"Ha ha ha ha!"


"What did this brat just say?"

"Are you kidding me now? You actually think there is a Sky Island!"

"It seems that the parents' IQ is not that high. They actually raised such a brat!"

While the younger brothers mocked, Bellamy stood up and looked at Qiqi with a threatening look.

Sky Island is a special word in Mogu Town. For the dreamers who are looking for Sky Island, they will only be laughed at.

The pirate group headed by Bellamy regards themselves as pirates of the new era, and they are completely disdainful of the pursuit of the old era.


An unparalleled aura suddenly enveloped the entire bar, making everyone present feel cold.


The door of the bar was pushed open, and Weiwei poked her head in, looking around, and finally locked her eyes on Qiqi.

"You ran out when I wasn't paying attention! You're such a jerk!"

Weiwei shouted as she ran to Qiqi.

"Was it just an illusion? Why doesn't this stupid woman look like a strong person?"

Bellamy was sweating on his forehead, and he stood there for a while, not daring to move.

"When is it your turn as an ignorant bastard to talk about your parents' IQ?"

A cold question came from the door of the bar again.

Jin Yi, with Robin, who was pregnant and had difficulty moving, walked slowly into the bar.

"This guy!"

This time, no one else needed to say anything to Bellamy. The source of the overwhelming murderous aura just now was Jin Yi!

"Hey, Captain, I remember what this guy looks like!"

"This guy is the newly emerged pirate force in the Grand Line... God of Killing Jin Yi!"

Sachis recognized Jin Yi's identity at a glance and came to Bellamy to report.

There are strong people emerging in every stage of the Grand Line, and the newcomer whose first bounty exceeds 200 million is definitely the first in history.

"Why bother with your nonsense? I saw it just now!"

Bellamy pushed Sachis aside nervously, and looked at Qiqi and Weiwei who were approaching anxiously.

From what Jin Yi said just now, it was obvious that he was the father with low IQ mentioned by Bellamy.

A drunk idiot who did not recognize Jin Yi's identity staggered over from the side and said,"Why are you so arrogant, bastard? Haven't you heard of our boss, Spring Man Bellamy?"

"He looks like a decent person, but he has two beautiful girls around him. Can you give one to me?"

The drunk said as he reached out and patted Jin Yi's shoulder.

"Hey! Horus!"

Sachis's brows tightened, and he couldn't help but want to step forward to stop his companion from continuing to speak.

"Ice beer is here! Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

The bar owner came in at an inopportune moment and put a box of ice beer on the table.




Before the drunk's hand could reach Jin Yi's shoulder, a sharp sound of bones breaking overwhelmed the shaking sound of the beer bottle.

Before he could catch the scene, the drunk didn't even make a sound, and he turned into a human bomb and disappeared completely.

Bellamy stared at the big hole smashed on the wall, a drop of sweat on his forehead slowly flowed down his cheek

"It’s terrible...I have unknowingly provoked such a plague god!"

"Now it has come to the point where we have to fight.……"

While Bellamy was thinking, he cast his eyes on Kiki and Weiwei.

Bellamy did not dare to challenge Jin Yi's strength. If he captured his daughter and wife, wouldn't they just have to obey his orders?

If he took advantage of this opportunity and successfully killed Jin Yi in Mogu Town, this head worth 240 million would definitely make Bellamy famous.

Before Bellamy could take the initiative, Kiki suddenly raised her little hand, pointed at Bellamy and shouted to Jin Yi:"Dad, he just said I was a brat, and he also said you were an idiot……"

Jin Yi had no intention of getting closer, and said with his hands spread out,"Then you can help dad teach him a lesson."

"Jin Yi!"

"How many times have I told you not to teach children to fight?"

"What if someone gets hurt?"

Weiwei was arguing seriously with Jin Yi, not considering the feelings of Bellamy who was listening attentively.

"You two stupid couples...you actually want my little kid to deal with me?"

"In this case... I will fulfill your stupidity!"

Bellamy glared at Qiqi and Weiwei, angrily attacking a little girl who thought she had no power to fight back.

""Spring Punch!"

The user of the Spring Fruit can freely transform any part of the body into a spring that can be compressed and exploded. As the developer, Bellamy has transformed the process of compression and release into a powerful impact.


"What a weird idiot uncle."

Looking at the new ability user in front of her, Qiqi didn't feel a bit uneasy. She stepped forward with her little feet and protected Weiwei who was squatting on the ground.


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