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"Baji, Baji……"

Under the table of Sengoku, a paper-eating sheep was eating a stack of documents in front of it.

If you look closely, you can see a clear portrait of Jin Yi in the mouth of the paper-eating sheep, with the word Alabasta marked on it.

Next to Sengoku was Vice Admiral Garp, who was supposed to be sent out to carry out the mission of hunting down Jin Yi!

"Zhan Guo, we are old friends after all, why are you looking so stern?"

Kapu picked his nose and looked at Zhan Guo carelessly, as if he was feeling guilty.

""Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Zhan Guo's beard flew up in anger. If looks could kill, Garp in front of him would have died countless times.

"Cap, you old bastard, are you kidding me!"

"Your mission is to hunt down Jin Yi, don't you know that?"

"You actually ran after your useless grandson!"

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Sengoku slammed the table fiercely.

Garp had already blocked his ears and completely ignored Sengoku's questioning.

His grandson Luffy was caught by Garp when he first entered the Grand Line. Garp, who was determined to teach Luffy a lesson, chose to take a detour to chase him, which missed the best time to capture Alabasta.

"Don't worry, didn't the little girl Taotu go there?"

"You are still worried about her strength, there will be no problem... But Luffy, this little bastard, really makes me hate him!"

Even though the news of Jin killing Crocodile in anger came out, Garp still had no worries about Taotu's strength, which also reflected Taotu's strength.

"I really don't know when you, old man,……"

"Bru Bru!"

"Bulu Bulu!"

Just when Zhan Guo was furious, the Den Den Mushi on the table rang at an inopportune time.

"Who is this?"

Sengoku slapped Den Den Mushi in anger, without even picking up the receiver, and shouted directly at Garp.

"Warring States Marshal!"

"We are the 17th Army of the headquarters.……"

Den Den Mushi was hesitant.

Sengoku and Garp knew very well that the 17th direct Yu He staff team was currently led by Tao Tu and was on a mission to capture Jin Yi.

"What's the matter? Why did Taotu come to report?"

Zhan Guo said with a keen sense. He immediately noticed something strange.

"Report to Marshal Warring States……"

"Lieutenant General Taotu and Sergeant Dashiqi disappeared in the Spring Queen City. It has been... three days!"

The soldier who reported the incident was very nervous throughout the whole process. It was obvious that he had to work up the courage to report the incident because he could not bear it any longer.

"" What did you say!"

Sengoku jumped from his seat in surprise, staring at the Den Den Mushi in disbelief.

Garp's smile froze on his face, and veins bulged on his forehead. He muttered,"This is bad."


Gaya Island, 300 nautical miles east.

The ship of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Hancock, was moving at high speed towards Gaya Island. Above the heads of the two water snakes, Tiantian stared ahead with bright eyes, looking forward to it.

"Sweetie! How many times does mom have to say this?"

"If you don't eat well, mother will order the ship to stop!"

Hancock ran over and shouted to Tiantian after being notified by the female warriors.

Tiantian has been sitting on the top of the snake since she was five hundred nautical miles away, saying that she wanted to see her father in time at the first sight.

Not to mention that Hancock still has doubts about whether Tiantian has a father. Just saying that Tiantian is sitting high up and motionless, contrary to her usual lively behavior, Hancock can't accept it.

Hearing Hancock's shouting, Tiantian turned around and responded:"Mom, do all children have only one father?"

"Huh? Of course there is only one!"

"" Mom, I'll say it one last time... Come down to eat immediately!"

Hancock was confused by Tiantian's question and shouted in an even more annoyed mood.

Tiantian scratched her head, looked forward, and then looked to the front right, and asked suspiciously:"Why are there so many of the same breath?"


Gaya Island, 300 nautical miles west.

On a shabby pirate ship, all the crew members, except the navigator and the helmsman, were standing in front of the parasol on the deck, holding food and drinks.

"Jerry, turn the boat to the two o'clock direction and keep going!"

""Okay, Boss Sandarou!"

Following Boss Sandarou's instructions, the helmsman quickly turned the bow of the boat.

However, this Boss Sandarou didn't look like a captain at all. He was wearing an apron and standing in front of a little girl, ready to serve snacks to her at any time.

"Luo Luo, is this direction correct?"

Tina, dressed in casual clothes, was enjoying the cool breeze and put the empty cup of drink in her hand aside.


""Mom, we're not going in the wrong direction."

Hearing Tina's question, Lolo rubbed his eyes sleepily, and then closed his eyes again.

Ever since Tina was captured by the navy in her hometown, Tina took Lolo away from her hometown and came to the sea the next day after she regained her ability to move.

Aokiji, who was ordered to continue tracking Tina and her daughter, found nothing on the island. Without any clues, he completely lost the clues.

Relying on Lolo's ability, the mother and daughter successfully hijacked a pirate ship, and according to Lolo's perception, they rushed towards the direction of Jin Yi at a high speed.

After hearing Lolo's answer, Tina made a gesture that it was all right, and said to herself:"Tina wants to see... which bastard man did this to Tina!"

……_FeiLu reminds you: Three things to do when reading���-collect,

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