When the sword was in front of him, Jin Yi crossed his thumb and middle finger and quickly crossed them in front of him.

"hiss hiss……"

After the fingertip seal was formed, it compressed the surrounding air to the limit, forming a black strange cyclone around it. The inexplicable gravity appeared out of thin air the moment the sword passed by.


Kira only felt the direction of the sword in his hand shift, and fell squarely between Jin Yi's fingers.

The nervous mood made Kira not notice that Jin Yi's fingers had changed from ordinary flesh color to black like black iron.

"This guy……"

After sensing the dangerous aura of the other party, Kira suddenly drew back his sword, but was even more horrified to find that the sword was still in Jin Yi's hand.

"The magic modified supreme version of the flower picking finger... looks pretty good"


As the crisp and piercing sound was heard, Kira instantly lost weight and flew backwards.

The sharp sword that had experienced all kinds of battles with him was easily crushed by Jin Yi's bare hands. This shocking sight before his eyes made it difficult for him to describe his feelings.

"not good!"

"Kira, be careful!"

The teammates behind him loudly reminded Kira who was confused.


Kira landed on the deck with one foot and slowly stabilized his body.


When he slowed down and was about to stand up, the light from his head was blocked by a sudden black shadow.

Jin Yi smiled, but it was a pity that Kira couldn't see it at all. He waved his arm, and the vortex compressed cyclone condensed at his fingertips, heavily imprinted on Kira's abdomen.



Kira spat out a mouthful of blood, and his black outfit was shattered by the tearing force.

The wounds from the circular attack on his body made him lose consciousness.


【Congratulations to the host for defeating Kidd Pirates fighter Kira】

【Gain 200 experience points!】

【The opponent's level is up to standard but he doesn't have a devil fruit, so he can't extract it.】

"200 experience points? That doesn't look that good."

Jin clapped his hands and calmly looked at the stunned Kidd and his gang.

"Who is this guy?"

""Boss Kidd, how about we attack together!"

The two fighters who still had some strength left looked at Jin Yi who was approaching with vigilance, their palms sweating.

Kira was the best fighter besides Kidd on the ship, but he was killed instantly by the sloppy man who suddenly jumped out without any warning!

Such a scene happened in the South China Sea, which was unbelievable to everyone.


"You are no match for this beggar."

"Let me take care of this guy!"

Kidd frowned and carefully retracted the dagger.

After seeing Kira being killed instantly, he was able to stop the impulsive behavior of other crew members. Kidd was more rational than Jin Yi imagined.

"I think we should not waste time. I am not interested in taking your lives. I only want your fruit ability!"

Jin Yi's palm was faintly metallic black. Just by pinching it twice, a heavy impact sound could be heard in the air.

It is conceivable how it would feel if such a fist landed on the body!

"I had only heard about it before, but I didn't expect to see it in the South China Sea before I even reached the Grand Line... Domineering!"

Kidd said as he analyzed.


"Boom boom boom……"

"Thump thump thump……"

At the same time, strange sounds were heard from every corner of the ship.

"Get away quickly, the boss is about to activate his fruit power!"

"This time the war actually broke out directly on the ship. What bad luck!"

"If anyone is going to have bad luck, it's that guy who's going to have bad luck. Stop talking nonsense!"

The two fighters ran to the side in a panic, as if they had a psychological shadow in their eyes about Kira's ability.





Kira held his shoulder with one hand and raised his other arm high.

Countless metal objects and swords attracted by the magnetic force quickly attached to Kira's raised arm.

Mechanical giant arm!

One of the application skills of the magnet fruit in combat.

If there were not too few metal products on the ship, Kira could strengthen both arms to carry out powerful auxiliary combat.

"Let's see whether your domineering power is unbreakable, or my mechanical arm can destroy everything! Poor beggar man, hahaha!"

When facing a strong enemy, Kidd's fighting obsession and courage really had some supernova style.

Jin Yi supported his chin on the side, showing a look of deep thought, and said after a long time:"Incredible... If you use this ability to collect waste, you will definitely make a fortune!"

"How dare you play tricks on me!"

Kidd swung his huge arm like a mountain and pounced on Jin Yi.

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