled and lifted the hair of several people. In the blink of an eye, pink energy waves gathered from all directions.

"Bang, bang, bang!"


Three sharp sounds of stone breaking rang out, and the three brothers didn't even have a chance to shout. As their fists fell, their bodies solidified into stone.

Tiantian was originally aiming at four people, but when she swung her fist for the last time, an arm that reached out in front of her blocked her elbow, deflecting the original trajectory of the attack.

That's why there was a cry of"Help!"


Tiantian stood deftly on a little brother who had turned into a stone statue, looking at Bonnie who had joined the battle.

Because of Tiantian's punch just now, the stone statue's shoulder was obviously dislocated and broken. If you are turned into a stone statue by Tiantian's devil fruit ability, if you are injured in this situation, even if you can recover from the petrified state, you will suffer irreversible damage!

"Bonnie, it's great to see you again. They...they all……"

The surviving brother nervously scanned the surrounding grass.

The few people who were full of energy just now, except for himself, have now turned into cold stone statues, with varying degrees of damage and scars on their bodies!

"Stop yelling and get out of the way!"

Bonnie shook her painful wrist and watched Tiantian's every move not far away cautiously, fearing that she would suddenly attack again.

When Tiantian attacked just now, Bonnie had clearly started one step ahead, but she still managed to save only one person.

Blocking Tiantian's move, Bonnie, who was good at close combat, avoided the position where the pink energy was entrenched and hit Tiantian's elbow, but still numbed her hand. How strong the little girl in front of her who was less than half of her height was, was enough to understand from what she had just done!

"Big sister, that bad guy called you the boss, are you also a bad sister?"

Tiantian scratched her head. With her thinking mode, it was difficult for her to make a judgment for a while.

"Stop it!"

"Why are you still pretending to be a little girl? Show yourself, you old monster!"

With such strong power, Bonnie didn't believe that she was just a child under two years old!


PS: The speed has been really slow these two days, but I am thankful that I finally have a weekend off! The author is deeply introspective and will write more chapters to repent. I hope you will continue to support me! If you are still not satisfied with the additional chapters, I will write more chapters!!! I will write until I vomit blood... (The author who is still writing at 2 am)

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