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"Lieutenant General Taotu!"

Tashiki instinctively took two steps back and quickly distanced herself from Taotu.

Taotu glanced at the panicked Tashiki and became more certain of what she was thinking.

"We are both women, you can't escape my eyes"

"Or do you think... you can defeat me?"

Taotu said with an imposing manner, not ready to let Dashiqi go.

Being interested in unknown things is just her personal hobby.

When her personal hobby conflicts with her own mission, she will not hesitate to restrain her curiosity.

"Lieutenant General Taotu……"

"I know I'm no match for you.……"

"But I have a reason why I absolutely cannot go back!"


Without any hesitation, Tashigi threw away the basket on the side of the sword and pulled out the Shigure sword.

A pregnant woman holding a sword and confronting others would scare anyone who saw such a scene.

Taotu did not draw her sword, but continued to watch the fetus under the protection of the sword.

"Do you think this department can't accommodate your child?"

"I have a good impression of you, and I don't want to arrest you myself"

"If it's just because of this, I personally guarantee that nothing will happen to you."

Taotu is not so heartless as to attack a pregnant woman, and the other party is her subordinate.

After hearing Taotu's words, Dashiqi's hands trembled slightly.

As a subordinate, it is impossible for her to not be touched by her boss's actions. It's a pity that the current situation made it impossible for her to talk to Taotu.

"Sorry, Vice Admiral Taotu……"


"I must leave here alive with my child!"

Dashiqi's eyes were determined, and he rushed towards Taotu quickly, and the sword tip subconsciously avoided attacking the vital parts.

"What an idiotic woman."

Taotu shook her head.


As Dashiqi swung the sword, Taotu dodged the attack nimbly and reached out to Dashiqi's neck.


"So fast... uh……"

Dashiqi felt a black screen before her eyes, and she fell to the ground half-kneeling.

Considering the fetus in her belly, Taotu returned to Dashiqi's back before she fell to the ground, gently supporting her shoulders.

"I have to leave the Navy...……"

Dashiqi's eyes were shrouded, and she tried to stand up in front of Taotu, but she couldn't recover her strength immediately after trying twice.

Taotu's palm became a knife, and she said in a deep voice:"Just be honest."

Hearing such a terrible verdict, Dashiqi felt desperate.

One second... five seconds... ten seconds... the imagined heavy hammer did not hit her hard.

"Uh...what, what happened?"

After a long while, Taotu suddenly spoke painfully behind Dashiqi.


Dashiqi let out a long breath, as if she had just walked back from the gates of hell.

The long-awaited chance to escape was right in front of her!

After Taotu groaned in pain for a second, Dashiqi ignored the pain in her neck, struggled to stand up, and ran to the other end of the alley.

She looked back once, but no one was chasing her!

She looked back a second time, but Taotu was still there!

"What happened to Vice Admiral Taotu?"

"Recurrence of an old injury? Physical illness?"

"Dashiki! Now is not the time to think about these things."

"Thump thump thump……"

Dashiki ran very fast, shaking her head constantly, telling herself not to look back.

If it is just because of this, I personally guarantee that you will be fine...

Taotu's words came to Dashiki's mind at an inappropriate time.

""Damn it!"

Dashiqi rubbed the corners of her eyes, stopped again, turned around and ran back to Taotu.

At the moment when she tried to hit Yun Siqi, Taotu suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, and then the strength in her body seemed to be drained away, making Taotu unable to use even one-fifth of her usual strength.

"Lower abdomen...what's going on?"

"It hurts! Is it poisoned?"

Taotu couldn't find the reason and didn't know how to explain the change in her body.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, are you okay?"

The familiar voice sounded in my ears again.

"What an idiot woman, why don't you run away now?"

Taotu couldn't help but said.

Dashiqi stared at Taotu's belly in amazement, and then seemed to think of something, and kept looking around.

"Is this true? Why is this happening?"

"Just now…did someone come here just now?"

Dashiqi seemed more worried than Taotu who was in pain.

"What a fool you are talking about. How could I not know what someone said?

Taotu stood up with difficulty, and swayed from side to side twice before she could stabilize her body.

She had been sitting there halfway and hadn't noticed anything, but the moment she stood up, Taotu felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on her stomach.

"What is this?"

When she saw the obvious bulge in her belly, Taotu, who was always calm, could no longer remain calm and shouted out loudly.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Taotu just put her hand on it, and the surging air wave blasted out out of her control, directly bounced her palm to the side.


Two drops of cold sweat left Taotu's forehead.

She kept the action of her arm being blown away, and stood there in a daze, unable to think.

The moment she touched it just now, she clearly felt the energy of a living creature!

"Lieutenant General Taotu, I think……"

"I don't think you can return to the headquarters."

Dashiqi stroked her side gently, and from her performance just now, she seemed to have found the correct answer.

Taotu looked at Dashiqi's bulging belly, and then looked at her own similar situation, and a terrible idea popped up in her mind.

"What a joke... What a joke!"

Taotu couldn't accept such a reality at all.

Dashiqi understood Taotu's feelings very well. She picked up Taotu's sword that fell on the ground and handed it to Taotu.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, now I can tell you what I didn't report to the bigwigs in this department."

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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