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"You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"How can I... let Qiqi sleep alone?"

After hearing Jin Yi's words, Weiwei already had a premonition of what was going to happen next.

Even though Weiwei knew that the two of them had already had enough contact to give birth to Qiqi, facing Jin Yi's direct expression, Weiwei still maintained her girlish reserve.

"Can't let the little princess sleep alone, should the kingdom's new prince consort be left alone?"

Jin Yi stepped forward, his hand sliding from his shoulder to Weiwei's waist.

Having just taken a comfortable bath with his daughter, Weiwei's breath was refreshing.

"We, we should at least have a ceremony."

"Now we can temporarily...ah!"

Weiwei wanted to argue a little more, but was directly picked up by Jin Yi who had made up his mind.

She had no intention of resisting Jin Yi in the first place, and he was the father of her child and the hero who saved the kingdom. Weiwei had already fallen in love with him invisibly. She hung her hands on Jin Yi's neck as if powerless, glanced at the door, and said nervously:"Close the door.……"

Such a pure and innocent girl said such words, which invisibly ignited the fire in Jin Yi's heart.

Jin Yi waved his hand without looking back, and the air wave just happened to rush the door shut, and the room became a world for the two of them.


After making some progress on Weiwei's pink bed sheet, Jin Yi no longer hesitated and began his journey of exploration of the children of the desert.

"en ah!"

"What's going on? Jin Yi... I... it hurts!"

"It shouldn't be the first... why is it still... ah!"

Weiwei grabbed Jin Yi's shoulders tightly. As long as Jin Yi moved slightly, Weiwei felt a tearing sensation that was unbearable.

When Qiqi was born, Weiwei had been in a coma and didn't see the process of the devil fruit's re-condensation and birth. It is an indisputable fact that Weiwei is Qiqi's mother, and it is also unquestionable that she has not experienced human affairs. It's just the process of the fruit's reorganization and birth, which no one can imagine.

Jin Yi, who has already started his adventure in the heat of the desert, said whatever Weiwei said.

The scorching sun was high above his head, dispersing the temperature. The man who originally looked high It was out of reach, but was held by Jin Yi himself.

The moment he came into contact with the sun, sweat dripped down his face. In order to dispel the burning flames in his body, he quickened his pace and walked through the desert where no one had ever been.

The faster the pace, the higher the temperature seemed to be, which made Jin Yi think of soaring to the maximum speed.

Soon, heavy rain fell in the desert, completely drenching the dry desert, and all the heat was absorbed at the same time.

In the middle of the night, Weiwei looked at the eye-catching bright red beside her, as if she had realized something, she pinched a corner of Jin Yi's arm and pinched it heavily.

""Ouch! My princess, it's been more than an hour, do you still want it?"

Jin Yi said in pain.

Weiwei crawled in front of Jin Yi, staring at him with a weird expression, and suddenly said without thinking:"You must have lied to me... Sometimes I can't tell whether you are a good person or a bad person."

Generally, girls after the incident have an emotional outburst, and they like to think about very profound questions in their hearts.


"What do you think now?"

Jin Yi pecked Weiwei's pussy lightly, wanting to hear how Weiwei would answer.


Weiwei suddenly leaned over to Jin Yi, slapped him hard with her palm, and looked at him with a determined look.

"Good or bad, it doesn't matter."

"Jin Yi, I want you to remember……"

"Half of this country is yours."

"I am yours too"

"No matter where you go, no matter what you do, it won't change."

The sudden affectionate confession touched Jin Yi very much. Especially the last sentence, Vivi's eyes were red when she said it.

Vivi is a very smart girl. She knows that Alabasta can't keep Jin Yi. Men like Jin Yi value freedom the most.

Jin Yi's identity as a wanted criminal with a bounty is not suitable for him to stay in Alabasta for a long time.

The navy didn't come to the door at this time, but the news had not spread out of Alabasta. Once the news spreads, it will not be a good thing for this country.

"So... do you want to leave with me?"

Jin Yi asked seriously.

He thought that this would be an extremely difficult decision for Weiwei, but he still underestimated a mother's determination.

"Qiqi was born not long ago, how could she lose either of her parents!"

"Jin Yi, I promise I won't cause you any trouble...Take me with you!"

Weiwei looked at Jin Yi with extraordinary infatuation, her eyes were very touching.

Jin Yi pushed Weiwei down with one hand, smiled wickedly and said:"Whether I take you with me or not depends on how you serve me in the next round.……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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