Alabasta Palace, Wall Guard

"You are so unlucky to be on duty here today. I saw with my own eyes how His Royal Highness the Prince Consort killed thousands of people in a split second. It was so awesome!"

"So it's true? I always thought everyone was bragging about His Royal Highness the Prince Consort!"

"Of course it was true, that move... was so cool! I estimate that for at least a week, the rebels will not dare to cause trouble again!"

Two soldiers of the Kingdom Guards on duty at the city wall were discussing Jin Yi's deeds with great relish.

Now Jin Yi has not only become a celebrity in the palace, but his deeds of killing thousands of people in seconds are spreading rapidly in Alabasta. With the speed of word of mouth, in less than two days, Jin Yi will become the most powerful prince consort in the history of Alabasta.

"The rebel army seems to be... coming again!"

"What a joke! Didn’t I just say that they don’t dare to come again? The soldier who had just boasted turned sideways and looked at the sand dunes not far away.

���Shadow is running towards this side quickly. Looking at the dust raised all around, it seems that there are more troops than the ones gathered yesterday!

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

""Alert to all troops, rebels are attacking!"

Two soldiers stood at the highest point of the city wall, loudly reminding their companions who had let down their guard.

Jin Yi's performance made everyone think that in a short period of time, the rebels would not have the courage to ask for trouble again.




A strong explosion sounded on the city wall, and the two guards who were just boasting were swept to the ground by the inexplicable bombing along with several of their companions.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"




Then continuous explosions sounded simultaneously from all parts of the city wall.

If it was an artillery attack from a distance, it should have been detected long ago.

The guards who were bombed not only did not notice anything, they didn't even find the exploding bombs.

The only ones who can do this, in addition to normal weapon attacks, are those with Devil Fruit abilities!

At the lower edge of the city wall a few dozen meters away, a man dressed in guard uniform but with an afro took his sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on calmly.

Mr. 5, the user of the Explosion Fruit!

Mr. 5, who had infiltrated the guard camp early, began his work according to Crocodile's plan after seeing the rebels appear.

He took out the communication Den Den Mushi he carried with him, pressed the voice transmission button, and said coldly:"The guards in the city wall area have been dealt with."


"Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

The side gate slowly opened, and the Alabasta Guards slowly pushed out several cannons.

If you want to prevent the rebels from taking advantage of the situation and reaching the scene, the best attack is a long-range cannon bombardment!

For more than a year, the rebels have been unable to concentrate their strength to attack the city gate, and the cannon team has played an absolute suppressive role.

"One by one!"

"Hurry up and prepare for war!"

"Don't dawdle!"

The commander waved his hands anxiously from the inside of the city gate.

There was nothing more tense than encountering a sudden counterattack from the enemy when the palace was still celebrating.




Just as the four guards pushed a cannon three meters away from the side door, a cannonball came flying at a long distance at high speed, blasting all four soldiers three meters away.

""Team members behind, follow up immediately!"

The commander continued to deploy personnel.

Four more soldiers trembled and ran to the front of the gun, using the huge gun platform to hide their bodies.

"Seems everything is alright?"

"Was that just an accident?"


"Uh ah……"

Another bombing of the bombs once again wiped out the timid soldiers.

"Damn it!"

"Where exactly is it?"

""Who the hell is aiming at this place?"

The commander ran out of the side door in a rage, looking for the enemy on the sand in front of him, but found nothing.

In the sand dunes 30 meters away, Mr. 4, a fat man wearing sand-colored camouflage clothes, held a dog gun and fired another long-range shot at the commander!

"Pop pop pop, the Fire Bomb Team is completely suppressed!"

Mr. 4 used the Den Den Mushi communicator to quickly pass on the situation on his side.


""Arm your troops, line up!"

Ikalem, who had received the news, opened the main city gate and rushed out with his guards.

Looking at the dark mass of rebels two or three kilometers away, Ikalem felt his scalp tingling.

"Why are these guys coming back again? Are they really not afraid of death?"

"There must be something strange. Their leader Kosa is not a brainless guy!"

Bell and Gaka followed Ikalem on the left and right. When an emergency occurred, they came out to check the situation as soon as possible.

""Jaka! Go to Princess Vivi's palace and invite His Royal Highness the Prince Consort!"

Ikarem said urgently.

In order to stabilize the situation, only Jin Yi in Alabasta can do it!


"Before the prince consort comes, if these guys attack, I'll leave it to you."

Before Gaka turned back, he glanced at his old partner Bell.

"Don't worry... Although I can't stop them, at least I can hold them back!"

The energy of the Bell Fruit exploded, and wings slowly appeared on his body. He flapped his wings and flew into the air, flying towards the enemy without hesitation.


Bell flew low, speeding up the flapping of his wings, scanning the rebels as quickly as possible, looking for the core figure Kosa.

For his own safety, he tried to keep a distance of several hundred meters from the rebels.

"No one attacked me?"

"What's going on?"

Bell looked suspiciously at the enemy who ignored him.

In the past, whenever Bell appeared, the rebels would panic and rush to attack Bell, but now no measures were taken.


Just as Bell was wondering, a broad figure leaped up from the ground and easily jumped to a height of three meters.

"This guy is so fast!"

While Bell was not able to react, the man punched him angrily.

Seeing that it was a fist attack, Bell instinctively stretched out his thick wings to resist the opponent's attack.



The blood mist flew away!

When the fist was about to touch Bell's wings, it turned into a sharp blade and cut through Bell's wings.

"" Bang!"

Bell fell heavily to the ground, and the ability of the fruit was canceled.

The scar on his shoulder was so deep that the bone could be seen, and blood was constantly flowing.

The bald opponent landed steadily, touched the blade on his arm that was constantly changing, and said in a deep voice:"Now, there is no way to fly, right?"

Mr. 1, the user of the Quick Slash Fruit, the Blade Man!


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